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About jackp

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  1. jackp

    10" SSD Application Specific SPL Advice Question

    I would also like an answer as spl numbers go. Im running a 10" SSD in a wagon with 800 watts.
  2. jackp

    SSD 10 and daily driver power

    Is 1200 watts to much for the SSD 10?
  3. jackp

    SSD 10 and daily driver power

    ya thats what im goin to have to do.
  4. jackp

    SSD 10 and daily driver power

    ya im an idot I for some reason I had in my mind that 2 subs with the amp I have now would run the 2 drivers at 800 watts but it would be 400 to the both. So I guess an Autotek amp is in store if 2 subs is in the future. So one the subject of the little competetion. What can I figure for dB readings with a ported box at 1.2 cubic feet. And the amp a full 800 watts. also im driving a wagon so this will help get loud. thanks guys
  5. jackp

    SSD 10 and daily driver power

    right now Ive got one 10 and will be getting another. the amp I have now is the audiobaun A8000V. I will keep this amp if it is possible. Im rollin in a Volvo 850 Turbo wagon.
  6. jackp

    SSD 10 and daily driver power

    does anyone have some dB number for SSD's?
  7. jackp

    SSD 10 and daily driver power

    with the single i have now its running on and audiobaun A8000V mono 800 watts bridged at 2 ohms. the problem is if i drive them hard on a road trip for instance it cuts off after about an hour. Could this amp power to drivers? O, one more thing there a speaker competetion at my school later in the year. No one has heard of Fi and id like to blow them out of the water! I heard that 126 Db was the highest last year. I think that 2 SSD 10's will pass that right?
  8. I have a single 10 right now and will be upgrading with a second soon. I would like to know if these subs can handle maybe 900 watts for a daily driver? Dual 2 ohm DVC and box at 2 cubic feet.