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Everything posted by kyle7560

  1. kyle7560

    BL Port Area

    Sorry I did this on my PSP and it said it didn't work thats why I posted it twice. I have no idea how to delete it.
  2. kyle7560

    BL Port Area

    I'm building a 2.5 cu. ft.box for a BL 12 right now and I'm aware of the recommended port area but I was wondering what the downside to more area(42 inches) would be. Thanks.
  3. kyle7560

    BL components

    I'm currently looking at components to go with my 12" BL. I'm going to either go with Rainbow SLC 265s or SLC 265 Kicks. What I was wondering was with my box tuned to 32 Hz would my BL get loud enough up to 80 Hz to be able to have my high pass at 80 for the Kicks? Thanks
  4. kyle7560

    BL components

    Well ya but if I went with the Kicks I couldn't go any deeper than 80 Hz
  5. kyle7560


    well that sounds like not a bad idea thanks for the help
  6. kyle7560


    Well I've finally decided to stop being lazy and put my BL in my truck but I ran into a problem while figuring out the port length. I have a 12" BL and I want to put it in a 2.5^2 ft. box tuned to 32 Hz. To do this with 2 4" aero ports they are gonna have to be about 24" I would just do slotted but since the box has to be slanted down on the top and up on the bottom I'm not sure how that would work. So I'm wondering if i could just use one 4" aero or if there are any other thing I can do to make this work. Thanks
  7. kyle7560


    I could do that but then i would be longer than just going with 2 4s
  8. kyle7560

    Macrom Components

    Hey I'm buying some components and i have a guy trying to sell me a pair that he said were amazing but i've never heard of and can't find anything about. I was looking at a pair of crystals but if anyone knows if these are better ill probably just get them http://www.macrom.it/EN/speakers/m2/m2s.61_377.htm
  9. kyle7560

    Port Size

    there will probably be about 5" from the end of the port to the back of the box
  10. kyle7560

    Port Size

    Hi I just got my 12" BL and I'm starting the box for it. The box will be about 2.6 ft^3 and tuned to 33Hz I was just wondering if a 3" port would work or if i should use a 4" port. I'd like to know if there is any difference in SQ or output with a different diameter port.
  11. kyle7560

    Port Size

    ok thanks. the only thing is i can only do 10" should that be a problem?