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Everything posted by Naledge503

  1. Naledge503

    Q 15's vids

    Common chamber. Heres the build thread... http://www.caraudiojunkyard.com/forum/fish...r-15-fi-qs.html
  2. Naledge503

    Q 15's vids

    I cant remember exactly. I think it was 29"-30". It wasnt wide enough to get the subs to go side by side that way though. You got a Teg or thinking of getting one or something?
  3. Naledge503

    A couple questions about Q15.

    Well. I have had my pair of Q 15's ported in 3 different enclosures. 1. 7.6cuft after disp. tuned to 32Hz. In 89 Range Rover 2. 8.0Cuft after disp. tuned to 30Hz In 89 Range Rover 3. Sealed 5.1 cuft after disp. In 95' Integra 2 dr coupe (hatchback) Out of all 3 boxes the 1 thing that never lacked was the low end. The Q is made for great low end extension. Now being that I had them tuned low, the higher end did roll off low as well. If someone is wanting a high tuning then the Q is not for them. Out of the 3 boxes, the sealed enclosure definitely plays a wider range of frequencies and reaches down lower than even the 30Hz enclosure. Thats just my experience with the Q. I'd like to hear others as well.
  4. Naledge503

    A couple questions about Q15.

    Do 2.6cuft after displacement. Sorry dont know the weight. Yes 1200rms to a Q will be fine.
  5. Naledge503

    Q 15's vids

    lol...Yeah my car is taking a good whoopin. They sound amazing sealed. Night and day difference from being ported in the Range.
  6. Naledge503

    Q 15's vids

    Thanks Johnecon2001 for embedding those. As far as bottoming out, nah they're not. Its pure smooth solid bass.
  7. Naledge503

    Sealed Box - 2 FI Q18s

    Nice man. I just sealed my Q 15's. I had them in a 8cuft enclosure, tuned to 30Hz in an 89' Range Rover. Now I have them in 5.1Cuft sealed enclosure in a 95' Integra Hatch. The SQ difference is very noticeable. I love the way they sound sealed. And judging by ear they are louder in the hatch than in the Range. They definitely came alive sealed.
  8. Naledge503

    2 Q 15's and 4 X 12's

    Thanks for all the responses. Yeah, I know about alot of different amps. I was just in denial and didnt want to give up on the A3000db's. lol. Looks like I'll be selling a pair of A3000db's here soon. I dont post much on here or CA. But I read ALOT. So if Chad says that he doesnt think the X's will be louder, then I'm taking his word..lol.
  9. Naledge503

    2 Q 15's and 4 X 12's

    Right now I have a pair of Q 15's in an 8.0CuFt enclosure, after all displacement. Tuned to 30 Hz. I was thinking about doing 4 X 12's in about 8Cuft enclosure tuned to 32 Hz. Power wise, it would be easier on my electrical. But my question is, would the response be there? Would the X's play sloppy? I'm happy with the Q's but I want a little more output (SPL). And I'm sure like alot of you, I like to change things up. Right now my Q's are powered off a PA A3000db at 1 ohm. The x's would be at 2 ohm. Just to throw this out there..I have 2 PA A3000db's if that helps you with your suggestions. Suggestions please?
  10. Naledge503

    2 Q 15's and 4 X 12's

    Why is it a piece of junk though? I've had it for about 2 years. I've had them at 32Hz as well in a 8.1CuFt enclosure, and I like the 30 Hz tuning better. It plays alot flatter. I did like my 32Hz tuning on my old SD2.5's but not so much on my Q's. I was just wondering what the difference would be in output and response between the 4 X's and the 2 Q's. Also, what amp would you recommend?
  11. Naledge503

    2 Q 15's and 4 X 12's

    I have thought of that as well. I know you know your stuff. Can you give me a reason. I know that this amp is looked down upon but I have read on termpro that someone benched it at 2100rms. I also have seen a birthsheet for the Planet Audio VX2200d, which is the same amp internally, and it is rated at 2253 rms @ 1 ohm on 13.0v.
  12. Naledge503

    UGH Subwoofer lost?

    Good to hear. I'm waiting for my alternator to get back from Iraggi. When I get it back, I'll stop by the computer store and see if you're there. I have a pair of Q 15's. I live about 10 minutes from there.
  13. Naledge503

    UGH Subwoofer lost?

    That sucks man. You live in Portland? Work at the computer store between Stuff and 7-11? Keep checking out Stuff to see if it pops up.
  14. Naledge503

    X series clearance

    Just cause you have that much power doesnt mean you have to use it all. Set the gain accordingly and you will be alright.
  15. Naledge503

    Looking at a pair of Q 10's

    This is what Fi recommends for the 10" Q... "Ported box we recommend using .5-1.2 cubic feet from 28-33Hz tuning with ~15 square inches of vent. " You said, "I am looking for flat response and good SQ with a punch." Well that is what you will get with the Q's. I have a pair of Q 15's and they are the best sounding drivers that I have owned. And play very flat. I had an enclosure tuned to 32Hz and it was a little peaky. I then tuned to 30Hz and could not believe the difference. I dont know if it was my vehicle or what, but the 30 Hz tuning played alot flatter and sounds beautiful. They are very accurate and dont miss a beat.
  16. Naledge503

    Need Help- Fi X

    You can find the specs here... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...=11573&st=0
  17. Naledge503

    Sorry for not being on here this past week...

    Happy anniversary Fi!! Nice incentives an contest. What was the power handling on the X's? I cant remember...Its been so long.
  18. Naledge503

    Few vids of my Q 15's

    Here's a better quality video.
  19. Naledge503

    Few vids of my Q 15's

    Hey guys! Here are a few vids of my Q 15's. The first 2 are vids with my first box which was 7.2 CuFt after all displacement tuned to 32 Hz. That box fell apart cause the guy who built it didnt use any kind of adhesive in the joints...only screws. You can actually hear the rattling from the box...it sounded horrible. The second 2 are with new box which is 8CuFt, tuned to 30hz with 120 SqIn of port. Enjoy! The vids just dont do these justice. This is by far the loudest and best sounding setup I've ever had. If you look in the last vid, and look by the sunroof, you can kinda see better how much the roof flexes. Was shot with a phone so its not the best but you will get an idea.
  20. Naledge503

    Few vids of my Q 15's

    Thanks. It is pretty loud. But it sounds Amazing.
  21. Naledge503

    4 18" BTL Build

    I was watching this over on ecoustics. Great Job man!
  22. Naledge503

    NOPI Nationals Pics are up

    lol...Phil is Bam's dad. His uncle is Don Vito.
  23. Naledge503

    8 gauge wire into push terminals?

    Sorry to jack the thread but...what if the run is 5ft? I am in this situation.
  24. Naledge503

    spl world record

    Actually its the exact opposite. The lower the freq, the harder it is to be loud at that freq. Thats why spl guys burp at high freq's. If somebody could hit like a 160db at 30hz, that would just be ridiculous, and probably almost impossible. Alan's set up is definitely not made to be musical....Pure SPL. The mythbusters guys did 160 at 16Hz with that huge homemade woofer. I know its not the same. Just thought I would throw it out there though. B)
  25. mazda.. n my feelings went hurt.. just the fact he was makion fun of some of the best manufatures shows he knows nothin and wants to be an e-thug link to smack talking?