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Everything posted by sostl

  1. sostl

    SSF filter

    Where should i set my ssf filter to on my saz-1500d? Using it to push a AQ hdc in a 3.5 cube box tuned to 38.
  2. sostl

    SSF filter

    so start wit the ssf at 20( all the way to the left)?
  3. sostl

    AQ HDc3 comments

    anyone know how the c performs wit 1k? know they can take alot more than that but just wanted to see how it performs on its recommended rms?
  4. sostl

    A little more info on the new Mags

    any info on price?
  5. im lookin at these models: ddx7019 ddx8019 kvt-719 kvt-819 Was wondering if anyone has any experience with any of those units?
  6. Another question, can you play movies off the usb port or is it just dvds
  7. got ya one more thing can you be able to watch a movie and listen to music at the same time? not like headrest tvs but on the unit itself.
  8. why do you need higher than 5v preout?
  9. thanks again for all your help. last question, what are the things you dont like about the unit?
  10. thanks for the help. What do you mean by the way it sorts the files is weird? how is the screen clarity? is it possible to turn the screen off while still playin audio? How much was the navi?
  11. basically how you like it, pros and cons? how is the usb input? How are the features on it?
  12. sostl

    new mag

    Are there any new news on when the new mags will became available?
  13. Are there any in dash dvd units that have a usb adapter to hook up a flash drive or hard drive?
  14. sostl

    new mag

    where would the mag party be?
  15. sostl

    How loud?

    Im just tryin to see how loud decibels are from 120, 130,140, and 150. I think a while ago someone told me that 130db's was like gettin hit in the chest and its very hard to breathe at 150. Is this true? Can someone give me examples of each range of decibels.
  16. sostl

    How loud?

    thats what i was lookin 4, thanks
  17. sostl

    How loud?

    thanks for the replies... but that was a lil deeper than i was expectin. Really i think a better question would have been how does it feel? like at what dbs does it take to make it hard to hear the person sittin next to you n the car? Hard to breathe?
  18. Just tryin to see how close the two are. the Mag will be n a 03 chevy impala in a 2 cubic box tuned to 32 runnin off a sundown 1500d the rf punch hx2's are in a 02 chevy impala in a 3 cubic sealed box runnin off a rf 1501bd Just see if the mag can get as low and loud as the Hx2's?
  19. sostl

    1 12" SI Mag vs 3 12" RF Hx2's

    no i was questioning what Electrodynamic said. He said 2 bm's ported or could go with 1 mag ported and all i was askin was were 2 bm's equal to 1 mag As stated, your question is highly flawed. Electro never said that one Mag would be louder, he never said 2 BM's would be louder, he never said one Mag would have a nicer response, he never said that 2 BM's would have a flatter response. It really makes no sense to ask these A vs. B questions. Describe your need and what you are looking for and you will get help, otherwise you are going to have a bunch of useless information guiding your buying decisions. i didnt say he said that either. he said 2 bm's will b killer OR 1 mag ported, so i asked were they equal since he said that. No my mind has been made up, i gettin a mag. I want a single 12 setup. i was just askin these questions just to see how it would compare to setups that my friends have. i know its intall depedent just wanted to get some feedback from people that have had or heard the mag
  20. sostl

    1 12" SI Mag vs 3 12" RF Hx2's

    no i was questioning what Electrodynamic said. He said 2 bm's ported or could go with 1 mag ported and all i was askin was were 2 bm's equal to 1 mag