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Everything posted by emperorjj1

  1. emperorjj1

    Adire Brahma 12 vs RE Audio XXX 12 vs FI Audio Q 12

    See if you can get a hold of the old XXX's damn
  2. emperorjj1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    not sure if the specs will "allow" it.
  3. emperorjj1

    So i got my woofers now what?

    lol funny thing is the shop sells as much if not more T-lines for 12s then ported boxes. OH and my dumbass just realized i have the option of wiring the sub for 2kw... probably will only do 1kw.
  4. emperorjj1

    Impossible for a 10 to hit the lows

    yup i hope the new ones arent much different... the shop has 96 on order
  5. emperorjj1

    How strong is the Nightshade Cone?

    Badass... we did the same thing with the RE MT cone.... then i (skinny dude) tried it on a RF P1 cone. folded pretty easy, then i jumped pretty hard and coil fell to the floor
  6. emperorjj1

    Impossible for a 10 to hit the lows

    lol i hear re 8s get low all the time
  7. emperorjj1

    RE SR subs question

    tune low and give it a big box
  8. emperorjj1

    Adire Brahma 12 vs RE Audio XXX 12 vs FI Audio Q 12

    Your talking about the new 06+ giagantor XXX right? because it sounds like the other peeps in the thread thought u ment the old xbl2 XXX (which i have and i love it)
  9. emperorjj1

    Hey Scott, are you alive?

    recone for what james?
  10. blah i never liked much about the mtx 9500
  11. emperorjj1

    SSA member account upgrades

    cool... dont think ill need/use most of those but its bomb... thanks
  12. emperorjj1

    The sound deadener Poll

    damn nasty mess
  13. emperorjj1

    exterminator amps

    whats the THD on these amps? real world?
  14. emperorjj1

    Looking for parts

    thanks scott... replied tonight. And if you were feeling sick i feel you man i didnt go to work today for the same reason. Get better and hopefully i will do the same
  15. emperorjj1

    Looking for parts

    Looking for a few parts... tinsil lead, 2 15" gaskets, 4 sub terminals(with screws on the side). Any chance i could get them from fi?
  16. emperorjj1

    It's on NOW...

  17. emperorjj1

    using 2 sets of comps in front?

    hmm so do you think id be better off leaving the tweets high in the door or as part of my pod once i get it made? Right now i like the sound where they are but i def need inprovement on my setup
  18. emperorjj1

    using 2 sets of comps in front?

    what about those whole upstage tweets? Just wondering because i currently have the tweets high on the door and when i finaly get pods made i wanted to get tweets in them as well. Im not sure how much if ill even like the tweets on the bottom but theres only one way to find out and i can always disconnect them. lol ill stop rambling but i was just wondering because quite a few companies sell the "upstage" kits
  19. emperorjj1

    Looking for parts

    sry for the delay sent the e-mail a few weeks back.
  20. emperorjj1

    SSA welcomes Second Skin Audio

    hell ya SSA on SSA is the chit... lol but seriously second skin is awesome
  21. emperorjj1

    Megalo Finally Finished Build(for now atleast)

    just wondering why no mdf? why the hate?
  22. emperorjj1

    Port and woofer placement

    If your woofers are pointing inside the cabin instead of the back your going to want to eliminate sound going backwards (causing cancellations)
  23. emperorjj1


    damn sweet
  24. emperorjj1

    speaker wire (gauge) size??

    lol using 8g as speaker wire is fun... especially when ur wiring in parallel
  25. emperorjj1

    RE XXX components

    not sure what u should do... XXX have plenty of midbass but thats all they really excelled in. and i myself havent really be satisfied with the midbass from any cdt speakers (except the m6+ or 06+ but they dont do well midrange wise) except the es 07s are boarderline. I like plenty of midbass so im going to run a seperate midbass driver. Its really one of the only ways unless your willing to compromise the midrange