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Everything posted by Scarface

  1. Scarface

    Sacred's upcoming Bronco Build

    Oh ok... Rear ended? If so it's Automatically his fault any judge that know the would know that. If you was reported fine at the scene of the accident you can't go & change it later
  2. Scarface

    Sacred's upcoming Bronco Build

    Old post Boooooooo!!! DAFUQ was it doing on my new content list?
  3. Scarface

    B-Stock Ready to ship!

    Besides the differences listed above can you really tell the difference in sound quality for vibration dampening between pro & b-stock pro?
  4. Scarface

    Sacred's upcoming Bronco Build

    YES FINALLY ANOTHER BRONCO BUILD THAT I CAN LIVE ON THROUGH SINCE MINES IS SLOWLY GOING BACKWARDS!! Center console is kind of weird idea. No room for expansion when ever you go bigger. Also look into a 50' roll of ofc sky high car audio 2/0. For when you rewire in the future. Huge azz wire & you can get 3-4 full runs front to back out that 1 roll in a bronco, with enough to make grounds. Go big or go home. lol Tuned in for this wall build... More pics!
  5. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    Forgot to post this LIL update... http://instagram.com/p/mYgKT2NxBh/
  6. Scarface

    New ride

    C pillar wall!!
  7. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    changed my signature…. build just got even slower after the break in at the shop where my truck was getting work done. good news is i got the trans case & had it rebuilt follower my IG for more up to date car audio info, dj ish, & ish i find funny: @DJ_Scarface
  8. Scarface

    IAK Slamology roll call 2014

    sup bro…
  9. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    never dead just ghosting
  10. Scarface

    IAK Slamology roll call 2014

    ill be around a lil more now that i got free time. gotta watch for deals on amps, batteries, & wire.
  11. Scarface

    IAK Slamology roll call 2014

    may or may not be driving
  12. Scarface

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

  13. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    update if money keep flowing i MIGHT make slam & a busted paint job or catch a ride there. brought mids/high just to find out i need a transfer case…. mids/high: http://instagram.com/p/lkv8FQNxMo/ next subject, any help from the michigan people here HELP need a Transfer case: borg warner 1356 transfer case that connects to a 93' FORD Bronco E40D automatic Transmission. 13-56-039-908
  14. Scarface

    2013 IA 80.1 & 40.1 Photos

    more pics
  15. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    whelp no pics on here... some bout url not accepted MEET THE TWINS... http://instagram.com/p/b4eqIBtxEb/ http://instagram.com/p/b4eudyNxEn/ KISS MY SHINY METAL AZZ http://instagram.com/p/b4ezLLNxE3/ http://instagram.com/p/b4e22VNxE_/ ALL GOLD EVERYTHING http://instagram.com/p/b4e5_qtxFG/ now i just need & 90-100% running truck...
  16. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    I'm still live & still working backwards... been working hella hard. Djing & installing club sound systems. truck still not running 100% THE GOOD NEWS: I got my subs last month! working on pics now...
  17. Scarface

    Polo Shirts

    im in if they come in a 4-5x
  18. Scarface

    Sundown : New Amps 2013

    50.4 NEWS?
  19. Scarface

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

  20. Scarface

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

  21. Scarface

    drunken IAK thread?.....lol

  22. Scarface


    I NEED MORE shizzzon EDITS!
  23. Scarface

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    i wanted my bronco that color paint on my truck....
  24. Scarface

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Yea I been mia... Now you just need Lamborghini doors.
  25. Scarface

    IAK Slamology roll call

    I'll might be there in my new j's... No system worth showing off.