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Everything posted by Scarface

  1. Scarface

    Slamology 2011

    teamramrod with titties... Look one nipple bigger then the other. Biggie small!! lol Friday of slamology
  2. cant really say because i havent heard a solo btl play out... but it the 15" zcon is any thing like the 18" it will be LOUD. i say that cause me & ramrod had one 18" flexin the astro!!
  3. Yup icon in the blue truck... Find his build log I think his meter numbers from slamology.
  4. Scarface

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    teamramrod with titties... Look one nipple bigger then the other. Biggie small!! lol Friday b4 slamology
  5. The red van is teamramrod's astro with the two 18" zcons The blue truck is jay-c76 ford with the two 15" icons(sq version)
  6. Thats teamramrod's video but got to his page & watch damn near all his latest vids... then here is my youtube vids... More coming I'm still up loading video from slam.
  7. Wanna see zcon just look for all the videos/demos me & teamramrod got/gave at slam...
  8. Scarface

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Cut the regulator & module out.... Run str8 raw power!! lol
  9. Scarface

    Slamology 2011

    Guess I should start up loading pics/vids from my other camera too...
  10. Scarface

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Fluck them then get 2-3 DC Alts & start sending them pics... Hummm wonder if that alt will fit my bronco??
  11. Scarface

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    correct LOL That's doing good seeing a the subs just got reconed 4-5 hours before the comps & demos started... Pounding the sh*t outta them for demo & videos plus winning first in every thing for day one...
  12. Scarface

    sundown lincoln

    Ok made the neo 8's fit behind the panel... Wonder if I can pull that off?
  13. Scarface

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Truck is sick...
  14. Scarface

    Slamology 2011

    4 hour recone doing work! Here is one video to help yall find my YouTube: 1DjScarface
  15. Scarface

    Slamology 2011

    Ahhh home sweet home(no homo)... Back from slamology with video & photos for days! Nice meeting most of yall & getting demos... Wonder if I should use this IAK sticker I found. Hummmmm?
  16. Scarface

    SSA Merchandise New Pictures :)

    They are nice, you should get 1! 4x-5x??
  17. Scarface

    SSA Merchandise New Pictures :)

    Hummm dickies shirt...
  18. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    Thanks homie... Yea work that with the parents! put it to them like this "I'll be safe with friends & you get 2-3 day without me..." <~ that how I got to Miami my first 2 times. lol
  19. Scarface

    93' Ford Bronco Rebuild

    the smallest of up dates... small step forward is better then no steps. foud all the parts i need to fix the front end looks wise. got me some cleaners & paint: before: after: I got the front fender from the junk yard & it was a b*tch to get off but me n Teamramrod got it. Im gone get pics, clean/wash it, & paint it flat black like the trim piece (above) when it get cooler here, cant be painting in 95+ weather with no shade or garage. The cleaner I got was to clean the junk yard headlight to like new. Im gone use the stocks for now because im use the money for the halo projecters to go to SLAMOLOGY with the astro van i help build. Plus im still trying to make up my mind or find a way to halos & HID's work together on my truck... I also found a door just want to have extra extra funds before I go get it, olny down side to the door will be changing over all my electric to the new manual door(wonder how hard that is or should i let a shop reskin the stock one) The since I clean mine, I had to clean my moms headlights to cause she leting me drive her truck while working mine... Before: After:
  20. Scarface

    one ZCON coil vs STETSOM 5k

    hahaha FARVA!!!
  21. Scarface

    Slamology 2011

    got the pu**y waggon sticker coming too?
  22. Scarface

    2 18" Xcon - SAZ-2500D New box + other goodies

    Where that video?
  23. Scarface

    Chevy 2500HD Door build

    I want to see what's left of the car that hit it. x2 YES ford... Can I ask what was powering the door before the crash... (don't know it I missed it)
  24. Scarface

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    Not a ford but I like where this is going...
  25. Scarface

    MICHIGAN Meets
