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Everything posted by ChrisAnglin

  1. ChrisAnglin

    Dayton HF 15" IB install?

    I also say If you don't have the mula, then go with the the DAYTONS, but if you do have the money, You should look at the Fi Audio BL's you can have them Tailored to handle an IB3 setup, and you can also have a High roll surround instead of the old regular fatty.
  2. ChrisAnglin

    box build for dual sa-10's

    But what kind of BOX BUILD do you need.
  3. ChrisAnglin

    box build for dual sa-10's

    ..... THESE FELLAS cant take it serious at first. you have to prove yourself with some pics of your car, your trunk, your AMPS, SUBS, WIRE, SOMETHING that sais:...."I'm NOT just a random user with no plans or hopes of really doing anything with my car...Cuz i dont have one,OR any money, BUT BOY i do wish I did"! NOT SAYING YOUR A FAKE, YOU MAY HAVE (4) 10's for all I know, AND 20K watts, PLZ dont say u do, but. some pics of your setup so far would be the next best post.
  4. ChrisAnglin

    Triple 18" Atomic Wall

    I saw this one on the tube, It looks like a very dense, no games wall. Atomic APX 18's ? those are the only sub that reminds me of a another brand, And thats Incriminator Audio. THAT would be because they are BEAST MODE like the IA's.
  5. ChrisAnglin

    4 SA-15/SAZ3500d Walled GMC Sierra

    VERY clean lookin box, Looks like a great build, Those subs are gonna smash.
  6. ChrisAnglin

    Quick build of box for SA-8 in center console

    Looks pretty sweet. Those SA series get very low!
  7. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    ANYWAYS, im done with that old mess of a box. ITS LOUD AND LOW, so the box and port size are good, but I want aT-LINE! THATS what I want. I mean I have the 4th order plans, but Im not ready for that yet. I KNOW THAT A T LINE WILL SLAM SLAM SLAM, and im willing to build that, its gotta be WAY better than my current box, as it will be planned out, and hopefully I will have some help with it from my dad. I'm 19, and i have a lot to learn, and it sucks to know it, but I gotta have help with this project. ALOT of help! THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT OF WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  8. ChrisAnglin

    Is A Wall In My Car A Good Idea?

    Im just gonna say: (2) 15's walled looks siiiick!!! DONT LISTEN TO FOLKS WHO SAY ITS NOT enough. If anyone remembers Hexibass videos with peter the amazingly efficient box designer for many a folk. he has (2) Ascendant avalanche 15"s walled and its SOO boss! hits hella loud and clean as well. Hifonics XX Colossus amplifier.
  9. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zApJj6BDzMk This should be proof that this box is slamming VERY good lows! LIKE REALLY LOW!!!
  10. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us This is the current and most accurate specs on the box.
  11. Good question! I use a Shuriken BT-80 good for 1800 rms I paid $190.00 New. I slamm my subs full tilt on Crescendo 2K @ 1ohm with car off, And it handles that very well! It always starts up, and charges well. I DO recommend the 16V batteries. Iv only heard that they're just as good as Kinetic.
  12. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

  13. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    I'm NOT happy HAPPY with it, but this is hopefully proof in my thread that I have builta loud, lows slamming box for my 10's... EVEN though I paid for a design from you for A 4th order, I didnt have the tools or the money to get it built, I did kinda stress money and tools as an issue when I asked for the design, but it turned out so sick! I did NOT wan to try and build it wihtout the right tools. AND I REALLy wanted to build a box that smashes lows and this box does just that. I hope people can see past the fear of excepting a different aproach..that being said Its my 1st box and it could have been better, but this thing hits HARD! I almost cant ask for more from these subs. unless i buy more subs, OR build that 4th order. That would have to be done by a pro box builder, someone who will do it for $150.00 and then ship it to me for cost of shipping! I dont want to look like a deauch but i gotta start somewhere. I'm one of those Bassheads who cant wait. HOWEVER!! FOR THE RECORD THIS BOX SLAMS LOWS!
  14. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    This is whats goin on with the box currently! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us ADDED BRACING and sealed off port and any /all air-leaks. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Its quite a sexy box. Uploaded with ImageShack.us And quite sexy subs!
  15. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

  16. ChrisAnglin

    Dayton HF 15" IB install?

    Hey so your are gonna seal off the trunk and Use two cheap woofers? I would not recomend using Dayton HF drivers. I would say that Fi Audio has an IB3 Woofer used in IB setups. I guess I'm saying you should think about getting a High output sub-woofer for use in a Car setup. Unless they dont need alot of power or excursion to make good Sound. Im assuming you want high output?
  17. ChrisAnglin

    The not so easy Custom box

    I have 2 SA-10's in 4cubes of box with 2.1 cubes of port, that would be sick for 2 15's as well. tune them to 28 HZ
  18. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    That.... That made my day! Ya its moving a BUT load of air, I need ductape for the port to be optimal but its going down tommarow. Im making vids! lol And after im done I'll do This: to the haters! lol
  19. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    The tuning is 30.1 HZ with the port in the box, Its now braced, and with more screws and epoxy and wood glue, and Port is braced. IT SLAMS NOW HARDER THAN ANYTHING IVE EXPERIENCED, Ill have a video for PROOOOF!!!! tommarow. You guys love to hate!! WOOOW! Im high from having loud bass so. Ill post later!
  20. ChrisAnglin

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

  21. WHERE IS MY SPL COMP, IM IN OREGON WITH (2) SA-10's on A crescendo 2K with 7 Cubic feet of box, and I need to get into some comps. Im tuned low for daily, and SPL. WHERES MY OREGON COMPETITIONS!!!!!!!! ANYONE WITH INFO ON SPL COMPS IN OREGON LET THE WORLD KNOW!!!
  22. ChrisAnglin

    (2) Sundown SA-10D4's and Crescendo BC2000D

  23. Okay SSA Forums, I NEED HELP FROM SMART MINDS! I Ordered (2) SA-10's and a Crescendo BC2000D also a Shuriken 1800w Deep Cycle And some Kicker 0 AWG. I have Rockford Gold plated RCA's, Rockford 8G wire for speakers, And I NEED A DESIGN FOR A 1/4 WAVE T-line for an SQ Build. Or a folded horn Design @ 27Hz , Im Ordering (8) Selenium 6" Mids, And (8) Selenium Super tweeters, I want to know what's a good 250w Crossover For 150HZ-8,000Hz, And then 3000Hz And up for the tweets, Im also Getting Into the MECA SQ Comps if I can, Ill be switching it up and tuning, and seeing the best of the best I hope, maybe a home made Class D Full range 4 channel amp. I NEED HELP WITH A T-LINE DESIGN FOR two SA-10's
  24. Oh for sure Thats cool! THANKS GUYS FOR SHOWING ME THAT! I guess my only other issue is that I'm in Eugene OR and I'm in the middle of a lame spot. I'll be needing To hit up all the local Competitions. I cant go all the way to Portland for a comp quit Yet, but I will be going all over the West side and banging comps. I may have alot to learn but I really want to learn it. I don't just want to be another of the 3 BILLION people in SPL comps, I want to stand out as someone who rolls the streets with LOUD and CLEAR VOCALS with DEEP LOWS SHAKING BABIES!