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Everything posted by Grim

  1. Grim

    Fi BL 18in

    Where to start... I am completely Satisfied with every aspect of my purchase. From the Customer Service to the Product...simply amazing. I installed it in a 6^f Box Tuned to 32hz Lets start off with some pics I have a Shoe Size 15-16 I am the kind of person who changes there mind on the fly. I went through many different subs, and box designs before deciding on FI...however, once I read a little bit about them, i was hooked and ordered as soon as my check came in... I was so excited, I build the box in my house(its 0 out side) cause I didnt wanna be in the garage, and I took a half day on wed to meet the UPS guy and on Friday to Finish the install and test it out... I ran to the door when i heard the truck and was waiting on the porch steps when he walked up. He didnt look happy and as he shoved the box in my hand I saw why...that mother fudgeer was heavy... I opened it and instantly a smile arose on my face...i couldnt stop smiling at the awesomeness of this subwoofer... So...after what seemed like forever, I installed it into its new home.. I set the gains and burned a CD and well....i was impressed to say the least... This video is at 1/3 Volume and 1/2 The Full Gain Settings... The Good Everything.. Scott is amazing. I have never met someone as helpful as him. He has been there for me every step of the way and went out of his way to help me out. The Sub hits so hard on only 1000w its is ridiculous..as you can see in the video It hits loud and it hits low On top of all that, I have never heard a 18in perform so well with the Sound Quality..Most are sloppy..this is not. The bad.... Yes there is a downside to FI audio belive it or not.. Check it out for yourself... 18in BL at only 1000w.... I love it. I would reccomend this to anyone looking for deep bass with good sound quality. I will def buy again(and plan to in the near future)
  2. I belive there all that way as my 18 BL's were the same Looks great
  3. Grim

    Looking to put 2 12s under the eat of my crew cab

    If you do this please post pictures, I have been wanting to do this with the new Silverado sooo bad
  4. Ahhh i see, good choice on that one lol. I just hadnt seem them run yet and thought maybe there was still work to be done before you ran the bass.. I have to say this setup is amazing. I thought that from the beginning but now...i dont even know what to say, its just beautiful work. I really like to see people do what you do to keep it clean. I thought i was the only one who was that anal about my wiring jobs.
  5. Steve, whats keeping the subs from working in that video, like what do you have left before you let those wang?
  6. Grim

    15" Fi BTL Recone

    May also want to reconsider 3800W of "Dirty" power on it daily....
  7. Grim

    Alpine PDX 1.600 or 1.1000 for Fi Q 10"

    I would personally go with 1000w. HOnestly i love alpine, i use them now, however, i would stay away from the newer verison.....iv seen alot of problems espeically with heat issues in the newer ones...
  8. Grim

    How to contact Fi about custom sub

    No one has a number because..There isnt one..i mean im sure there is a phone line setup to the shop, but its not for us to use.
  9. Grim

    Shirts??? Stickers???

    FINALLY!! lol how soon cause im about to order my cold wether gear before i head back to NY in December...
  10. Grim

    Showing off your Fi Subs

    yeah been busy, im actually in North Georgia/Tennesee right now. Ill be back in NY right before christmas for good. Might be moving back twords olean as well..
  11. Grim

    Showing off your Fi Subs

    We did a thread similar to this...so im going to copy some of the stories over... Most of the other stories were about dumb installers, so i just posted the FI stories... I do have one more... I was showing off to my wife, shortly after i got my BL in the jeep. I had taken the day off to install it(hey thats whats nice about Vacation Time) Anyways I pick her up, and we take a trip around the block. I turn it down and she says your mirror is going to come off again. My Type AHHHRRRRS knocked it off... I looked at her as i turned it back up, and said no way that glue is super strong. As i was saying it would never break off, the mirror fell. We were both right. The glue held, and my mirror fell...
  12. Iv followed alot of your builds.....you sir..are amazing.
  13. Grim

    I need vids!!

    Please Send me your Videos of your Fi Subs. Any and everyone you have. Please tell me the Specs of the system. Sub, Amp and Box... Thanks guys...
  14. Grim

    I need vids!!

    Forgot about this thread.... I suppose I should post some of my own videos huh...
  15. Grim

    BIG thanks to Scott and Nick!!!

    Awww man I was hoping youd drop it in a Humvee lol
  16. Grim

    Congrats to tejcurrent...

    Only problem with that is finding a decent amp that'll give the q fair power for a reasonable price. HT amps are crazy expensive at any dealer around here. Then I still have to find a good source unit and speakers. Honestly either one will be similarly priced in the end. The house has hardwood w/ a red/blue oriental rug in the living room, so slightly darker woods would look very nice. Maybe a mahogany? Either way, the killer has been the amp issue. Go with a 18in BL or Q and use a crown Amp
  17. Grim

    Congrats to tejcurrent...

    I dont know, the HT setup with the coffee table sounds sick...
  18. Grim

    Congrats to tejcurrent...

    WHAT THE fudge. This is pucking bullchit. He doesnt deserve chit. You know im just kidding, as everyone said, this is well deserved. Hes definitely helped me out ALOT with my current and possible future setups... Good job!
  19. Grim

    Fi Shirts

    I had something like this set up before. However, when i talked to scott, he said it was fine as long as we didnt do it for profit. Might want to consider that... My offer still stands guys...buy your own shirt, it would just be a group order so we could all save money...
  20. Grim

    Scrapin' the Coast '07

    Yeah that was garage tease that brought them... garagetease.com
  21. Grim

    Scrapin' the Coast '07

    I wont be there this year as I have no truck to scrape with... Have you ever been? It is pucking amazing... The girls put on a nice show during the afterhours chit as well..As long as Scandlous Inc or Garage Tease show up...
  22. Grim

    Military Discount?

    Hey Its a valid question...
  23. Grim

    I need vids!!

    I have forgotten...what is it im doing? Sorry I have the memory span of a 2 month old baby...And no im not joking... I Have plans for 1 10in BL in the Jeep(going away for 6 months and I need the cargo area, but dont worry the 18 will be replaced with a BTL when i get back) And then I will be doing 2 10in BL's(??) in a Ext Cab Truck in march... I think ill have a few more vids up soon of my self. So keep up the good work guys...
  24. Grim

    Term Lab Question

    Ok So box build is going nicely so far. Im working 16 hour days cause well im greedy and i soak up whatever over time is avalible..So iv slowed down a little bit... I hit a 140.4 with a sine wave... I then hit a 139.9 with music... Is this just because I didnt burp it? It seems as though the Sine wave and the Music are way to close.. Im just curious is all and would like to know before I go and re meter with the new box...