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Everything posted by Grim

  1. Grim

    Battle of 2 12" Subs...

    your grinder looks pretty beefy as well...mmmm i think i might just go make one.. Thats the only thing i dont like about an 18in sub....doesnt look as beefy as a smaller one(for obvious reasons). Get that mother pucking installed
  2. Grim

    Update: Got metered

    Sweet. Thanks. Maybe he will have the DBjams. She said he has all the latest software and tunes from termpro..id order it but it would take to long to get here... I imagine he has some good tunes from bass races and chit as they hold a ton of events every summer
  3. Grim

    Update: Got metered

    Well I have a disk with a million freqeuncys...sines waves, tones, stuff like that..didnt know what would be best... Where can I find DBjams?
  4. Grim

    New member here

    wasn't arguing but seriously wondered, because that is the opposite of what alot of people have said, and if thats correct, i have things setup wrong...dont want to do any damage..
  5. Grim

    New member here

    I have never heard it that way before. I mean usually if you read up on it. Its not needed for Ported but you can use it and its not that there isnt a need on sealed boxes but that you absolutly dont want to use it..hmmm
  6. Grim

    18" BTL Destruction

    silcone...use silicone..
  7. Grim

    18" BTL Destruction

    Did you read my posts? Its not going to stay up even if the professional does it.. Our mirrors are to heavy. I havent replaced my glass yet, as I just dont feel like dealing with insurance right now, but i did remount the mirror, and for the first time in years, Iv kept it up no problem... Re read and use my method..
  8. Grim

    Termlab score

    Im going to be really pissed at myself if I dont hit mid 140's or at least 140.... awesome job man
  9. Grim

    18" BTL Destruction

    ? ? It's the stock mirror that came with the car, it just has a thermometer in it hence the wire. It's as stock as it gets, so I don't understand what you mean? You're right though, I'm questioning the integrity of the glass now. I reglued the small piece w/ glass and all back in place, just put 3x as much glue. I'm thinking if it does it again it'll go all the way through, but we'll find out. If anything else happens I'll just get a new windshield, I think I get 1 free one a year, and I've had this one a little over a year now. I'm trying to figure out a way to make that bracket though, I think that would be a great solution. With mine the glass guy as well as a couple other techs all said that it could last forever or crack tommrow..it just depends. Iv been lucky so far...
  10. Grim

    18" BTL Destruction

    Actually make that 2... remember..posted about a month ago... tejcurrent, you should have taken my advice lol...
  11. Grim

    Fun night..

    I was wondering if anyone noticed that..not only that but only 3 cubes...that the minimum recommended for 1 sub...
  12. Grim

    18" BTL Destruction

    If you havent seen the carnage 1 18in BL and 1000w caused to my jeep check out my thread(a little worse) However, after regluing mirrors in a few different cars many times over i gave up and said theres no way its ever going to stay up.... Untill the other day. I got to thinking, I either need to mount this to the roof behind the VIC...or use a mount kinda like the one for my radar detector.. I mean that thing bounces like no other, and never falls off. But suction cups would never hold my heavy ass mirror(it has auto dimming and some other things so its big and heavy)...So i head off to the auto parts stores in search of a solution...what did I come up with? A plastic replacement mount(it replaces the little metal peice that you glue to the window) as well as some silicone glue... Iv been pounding them hard for a couple weeks now, and well its definitly not going anywhere...gives it just enough room to flex without ripping the glue off..
  13. Grim

    Fun night..

    Haha, if only you realized how funny that is to me...
  14. Grim

    best vehicle for 2 18" BTL's

    Can I get a pic, my buddy wants to do the same
  15. Grim

    Fun night..

    Haha, ok so..theres this kid at work. New kid..hes 25 and cocky as fudge. So anyways tonight were walking out to our cars and he starts asking me about my system. I tell him everything I have an he goes on about how he had 2 15in L7s in a 3cube box tuned to 13hz that he build himself powered by one kicker 1000w amp. First of all he claimed it was 8000 dollars for that and the headunit. I just kinda chuckled but let it go, then he tells me that the guys at the shop i normally visit metered his durango at 174.0 db's and said that he could go higher but it would make the doors blow off... I just said wow really, thats bad ass...
  16. Grim

    best vehicle for 2 18" BTL's

    Well its the cubes not the sub, I have a GC...and yes I can fit 12 cubes in there... enough for 2 BTL's... Are you buying a vehicle around the subs???
  17. Grim

    Fun night..

    Are you kidding me, theres a huge problem with jakcalope's in New York. We cant seem to get rid of them as they are constantly multiplying with other jakcalope's. Think about what i really said...cause its true
  18. Grim

    Fun night..

    Ha nothing to do with loudness, but tonight, I pull into the same gas station, its me in a Big black SUV with rap wanging out of my subs. Country boy to the heart...i got my chit kickers, car hart and jeans on... Next to me, a cobalt in bright canary yellow with body kit, rims and all the other fun chit they do, is parked...Out hops a kid blacker than black, dressed like he just came out of the ghetto, with tim mcgraw playing loud as fudge on a what sounded stock system... People must have thought we got into the wrong cars..
  19. Grim

    tight fit

    Well...16in is cutting it close..i mean think about the support issues... If I were you, Id do an angle front or back and mount the sub on that... Someone did it with an 18in BL in there older car so it would fit 8 cubes...
  20. Grim

    edit, decal pics

    Damnit, thats the size sticker I want..!!
  21. Grim

    FI shirts and decals??!?!?!

    Go to the thread FREE STUFF
  22. Grim

    Fun night..

    Nah there on winter hours right now so there never in the shop... Tejcurrent- I know that feeling lol. I have to turn it down when i drive by my girls work or she will call and ask if im near by(when i dont feel like visiting) One day, I had Dem Jeans playing, on the highway doing 50 or so...and she heard me through the glass doors on the front of the store from about 100-125 yards away...
  23. Grim

    I love you Scott!!!

    I wasnt being mean, i was just saying we all did something for it...it would be benificial to the rest of us if you did to
  24. Grim

    I love you Scott!!!

    So I was expecting a bunch of tiny stickers, and a t shirt with a small FI on the front... This is what I got.. First of all, For free, anything is great, however, I would have gladly paid for this shirt as well as the big ass sticker... Thanks Scott
  25. Grim

    Fun night..

    Yeah, everyone around here thinks their xplodes or type-rs slam hard. Great story. I tell you though, call me a SOB, cause I like to bet guys like that easiest $ you could make. I always say, well, I got the sub offline, Fi, (of course they've never heard of it) and the amp was discounted (which it was about as low as the dealer could go). They wanna bet their 15's/crapload of 12s are louder, or that the 18s sound like chit- you say, well lets make a little wager and make yourself sound like you dont know wtf you're talking about- they'll take the bet and you'll take their money. Around here its the same ways. When I had my Type R's everyone was soo amazed by them. And well, they were loud, but no where near as loud as my Fi nor did they have the authority it does. Tqo Type R's in a sealed 3^3 sealed box with 1000w are the loudest subs in the county and i have two colleges 10 minutes away, Mine were the loudest before I took them out. The kid that has the other type R's tried to get me to buy Audio Bahns, claims his buddy was hitting 178db with 2 12in and 1300 watts... I just laughed at him... Whats funny, is we both bought them because we loved alpine...I have no clue how popular they were untill i started surfing the car audio forums...