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Everything posted by Grim

  1. Grim

    Term Lab Question

    Daily...20 on the volume knob... Since I wasnt burping I didnt want to throw a sine wave at it on volume that high. Even if I burp it that loud, wont it throw a dirty signal to the sub?(clipping) I still need to know what mistake I made...i wasnt upset with my score, i just found it odd that people are all excited about hitting 139-141 on music when I hit that as well...and then i looked at there burps and they were like mid 140's...so i thought wow, thats werid, my music and sine wave were less than 1 db off from each other... So, I should just do a burp. Go through a set of them till i find which one is the loudest and use that? Also the music one was the last run of the day...after i had done it about 5 or 6 times...its about a minute long sweep each time..
  2. Grim

    Term Lab Question

    No I know that lol... This about Burps Vs Sine waves really. I did music, and scored under 1db lower than I did with the sine wave, which seems odd. So I wondered if a Burp Would have been louder....
  3. Grim

    Term Lab Question

    Car was off I wasnt burping I was unsure of what frequency worked best so I used a Sine wave. Ill have to burt next time
  4. Grim

    Term Lab Question

    My car was off as well.. Chingy- Dem Jeans.. Nick, that is what i thought, which is why I dont understand why my scores are so close. Should I assume that had I burped instead of playing a 10-100hz Sine Sweep, i might have scored higher
  5. Grim

    Which Setup should i consider?

    why cant you do port back And you could always make a slant faced enclosure...giving you more room so you can have the subs firing semi forward...
  6. Grim

    My wall thread

    yeah he had his ears plugged when i was demoing my truck and im not even loud......................yet Haha... Same here man. I just chose the mini this time around. As a matter of fact, the wife is already scoping out my next project vehicle for me. A 55 Chevy Pick-em-up. I just have to finish this one up first... Low miles...I'd jump all over that if the price was right. I say wall it up...you can always take it out if ya don't like it I'm not even sure of what I have got myself into. Thanks bro...I am kinda trying for the whole package thing. You have a pretty clean truck there and my vote goes to the 4-runner. It's my dream setup too... I have to finish the truck before I will be able to get some vids up. I should have it up and running by the end of the month and I will throw up some vids then. Yeah, the price is something I couldnt turn down...I know the owners reeeeal well, and iv driven the truck alot..about 5 grand under private party book price... I always wanted to swap a V8, and I really really miss my old truck. I had it for years and it was my first car ever...So I may still buy that. I Know the shop owner, I sold it for 400 bucks cause I just wanted to get it out of my garage. 100k miles, but needed body work. So they fixed it up real nice and said they will sell it back to me for 1000. I got quoted 1900 for the body work alone. Plus they put new seats and carpet it in. We will see. I think i'm transferring the title tomorrow... The red S-10 in the background is my regular Cab that i might buy back....
  7. Grim

    My wall thread

    Thanks man...If ya dont like Ext cabs, do a blowthrough Thats what I did with my previous system. Mine already has one. And I would have stuck with that if I bought it back, but i really want to try a wall... Im going with an 03 ext cab, 13k Miles, Taken care of very well, for well..less than normal...Cant beat the price so i thought why not
  8. Grim


    Not really. Upgrading speakers and powering them from the headunit really doesnt make much of a difference. I didnt know this untill i powered up my first set using the amp...wow...
  9. Grim

    My wall thread

    Your whole truck is awesome. Iv been watching you on s10forum, and i well i was going to buy my old regular cab back, but your build has inspired me to buy a Ext cab. As much as I dislike them...
  10. Grim

    good mids/highs speakers and componenets

    Agreeded, but you can get them for sub 300 on ebay or if you shop around the car audio forums. SLC's are nice
  11. Grim

    good mids/highs speakers and componenets

    Rainbows rainbow-de.com
  12. Grim

    Box Help

    alot...as I said, enough to snap a 1in thick dowel...
  13. Grim

    Box Help

    OK well, apparently the I didnt have a clean enough cut and the glue didnt hold my 1in thick dowels very well. The bass eventually flexed the fudge out of them. One came off and the other, well snapped... I noticed ever since around that time, the sub hits, but not as hard. Like its loud, but i used to have trouble breathing in or talking. Now I dont. Could the bracing have something to do with this since the box is flexing so much without it? Just a question is all. Didnt plan on replacing it.
  14. Grim

    Cleaning Subs?

    Yep that works best. Stay clear of solvents, I belive someone took the FI logo off there dust cap with alcohol. I also use Electronic Wipes.
  15. Grim

    I need vids!!

    yeppers Mods, anyways to take Joes thread and merge with this one?
  16. Grim

    FI's Digital Scavenger Hunt

  17. Grim

    The new FI shirt

    yeah i ended up finding it, didnt realize it was a sticky
  18. Grim

    Fi Team Shirts

    Awesome, ill be ordering one
  19. Grim

    FI subs

    1 18in BL with P Chamfer 6 Cubes Ported to 32hz 1 Alpine m1005 pushing about 700w during Meter Stock Electrical 140.4 on TL Need a bigger Amp, and a Bigger, Much much stronger box..
  20. Grim

    The new FI shirt

    where did you see it?
  21. Can we get some more details, cause you just owned my BL 18..granted I was running far less power...but still, id like to see some specs.. Great score man
  22. Grim

    Question about 18" BL option

    Hey Buddy just sent you a PM back on CA.com
  23. Grim

    10in BTL

    What exzaclty could you do for me lol..i mean i want it to be a DD...soo if thats to much to do just let me know I could def settle for something else..
  24. Grim

    10in BTL

    Well Planning for the new truck. And it started out as, Its an expensive truck and its gunna be my DD, so just the stock Navi, a 10 and some door speakers... Then It turned into Well, maybe a couple Head rest monitors and 2 low end 10's in small sealed box.... One thing leads to another, and well Im going all out again....Aside from the video equipment and door speakers and chit...I want 2 10in BTLs and a Hifonics to power them... Is there any reason I shouldnt use the 10in BTL for DD? Would I be better of with a BL? And most of you wont care, but ill be finishing up just in time for bike week....which means ill be done in time to turn around and drive back down for SBN
  25. Grim

    Little project vehicle

    sweeet, i thought i heard you mention something about this