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About TxVibe

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  1. The magic numbers for the DCON 10 seems to be 1.25 cu ft, tuned to 32hz. Does the vehicle really have any significant play on that? I don't compete or anything. I just hear this thing really performs with little power. I've got all the components of my budget system except the sub and box. For some reason it's the hardest thing for me to decide on. I really wanted to get away with a prefab box, but they are all tuned around 38hz. What's the point of buying a decent sub if you're not going to maximize it's potential? Anyway, As far as box building goes are there any walkthroughs or step by step type guides? I can figure out all the dimensions and cuts but the assembly, bracing, gluing, etc. is kinda foggy and vague. I did find an excellent design for a slot port box, but was kind of hoping to get away with a tube port as it seems less complicated. Sorry for the rambling, I just don't really know where to start. I've used the http://www.carstereo.com/help/Articles.cfm?id=31 link to help determine required port length. If I could just figure out how to determine the port volume that's taken up, then I could figure the require dimensions to make it equate 1.25 cu. ft. minus driver displacement. Thanks for any help.