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Everything posted by theabunai

  1. theabunai

    Got my (2) ssd12 box designed

    Man let me know how it sounds, Loud, low, any port noise etc etc etc That's the cubic foot we are going to make the new ported box (subs up port back) Looks great love the rounded edges on the port
  2. http://www.leeric.lsu.edu/bgbb/7/ecep/math/n/n.htm http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/69826.html That link i have in my bookmarks for building boxes I hope it helps you
  3. theabunai

    airspace+SSD's ?

    Can you get the specs of the rear cargo area of the xlt ? Steve meade has a tahoe and he got 4 18" BTL's back there
  4. theabunai

    Need Help powering 4 Fi Q18s.

    oh man tej and you should brainstorm together since he has been debating this very scenario lol
  5. No the sites specs are for air space AFTER all displacement so say your box is .70 cu ft when you drop the sub in the actual cuft is going to go down by using the following formula .70 - 0.12 (displacement) so you get a final airspace of .58 this means if you want the box to be a final airspace of say .60 then you design it to have an arispace without the sub of .72 so when the sub is dropped in you get the following .72 -0.12 = .60 cu ft So if your box is .70 cu ft with displacement .70 - 0.12 = .58cuft that puts your RIGHT in range of the best possible air space for the subs....
  6. theabunai

    I know this doesn't belong here, but It doesn't belong anywher

    damn it nick i want all three signed and i live in hawaii so chit... Maybe scott can get your signatures and then scan it and then silk screen it on the dust cap (or whatever he used for the Fi logo) Man i really want to see this happen..... Great idea
  7. theabunai

    FI SSD 12 D1 Copper Coils

    jyb Thank god i am not the only one that noticed that to the ear this sub really gets louder in smaller enclosures.... Is the encluseres sealed, ported (if ported what tuning and sqr feet) I have my 2 12 in a 1.0 (total 2.0 cubes) sealed enclosure and it just slams... I had it in a 1.2 (total 2.4 enclosure) and the 1.0 seamed to be much louder (to the ear)... Eh it's in my review if you want the details... Oh BTW what you got the amp running at....? saz-1500D is a beast so i'm wondering how the sub is handling it's power??
  8. theabunai

    SoundStream XXX or BTL???

    Also I haven't heard either But i have dealt with sounstream (my sig) and i can attest to the fact that Fi has the edge on Customer service......
  9. theabunai


    OH I hear ya buddy Imagine mine bro 2 Merlin MD.1D @ 1ohm Just imagine how loud it gets oh my !!
  10. theabunai

    I know this doesn't belong here, but It doesn't belong anywher

    chit scott we just helped you market a new sub "Autographed series" LOL
  11. theabunai

    SSD + copper coil?

    then you would do well to order some copper coil SSD's
  12. theabunai

    Sundown amps and Fi subs?

    well i spoke with Jacob before the crash and if you are willing to wait a couple months he is bringing out a SAE 1000D which is 1K class D amp.... I think when i was bugging him he said it was gonna be around 380 or 400 can't remember (though i think it was cheaper if you hoped on the pre-order) The Saz-1500D is a beast man... a Beast no doubt..... I think, on a Q/conservatively or BL with a few options, it can whale the chit out your system (in a good way).. I'm sure Jacob will chime in and correct me about the sae-1000D price and release time frame
  13. theabunai

    2 BTL 12" - Box build pics

    Oh don't worry ha-y-an i am certain steve will put a video up
  14. theabunai

    I know this doesn't belong here, but It doesn't belong anywher

    chit if i order a Q i want Scott nick and shawn to sign my dust caps ... is that possible scott ? I want them to be original i want all of your guys signatures
  15. theabunai

    USAmps demo car amp's and sub's

    Really scott from Fi can't recone those?
  16. theabunai


    You mean your pg amp was more efficient then the md.1d? I have two of them and they are WAY more efficient then my two rubicons that have half the power of the md.1d
  17. theabunai

    Clean Power

    I think you mean you heard it was a great amp not sub... But for the newbs who may not know Rockfords series i figure i'd point it out lol... And they are in fact pretty solid amps... one can be had for around 400
  18. theabunai

    SSD + copper coil?

    It doesn't flatten the response but rather pulls the peak of the response to a lower point in the frequency causing for a smoother transition and less targeted peak... It's really good for sealed enclosures in my honest opinion since it lowers the frequency of the sub and sealed enclosures tend to play at a higher frequency... thus a slight offset occurs.. the sealed enclosure frequency tends to be higher BUT the copper coils brings the subs frequency back down a bit... so a great off set... Not to say they don't shine in ported either...
  19. theabunai

    SSD + copper coil?

    No a copper coil DOES NOT decrease power... Nor does it increase it
  20. theabunai

    SSD + copper coil?

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7298 MY post above should answer all your questions... And my review talks about 1K to each 12 and i have copper coils
  21. theabunai

    Magnet Size

    Nick what if i wanted to change from copper coil to flatwind and vice versa ? Just FYI for everyone as well as myself
  22. actually earthman Steve has come close.... He had a rapper make a song about him (Steve who was it that made the song for you i forget)... so sooner or later
  23. Steve this is the link bro http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/index.php...3&Itemid=42 Also man i wish you made more videos seriously man... Anyways keep them videos coming man I swear my wife thinks i'm nuts cause i be laughing like at 1am in the morning watching them lol
  24. theabunai

    Free stuff :)

    I personally wouldn't mind underwear with big bold red letters that said Fi... Ahhh to dream !!
  25. theabunai

    Two 18" BL install.

    is the BL you got without any options Trem? If you did get option which ones did you opt for? Thank you