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Everything posted by theabunai

  1. theabunai

    mounting 1500d on enclosure

    mounting the amp near the enclosures bracing would be that much more better as well as the above mentioned... reason is the enclosure tends to "flex" or "vibrate" more near pieces that are not braced more then the parts that are braced....
  2. theabunai

    Huge Sundown Vinyls

    Jake I'd be willing to design it.. free of course one color (to minimize cost of manufacturing them)... LMK
  3. theabunai

    Fi results at 2007 world finals

    Here is Fi Car Audio Results at world finals in Florida Carlos Rodriguez took first place in Super Street 3-4 with a 166.9 Michael Hadden took second place in Super Street 3-4 with a 154.7 Tony Economou took first place in Bass Race - 130.0 To 139.9 with a 139.9 David Zolondek took third place in Bass Race - 130.0 To 139.9 with a 139.8 Team Boricuas Sin Miedo took forth place in Bass Race - 140.0 To 149.9 with a 148.0 Michael Hadden took forth place in Bass Race - 150.0 To 159.9 with a 152.8 And the Results for Fi car Audio in California Marcus Ferazzi first place in dB Drag Racing - Extreme 3-4 with 148.2 Results for Indianan Indianapolis Fi Car Audio Extreme Audio First place in dB Drag Racing - Extreme 3-4 with a 177.1 (World Record) Team Northern SPL second place in dB Drag Racing - Street Max 3-4 with a 161.7 Martyn Adair Third place in Bass Race - 140.0 To 149.9 with a 149.9 Sound Mekanix - Dan Forth place in Bass Race - 140.0 To 149.9 with a 149.9 Randy Kubek eight place in Bass Race - 140.0 To 149.9 with a 149.4 All in all a very Strong showing for Fi car Audio.... !! Feel free to point out any mistakes... Congrads to scott and the Fi Team Big ups to Extreme audio for setting a new world record with Fi subs FI FTMFW
  4. theabunai

    Fi results at 2007 world finals

    anyone know what Shawn flemming scored I might have missed the message on my phone
  5. theabunai

    Signing in from the 808 State

    808 state resident right here bruddah welcome aboard steve
  6. You tested voltage on what wires when the amp cuts out ? The remote wire or the power wire ?? why not just add a relay they are easy to install, you wire it up and tuck it away...
  7. Funny someone asked this... We just installed 5 amps in a mercedes... Was wondering why the head unit kept blowing fuses..... Figured out why... Low voltage on the remote turn lead... popped a relay on it and it was all good...
  8. theabunai

    another 12" thread

    Either of those are great choices for what you wish to accomplish... What kind of power you looking at ? You may want to look into a Si BM mag 12" or wait a little bit for the new MAG 12" All great SQ subs..... out of the ones you listed I like the Q sealed in 1.2 (sounded nutz) I have yet to hear an icon 12 sealed and i can't wait to hear one.... but from what i have seen from members that are of the same taste in subs for SQ, the icon is another good sub...
  9. theabunai

    mounting 1500d on enclosure

    I've seen strapped saz-1500d mounted on a box... and that is some serious ass power and vibrations.. I'd do the rubber mounts to minimize vibrations due to inertia
  10. For me it comes down to real watt per dollar.... and the final nail in the coffin would be customer service.... I don't think you can get personal attention "if" a problem arises from the actual owner/designer of the amplifier with the other companies... If something was wrong with the amp Jacob of sundown will help you track it down and if it is in fact a defect with the amp he replaces it immediately with no hassle at all and for me this is why i'd pay a little extra..
  11. theabunai


    Visitor the word i got is that they are heading down to finals this weekend in Florida.... I can assure you that next week monday it will be back to business as usual... hope this atleast gives you a heads up on what's going on there at Fi
  12. Here is the best advice i can give you on amp choice Read up on comments about the amps you are linking to.. read about the amp itself, the products performance and price per watt (REAL WATT) then go to the Sundown section on this forums and Read up on the Sundown amps Then make a choice Or you can just sve yourself time and email Denim or SSAUdio for a quote on a Sundown
  13. theabunai

    question about safety of running a SAZ1500 at .5 ohm

    there is a difference between not being warrantied under .5 ohms and not being stable at .5 ohms... this amp CAN go down to .5 ohms but will not be warrantied at that impedance... As far as electrical you will need at LEAST one of the following (both would be better) a 200 amp alt or an extra battery (like a kinetik or powermaster)...
  14. there is no such thing as exact load since music is dynamic... the reason they list it as .75 is when you place it into an enclosure coupled with wire resistance the impedance tends to rise.. so that .75 will rise to 1ohm... Don't mix up the DCR (Direct current resistance of the drivers voice coil at rest) and Nominal Impedance (approximate designed impedance under certain conditions)... So just go off the coil config Dual 1ohm can give you 1/2ohm or 2ohm load Dual 2ohm can give you a 1ohm or 4ohm load
  15. theabunai

    Box specification help.

    displacement of the subs can be found on the Fi website.. for example the website says "displacement .19" so in order to get a 4.0 cu^ft airspace for a single 15" Q you need to make the box have an internal volume of 4.19 cu^ft since .19 is taken by the sub you have 4.0 left over... this is the same with the port..... figure out port length first... then figure out port area and add that to the airspace + the subs displacement and you'll have the box size you will need BEFORE displacement...
  16. theabunai

    Q ssd or bl

    Every single sub Fi makes (and about a 1,000 other companies) will allow you to drive by someone and have them ask what sub is that. that "effect" is mainly Dependant on the install and enclosure, NOT the brand of sub you get.... in my hands on experience (and i have heard all 4 lines of Fi subs in action) I think the Q can get plenty loud and low and still sound accurate doing it.. I'd order it with the BP option (if you plan on running over 1,000 watts) and then seal it up in a nice 1.2 cu^ft enclosure.... But i have to agree with Denim. judging by your post you want a BL.... get a BL, throw it in about 2.0 cubed and port it to 30hz.... you'll be happy
  17. I'd actually suggest either 2x SAZ-1500D Sundowns strapped OR a SAZ-3000D
  18. theabunai

    Recommended setup?

    love the Q 12 in a sealed enclosure off a nice Sundown SAE-1000d... If you email Denim or SSaudio [email protected] for a price quote on the Sundowns.. Trust me, it may cost a tad more then the HiFonics but it is WELL WELL worth it .....
  19. theabunai

    Recommended setup?

    Welcome amc3000 First of all to help narrow down your choices a few questions... What are you looking for in your substage.. a low end monster, nice sound quality or freakin getting as loud as i can ? And most importantly what are you looking to power the sub with (as far as amplifier brand and wattage) ?
  20. theabunai

    Box specification help.

    Careful on the "more cubes the better" there is a point (as with smaller enclosures) that it begins to have a negative effect on the performance of the sub... Generally i would recommend you stay within the limits of Fi enclosure specs... Yes 8 cubes would be correct for 2 15" BL's Note that this is after all port and sub displacement... 32 - 30 hz is a good round about tuning for 15's in a DAILY application... if you are just using them for Daily then go for it... for SPL and Competitions you may want to go higher into the 40hz range...
  21. theabunai

    Question about BP Power

    The BP option option adds a machined aluminum compression plug to the pole which helps channel all of the air under the dustcap around the coil for better cooling. To aid with this increased airflow we also add 6 axial cooling channels in the top plate. Along with increased thermal capacity comes the addition of an extra spider and a changed spider pack for a little extra mechanical ability. All of these new features increase power handling from 200-500 Watts depending on the application. There is a little spec change on the drivers as we are adding a little more suspension stiffness (although we are swapping stiff spiders out for more soft ones too). The subs stay a little closer to their original suspension values and have a slightly increased qts, fs, and reduced vas. Not too much of an issue and I have found it to be beneficial in mst bassrace setups. Now this is not something for everyone and I dont think that most people need to add it. But we are getting more and more bassrace applications where being able to stack more power to ge the sub to its linear limits for a specific application requires more than the rated RMS power (often quite a bit more) and this option allows you to push things a little harder for some applications. If you are looking for a SQ setup or just a clean daily setup within the normal limits of the subs... then there is no point. Would I recommend it to someone with 1200W in a daily driver? I doubt it as it really wouldnt be needed and the extra 200W really isnt an issue. Its the guys that are trying to stack on 1800W and push them as hard as possible for 30 seconds (or try to all day) while voltage starts to drop and things start to get ugly towards the end. Hope that helps And yes whoever said that in the CA forums should be immediately placed on your IGNORE list
  22. theabunai

    Quad alts for my Tahoe! (almost 1300 amps)

    Steve man hate to thread jack but are you still doing those Iraggi/meade hybrid alts with the big 3 already on them ?
  23. theabunai

    Been MIA for a while..

    Nick can you check your email i need some help kinda on the speedy side..
  24. theabunai

    Banging my own drum :)

    It's true i got pictures of that little bastard......
  25. theabunai

    SSA going to help out Realmofexcursion.com

    Yeah it is out of hand I treid to sell my Us amps over there and some tard started posting prices that were just a few hairs above mine but for a much earlier model... Some people are pucking tards over there... which is why my post count here is almost 1K and my post count there is like 20