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Everything posted by jcm1689

  1. jcm1689

    Which of the two would you do and why

    its kinda hard to compare these 2 choices thes subs are in different classes. I could maybe see if you were comparing the bl or q but this basically just comes down to weahter you want to blow your brains out or just be really loud and sound better doing it. i would personally go the BTL's but im an spl freak.
  2. jcm1689

    SSD 15" 2, 4, or 6?

    4 sealed should be louder that 2 ported. if your not going to be able to get close to 800 rms to each one i would only run 4 not six.
  3. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    Finally got the sticker on. about to start on the coverplates and finish the interior. i will also have more vids. post in a min.
  4. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    seeing what you guys think... the build is consisting of 4 15" SSD's and 2 Power Acoustik A2400DB's. The Box is just a little above 16 cubes after displacement tuned to 30hz. its going in a 1999 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab. Led's for the plexi window sticker for plexi 50 ft of 1/0 45ed the corners
  5. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    well the amp is being sent back to power acoustik tomorrow but im gonna lend him my amp for now... hopefully it will power all four ssd's until the amps gets back from power acoustik. anyways i will hopefully have pics of the finished set up and some more vids on thursday.
  6. jcm1689

    Fi Btl Question

    i have heard that most people with fully loaded bl's are pushing 1500-1800 watts some up to 2000..... but i think that 2500 would probably be pushin it a little
  7. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    BIG PROBLEM!!!!!!! well i got a call last night from the owner and he said that all of a sudden 2 subs shut off and something started smokin which he believed was one of the amps...... he has checked the subs they are fine... he pulled the box and all the wiring looks fine..... both amps turned on and light up green not going into protect mode but the one that was believed to be smokin is not putting out any sound to the subs..... im hopefully gonna be going out to his house later today to check it out. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be or what could have caused this???????????
  8. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    just the one video above for now ill have some better ones in a few days. as far as it getting metered idk if that will ever happen. no one around here really has any type of meter and although im saving up for a termlab the owner of the truck is moving away in about a month and i dont think ill get the money for the TL before he leaves.
  9. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    Really hard to see the exterior of the car moving but its the best i could get for now.... i will have better ones in a few days.
  10. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

  11. jcm1689

    I need vids!!

    ill have vids on thursday....if i forget to post send a pm me and yell at me lol.
  12. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    well the pics i showed werent the final pics.... when i got into the final layers i got tired and lazy and started getting glass all over my hands and didnt wanna touch the camera.
  13. jcm1689

    Term Lab Question

    i could be completly wrong but ill say this...could it have been how it was metered??? like in bacerace its constantly taking a score averaging the them all together so if the song cuts out or gets quieter for a second it drops your score. if it was metered like this and you played a sine wave all the frequencies arent gonna play as loud as some dropping your score vs. if the meter just held your peak score.
  14. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    Thanks! will def update with pics and vids as soon as i get more.
  15. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    i hope that's enough Trust me i couldnt get it to flex or move puttin all my weight into it when i had 4 layers and theres 2 more on top of that.... its def enough.
  16. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    sorry dont really know much about batteries what do you mean dry cell?
  17. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    well i did the glassing bout a week ago so i cant remember for sure but i think 6 layers
  18. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    Acrylic! box carpeted and plexi in I was told by the owner of the truck that the SSD's will be here on thursday. I will have finall pics and some vids along with a review of the subs as soon as they go in!
  19. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    supports done
  20. jcm1689

    4 15" SSD build

    fiberglass cloth over the resin to keep it from cracking layer of glass on the bottom painted then sanded down all the drips and bumps 2 layers of mdf on the front rounded over the corners kinda shows how big the box really is rings done
  21. jcm1689

    Joe's wall build

    nice work bro you got some skillz
  22. jcm1689

    Fi users input please

    this in an istall im about to do for a friend. 2 runs of 1/0 power and ground (4 total) 3 batts 12 guage wire to the subs 1000 watts per sub on 4 15" SSD's
  23. jcm1689

    Is what this installer said true

    i seriously hope your not gonna have that installer build you a box or put any of your stuff in cause he doesnt seem like hes know very much.....find a new installer!!
  24. jcm1689

    FI subs

    Ill post em as soon as i get my car back. should be anyday now i hope
  25. jcm1689

    15 Fi BTL in a Cavalier?

    it the seat is down or there is an open airway to the cab any subwoofer should sound better/louder firing forwards IF the box is completely sealed of at the baffle so no air or soundwaves can travel into the trunk