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About jacob9292

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  • Birthday 11/24/1992

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    Car audio, cars, making money(:
  1. jacob9292

    box design

    Thats what the guy said, he sent it to me, his name is backyardbass. i want to build today, i got confused on the website u gave me
  2. jacob9292

    box design

    tuned to 31 hertz. front baffle 16"x32" sides 14.5"x18" Back 16"x32" Top and Bottom 32"x18" port side one 14.5"x15" port side two 14.5"x5.25" Please let me know what you guys think, to me it seems a little small, but if I am taking the time to build it i want to do it right. Thanks
  3. jacob9292

    box design

    around 31 hertz, and just to be really louad, pound! lol, i got a design from someone but im not sure if it is correct, i can send it to u and see what u think.
  4. jacob9292

    box design

    i tried using torres calculator from the smd forum, ya not very good at it. i have 2 sa 12s. and i would greatly appreciate it if someone helped me out. I have a 98 chevy blazer so space is not an issue.
  5. today I was driving and on the side of the road was 2 12" bmf crossfires in an enclusure, picked it up and they are brand new! I dont mind some subs for free(:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Strange, but nice

    3. Ohjay


      That's quite odd, wonder how that happened. Congrats anyhow.

    4. edouble101
  6. jacob9292

    Need dimensions for a sundown audio 12"

    Nvm, I used RE, and I am putting it in 2000 blazer, Build is on its way, ill put some pics up asap.
  7. can someone help me, im going to home deopt today, need some dimensions. can anyone help, i would greatly appreciate it
  8. jacob9292

    Need advice on what to buy for building box

    Ok, Thank you, i will be going to home depot Thursday. thank you again guys:)
  9. should i go to home depot, who has cheap but good stuff? and what kind of calk screws ETC.
  10. What's on your mind?Just got my sa 12" (:

    1. FIBLIntrigue


      hey i just got online today lol saw ur comment from may.....what made you go from the xcon to the sa 12?

  11. jacob9292

    Need help building box for 12" icon

    Sundown Audio SA-12 is what I ordered, I still need to check on the delivery, it said it went through, but idk. got receipt, maybe check my bank statements):
  12. jacob9292

    Need help building box for 12" icon

    No, I ordered it like two days ago.
  13. jacob9292

    Need help building box for 12" icon

    I live in wadsworth, So acyually really close to you
  14. I have a crown xls 1000, puts out 1100 watts bridged, had two 15s in room, sold them. Just ordered a 12" Icon. I would like to build a ported Enclosure. Can anyone help?