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Everything posted by BillyD

  1. BillyD


    Brother to Dimpthepimp^^^ I bought a VLX4150 and a VLX3de I got them both installed. I don't know why, but the 4150 popped all the fuses on the front and had a internal direct short the first time it was turn on. I also had no audio from the new sub, but that turned out to be a problem with the sub. Once I got the 4150 back from re audio and the sub back from the shop. The 4150 worked fine and I notice they hot glued/epoxy the double stack circuit boards to help secure them,these amps have a clear bottom plate. The VLX3de preformed o.k. It was running at a .5ohm on one Btl N2 18 w/four batteries, 50 farad cap. and one stock alternator. Voltage drop was a problem as it would go to 10'ish if played long(working on a second alt.) Then...it quit, the vlx3de would come on but no sound. Pulled it out and found the double stack circuit board came loose, I pull the clear cover off and pushed it back down. Installed and it worked great for about a week and it came loose again. Pulled it back out,found same problem and I went ahead and hot glued the edges of that double stack circuit board to help it from coming loose(as I noticed it was done on the vlx4150). Got it back in and installed and super! It was great for o-about 6 weeks then one day it wouldn't turn on Pulled it back out again (really tired of this now) and the double stack circuit board was o.k. and I hooked up some tester leads and could not get it to come on. I pulled the cover off and look around and nothing, no smell, no burnt parts, I have no idea. Butttt: I got a used crescendo 3kwp today and I'm off to the races- not really. I am going to get this second alternator purchased and put on before putting this new amp is in, as that was what I was working towards before the VLX3de stopped working. All I know is the day before it quit I was into the rock and roll , not slamming the bass a lot, then I notice it wasn't on. It is not mounted on the speaker box and has 2 runs of zero gauge wire to the back. I don't think it was happy at .5ohm and the voltage wasn't the best but ??????? I also noticed they not selling these amps on this site anymore and I wonder. I will get it fixed, it looks really good, then sell it.
  2. BillyD

    About Stetsom Amplifiers

    Did you have a 16volts one ???? on music or burp ?? and this is a old amplifier right now we have about 3 generations up to this one a lot of stuff changed and its not about the voltage !!! its all about the current !!!! what was the current drawing on the amplifier ??? This goes for any brand !!! amplifier are an equipment that just amplifier the power that you have (batteries and power supply are the power source ) If you didnt have enough current on your system the amp mind got the point and it was on the limited of Ac volts of it but if you had a lil more of current you could get more power to it I have seem a lil car that we added a battery on the system and before we are clamping around 50 ac volts with 26 amps, after 52 ac volts with 35 amps !!! just add one more batteries difference more than 500 rms !!!! To get also the right number of power, i depends to on the frequency that you are testing all brand and we do also rated at amplifier at 100hz The amplifier rated power are rated at 100hz, when you do dont on frequency like 30 to 35hz the efficiency on the amplifier wont be the same and of course you will make less power, that goes to any amplifier Im going to sit here and type a bunch of lies to you my friend, like a lot of companies do but im here to assist you to understand how everything works !!! never expected to buy a amplifier of 5000rms and get 5000rms out of it !!! you would go against physics, and everything is about physics on this area man !!! How can I tell which generation stetsom amp there is? I'm looking to purchase one and I dont have enough money to get one new so I am looking into the use market. I keep finding the stetsom 7K D that has only a freq. and level knob. What does the newer 7k amps have that older ones do not? I see no sub-sonic filter on the older one ?? Thanks
  3. Sounds good! Can't wait to see.
  4. BillyD

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I heard about this site from a friend after we were checking out steve meade on the tube. Pretty cool forum!
  5. BillyD

    Casey Anthony Not Guilty

    If the tree falls in the woods and noone is around, does it make a noise,but one this is for sure it is still laying on the ground, as that baby was... So the guy walking from the woods with the ax did not do it huh ? Nobody saw him, where the common sense ?