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Everything posted by dopey

  1. Yeah, O-scopes have no other uses in electronics other than setting gains on amps My bad, I thought that's what we were talking about here. Using Oscopes to set gains? Am I confused, or are you being difficult? I just took it on faith that if someone didn't already own an Oscope, someone probably didn't "need" one.
  2. Adrian, your English is very good for a non-native speaker. Sometimes I say things that people interpret as harsh or cold...I appologize, I just don't respond well to ignorance. It all boils down to what you want out of a stereo. If you are going to compete in SQ competitions, then using an RTA, O-Scope, and DMM would be the most accurate method to get a "measureable" flat eq response. If the majority of your listening, is to be done by you, for enjoyment...then setting your gains by ear is going to be the most accurate method to get a good sounding stereo. Another thing...if you HAVE an o-scope, you probably know how to use it. And if you don't, is it worth the several hundred $$$ just to play with and see if it can get your car to sound better than you can? Hardly. If you can't get your speakers to all play the same volume congruently, then spend more time with it. That's part of the passion. It's also something that will give you more knowledge of the products you're working with.
  3. now THAT would be uber sweet ...and unnecessary for 99% of the people who would come into contact with it. Just use your ears. If your ears aren't good enough to set gains, you won't be able to appreciate a high dollar sound system anyway. Do you know any blind guys with 60" Plasma's? if he does put up a tutorial, will you please keep out comments like the ones above ? thanks i've read your opinion a couple times. As long as we can still be friends. And BTW...what "comments" are you requesting that I keep out of Neons upcoming post? Did I strike a nerve because YOU have less than stellar hearing? The statement that setting gains is better with an o-scope is debated at best, and wrong in many instances. And if setting gains with an o-scope is NOT better, than why do it? I didn't realize the ihop circlejerk transmuted to so many areas of this forum. pseudoaudiophiles abound. You talk tough, but there's no science to back up your holier than thou attitude towards anything audio. spankit!!!
  4. Is it that obvious? I'll try to tone it down a bit. I didn't notice you getting jealous, again.
  5. now THAT would be uber sweet ...and unnecessary for 99% of the people who would come into contact with it. Just use your ears. If your ears aren't good enough to set gains, you won't be able to appreciate a high dollar sound system anyway. Do you know any blind guys with 60" Plasma's?
  6. dopey

    ? for fi guru's

    19x12=228 Use 228 sq inches of port. If you're gonna use 2 ports, halve the volume of the enclosure and figure port length based on two separate spaces. If you want to use 3 ports, figure length based on 1/3 of volume.
  7. dopey

    Box Design for 15" BL

    Should. It's a little high for my tastes...but it'll be loud. And if you slide a .75piece of MDF in the outside of the port that will lower the tuning to 31.6 for daily, and still keep port area within Fi's recommendations for that woofer.
  8. dopey

    big 3 question

    4ga is better than nothing. http://www.knukonceptz.com/ has "stock type" connects. Get the 1ga and do it right.
  9. dopey

    pics from the last 2 shows

    What were your results? How is operation efficiency turning out?
  10. dopey

    Cant find this sub....

    As far back as I can remember ('94ish) the cadence woofers didnt have a large "C". Yep, I'm thinking older CV. The ones I remember with the red(pinky-orange) logo had an accordian type surround (similar to the stroker).
  11. dopey

    pics from the last 2 shows

    Where da bitches at?
  12. dopey

    Looking for a New Vehicle

    for lots of road use they're great, but once you take them offroad only german 4x4 i'd buy is a G-class a friend took me for a ride in his lightly modded '88... Gwagon is F-N schweet. Yes, 4x4 and "suv" are 2 TOTALLY different things. If you want a 4x4 the land rover is your machine. If you want fast, the Porsche is the vehicle for you. If you want power and comfort, BMW. More interested in comfort? Mercedes. All of them are a good base for a LSQ setup.
  13. dopey

    Looking for a New Vehicle

    BMW uses HarmonKardon... .....wait..... Did you just say that Japanese cars have better audio, quietness, window seals, and leather seats, than the GERMANS?!?!?! ROTFFLMAO You've been sniffing too much silver solder flux fumes, homey.
  14. dopey

    Looking for a New Vehicle

    Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, and Porsche all have SUV's. While more expensive, the German cars are nicer. The Japanese contenders will likely last just as long, and are still quite nice. The one Japanese SUV (92 4RUNNER) I owned, was the single worst car I have ever driven. Thou it did get loud...and the back glass rolls down, which is nice once you've had it.
  15. dopey

    most efficient sub

    Fi Car Audio
  16. dopey

    Looking for a New Vehicle

    Anything German or Japanese is a good bet. In that order.
  17. dopey

    picked up a new sub

    Sorry, I didn't mean to sound bitchy...just read it and I may have come across that way. I didn't mean to. The magnets presumably aren't concave around the middle....I'm wondering why the boot is.
  18. dopey

    what is the best amp to use with a BTL15 ?

    A SAZ3000D is a good bet.
  19. dopey

    picked up a new sub

    Why is the magnet boot like that?
  20. Isn't any plastic in one of my cars... Do you not own the impala in your sig?
  21. dopey

    recommended electrical system

    Start with the alt. Then try to fit a battery. Otherwise you'll have dimming lights, and your alt will be under a lot of stress. No capacitors. (Caps)
  22. dopey

    price quote

    You sure that's not backwards?