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Everything posted by dopey

  1. Does anyone have a list of good manufacturers that produce an XBL^2 driver? Specifically looking for Subwoofers, but mids and midbasses interest me too. I've found one manu, but I can't find them again. Their prices were good, but I wonder about quality. Thanks
  2. dopey


    Nice! I also like to rub brown sugar on bacon and smoke that for about two hours. Makes dessert!
  3. dopey


    As soon as this is done, (205*F or so) I'll be throwing some brownsugar covered bacon on, for dessert! When the picture was taken, it had been on for 24hrs.
  4. dopey

    Thoughts on a dashboard material...

    I'm batting .001
  5. dopey

    New XBL^2 Manufacturers

    Does CC sell alpine?
  6. dopey

    Thoughts on a dashboard material...

    Black speaker grillcloth? It's acoustically transparent, so you don't have to worry about strange reflections, and wouldn't block the ensolite.
  7. dopey


    I've heard the BGE or (Big Green Egg) is a bomb smoker. I just use a little electric smoker, but I think it turns out ok...no complaints so far
  8. dopey


    Do apple trees lose branches easily? We have a few big apple farms just south of here... Can you use fallen wood (from ice storms), or should it be cut down? Any idea what variety's of apple make the best smoking wood?
  9. dopey


    I just use mesquite, oak, and hickory. I like the oak from Jack Daniels barrels, available at Wal*Mart. And hickory, mesquite is too strong. I'd love to get a hold of some apple, cherry, or orange. I've heard pretty much any fruit tree will make good smoke. What kind do you like?
  10. dopey


    it's been pulled off...awaiting its "pull". the bacon is smoking. dinner can't come soon enough!
  11. dopey

    What would you put in it?

    Loaded BTL 12"or15" Top of the line Charger needs the top of the line Fi.
  12. dopey

    Subs pop when I turn my truck off

    You're using a line output converter off of a stock HU? I've run into issues with optional factory amps (in different makes) causing turn on bumps. A switched remote line will (temp) fix it...
  13. dopey

    Waitin on that 20"

    It would require lengthening the VC, and you'd still need to tool an "extension ring". That would probably be even more expensive in the long run. I still think a 20/22"IB is a GREAT idea waiting to happen.
  14. dopey

    question about recone kits

    If you don't mind my asking, what does the T
  15. dopey

    New XBL^2 Manufacturers

    Devildriver pretty much nailed it but I wanted to add that there will be a 12" version of the SDX as well as a 10" in the future. The 12" will come before the 10 and isnt too far out. The build quality of the SDX as well as the Exodus drivers is top notch too. Nice.
  16. dopey

    Edead v1 failures

    Why not hang the pieces of sheet metal using the deadeners as adhesive?
  17. dopey

    New XBL^2 Manufacturers

    Awesome! That Creative Sound website was the one I saw before. Thanks!
  18. dopey

    Cant find this sub....

    You don't want anything "Lanzar" amde after they sold out to Pyramid or Pyle or one of the "lower end" manufacturers circa 1995. Pre Pyramid Lanzar stuff is bomb. FYI: those are post-sale. PS. I own post-sale amps, and have been pleased with them, but I'm too concerned about longevity to comfortably recommend them to anyone anymore. I have zero post-sale sub experience, but I haven't heard a GOOD story yet.
  19. dopey

    Jacob (New Amps)

    sweet info. THX!
  20. dopey

    Sealed Q numbers?

    People chasing numbers typically don't use a sealed box.
  21. I wish I had a dime for every time the neighbors called the cops cause my radar was too loud. Man, back in the day, we used to CRANK (and I mean CRANK) the radar in my room when I had friends over. My dad would come in yelling at us kids to turn that crap to a non-civi channel. We would, but then we'd turn it back...but just for a sec. Man, those were the days.
  22. LOL. I use O-scopes to set gains on amplifiers within radar systems... fudge. Guess I should make sure planes aren't running into each other now! Do you REALLY think I was telling you to set up your FAA Radar by ear? Do you think you can convince anyone that was what I was talking about??? Pull your head out your ass, whiner. You made an incorrect statement, I pointed it out, and you start attacking me (not defending your "indefensible" position). I'm sure youre making Aaron proud with that yellow "tech team" BS under your name while spouting off chit like what you just did. I curiously await a "Gain-setting with Oscilloscope" tutorial. Why don't you throw in a section about determining tuning frequency with an abacus and kazoo? That will help out the DIY'er almost as much. (I'm gonna guess it'll have a bit more "tech" though, and wouldn't be as readily usable, though you'll still get kudos, I'm sure) now where's that little smiley?
  23. dopey

    Jacob (New Amps)

    Staying where it is, although I am updating the crossover ranges on the next run on the 100.2 and 100.4 to allow more flexibility. Eventually the 100.4 will get 24 dB slopes (that will be a while). Why did you choose the 12db slopes for these amps?
  24. If you NEED an Oscope in order to set the gains on your amp...you have no business owning either. But yeah, I'm looking forward to that tutorial.
  25. To make a point, I dare you to grab an uninformed noob off an audio site and let him set your gains by his ears in your car. See what happens. I guarantee you won't like it. Offering that as a valid solution is dangerous. Would you let me setup your car? I probably wouldn't like how you set up my car either. One more reason to DO IT YOURSELF, and NOT blindly trust a machine to tell you which direction to twist the knob.