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Everything posted by dopey

  1. dopey

    100.2 or 100.4 for pioneer 720prs????

    Which isn't necessarily the "hot ticket" because then the rear set will be as loud as the front set, and you'll have no way to adjust the fade.
  2. You wouldnt get the high sounds...the tweets would be VERY quiet. You wouldn't get a stereo sound...the sound would seem to come from a small space in the center of the dash. It's a good thought...but SERIOUSLY would NOT work out in the real world. look to a 450/4 for highpower for mids and highs.
  3. dopey

    welding wire?

    I used welding 1/0 for my big3 and also the run from batt to amp distro block. $1/ft can't be beat. Call a local welding supply shop.
  4. dopey

    FS: Used SAZ-1500D

    What numbers did this amp make? Was it that kind of testing?