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Everything posted by dopey

  1. dopey

    Flared slot port.

    dude said 1db.
  2. dopey

    Flared slot port.

    Yeah, and this doesn't take an advanced engineering degree to design.
  3. dopey

    Flared slot port.

    Only flaring one wide would still be 50% better than not flaring either. You can alse bend the inside wall, so there would be much less turbulance at the inside corner (of an "L" port) than there would be otherwise. Add something to the opposite corner and it's a completely bent (radiused) port.
  4. dopey

    New member here

    Mic handling noise and whatnot. Live recordings are notorious.
  5. dopey

    New member here

    It'll still play the right note, it just reduces the volume. In some (sloppy) recordings there are stray subsonic frequencys...these will be reduced too, "cleaning up" the sound.
  6. dopey

    18" BTL Destruction

    gorilla glue?
  7. dopey

    Theile Small parameters

    Are they measured when the subs are new and stiff, or after they're broken in?
  8. dopey

    New member here

    So powerful sound doesn't exist? I've had some powerful subs. And powerful amps.
  9. dopey

    An amp recommendation for an Fi BL 15" Sub

    Sundown 1500d? Theres a blemished one for sale in the Sundown forum.
  10. dopey

    Fi XXX

    Is a split coil ala xbl^2 still a possibility for Fi? I'd love the xmag. And who the hell was bitching about the size?!? Subwoofers aren't supposed to be petite.
  11. dopey

    FS: SAZ-1500D B-Stock

    I wish you had more defects. hehehe I could have used this about a month ago. Someones getting a KILLER amp for a killer deal.
  12. I have always prefered sealed systems. They always got loud enough, and were easy to build. I just got a D2 Cu voice coil SSD for the wifes car. I have it in a 1.3cuft net box. Approx 1000w available, but its not all being utilized. I feel like I am pushing the sub to its limits, but it's not as loud as it should be. The install is only 2 days old...will SSD's get louder as they break in, like other woofers? I know the alum coil can handle more power, and is peakier....but will it be louder? I think the next step will be a ported box.
  13. dopey

    btl recone

    I just know Jizzboy is. I really don't go there.
  14. dopey

    btl recone

    Oh, I don't go there. The mods in that place are total pole smokers.
  15. dopey

    btl recone

    How difficult is it to do correctly?
  16. dopey

    Two mono amps to my BTL

    Yeah, you DEF need a HO alt.
  17. dopey


    Thanks everyone.
  18. dopey

    What to look for in a car audio battery?

    Thats what I read online.
  19. dopey

    Two mono amps to my BTL

    I think it should be illegal to have a shop without a dmm. No chit. If they don't own/know how to use, a DMM...you shouldn't trust them install jack chit. Your fat 12yo nephew has a better chance of hooking that chit up right.
  20. dopey

    Theile Small parameters

    can you link me to a good one?
  21. dopey

    Remote Knob ?

    I bet some contact cleaner will fix it.
  22. dopey


    Sorry, sometimes I don't quantify what I'm looking for. Your bad answers aren't your fault, they're mine. Don't blame yourselves, I need to try harder. At least element rhymed. Jism is STILL good for nothing. Are they available for purchase? Where? Are they a sealed lead/acid battery? If not what? Where can I find a spec sheet? Thanks.
  23. dopey

    What to look for in a car audio battery?

    I want big real numbers. At a dead short a big battery will make more amps than kinetik lists as "amps". I wonder if this is the charging system equivilent of "MAX power" on amplifiers. They aren't carrying that brand anymore. He said they are changing to a "better" (read: more expensive) battery. It should be in in a week. It's blue and grey? Blue and grey are powerful colors right?
  24. dopey

    Theile Small parameters

    I'm not using Winisd. I have before, and didn't like it. I'm looking at all of these box designing tools, and wondering why they all give different recommendations based on the same input. Is the math behind ports, shady and imprecise? Or, is the math static and the measure of TS parameters shady and imprecise? Does anyone have an excel spreadsheet for port calc's? I'm better with excel than with pen and paper.
  25. dopey

    Theile Small parameters

    Either the math is wrong (and should be "fixed"). Or, the TS's are inadequate, and should be updated. Which is the case?