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Everything posted by dopey

  1. dopey


    Sorry for the "smart" response. I will try to keep intelligence to a minimum here, which should help me fit in better with users like M5, aneonrider, Vladd, ramos, and TopGun. I'm also starting to regret my decision to purchase Fi products, as the main supporters are SQueers hellbent on patronizing the curious. After purchasing subs from 2 different lines, I am semi-pleased with the product, but the manufacturers online attitude leaves a little to be desired. Nick, I'm talking to you.
  2. dopey

    pics from the Carpathians :D

    Head east at 500mph...you'll be there in 20hrs.
  3. dopey

    15" Loaded BTL box

    For SPL
  4. dopey

    What would you put in it?

    BTL's don't NEED all the power they can take. I got a 147.4db with a BTL15 and just 1 Sundown saz1500d. btw I had it wired at 2ohm (<1000w) on a mostly stock electrical. (Just big 3) Sure, they can take thousands and thousands of watts, but they get loud...they get LOUD...with 1000. And with only 1 saz1500d, you wouldn't need anything that a BL wouldn't require. I've heard great things about ALL of Fi's subs, and I own a BTL and an SSD...the BTL is loud, and still sounds good.
  5. dopey

    pics from the last 2 shows

    Just got a 2000 Ford Explorer "Limited" so im looking @ doing a 4 15" setup asap gotta get an alarm first then install Nice! You gonna wall it?
  6. Used to play WoW...before I was employed. No more games, just SSA. Lucky you!
  7. no its rp Well tell Eric I said "What's up, fucker". I haven't talked to him in a while.
  8. dopey

    Fi SSD 12" or 15"

    Nope. No copper for your friend. They want aluminum coils. G/L
  9. dopey

    What happen ?

  10. dopey

    Fi SSD 12" or 15"

    What kind of music does your friend listen to?
  11. dopey

    Thoughts on a dashboard material...

    I vote Louis Vuitton logo canvas.
  12. dopey

    Thoughts on a dashboard material...

    Neoprene is a hell of an idea too.
  13. dopey

    Gonna lose SQ?

    Have you seen our sponsors forums?
  14. dopey

    Stock 601-1800

    18. imho.
  15. dopey

    Thoughts on a dashboard material...

    Definitely. I actually have a dash in my truck right now that I glassed and painted, but it won't work too well for SQ competitions. Thanks to all who have contributed ideas so far. Is there a thicker/tougher version of insolite that you could use?
  16. dopey

    Stock 601-1800

    Yeah. I thought you only had 1800 available. Go with 2xBTL's...the largest you can fit. 5k on one 18 would be pretty baddass. But 2.5k each to two 15's or 12's (or 18's) would be badasser.
  17. dopey

    Stock 601-1800

    1 15"BTL
  18. dopey

    Nightshade vs BTL

    Can we expect the Nightshade to be similar to a BTL? Meaning they will excel in the same application?
  19. dopey

    What happen ?

    What happens when you parallel the speakers and touch the battery to that? Do they move the same direction? Off the wall: Is the port on one side, and the sub closer to the port is moving more?
  20. dopey

    12" BTL

    I have no experience with the 12. I would assume that people looking for a BTL are looking for output. People looking for output, look for displacement. Bigger is better. I know there are a few around here that have a 12BTL...hopefully they will come by and share their take.
  21. dopey

    Next step In sub selection process.

    Based solely on specs, I'd say Havoc. Greater Xmax, power handling, lower Fs, More Bl... ...and triple stack magnets!!!
  22. dopey

    New XBL^2 Manufacturers

    DevilDriver is one of the most helpful/knowledgeable people here.