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About MR_8

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    bigass 8 inch subs
  1. Yes i know the 1508 is bigger, but thats why i said the pics are just "for fun", i only have 2 different 8's and thought i would compare build quality/etc, oh and "bakedboy" i dont think there is a 3508, unless its just been released and i dont know about it......at the time i bought this DD 8" it was their biggest 8, then later they released the 1508, these pics are just for fun guys, im not saying buy one over the other or anything
  2. Just a few fun pics comparing my beefy Sundown sa-8's vs. my other DD 1008 8", oh and PM me if interested in the DD its 4 sale , never seen power, shoot me an offer, enjoy the pics...
  3. Ive emailed them twice, and still no response, does anyone know when they will become available again??
  4. MR_8

    2002 Tahoe, 12 12's, Clamshell vids, 158+DB

    One of the nicest wall's ive seen in a while, great job, nice equiptment, hope you get some more power soon, but thats impressive for 1100w!
  5. Got my Sundown SAX 1200D today! im so happy

    1. sefugi


      Congrats!! :)

  6. MR_8

    1003 cubic feet 5Hz tuning gotta make history properly

    This shit is banana hammocks!!!! you are a god my friend, i am truly jealous, amazing work 5 STARS!!!!!
  7. MR_8

    Quad SA-8 box

    Sick looking box, gotta love the SA-8's, what amp are you planning on using with this setup?
  8. MR_8

    Fi BTL N2

    I cant concentrate with that cute asian girl bouncing her boobs around *drool*
  9. MR_8

    im gonna be hitting 173 DB with my new set up

    173 deebeez for $600?? what a deal! i cant pass this up! lol the fact that he knows nothing about all the equiptment is awesome! "name brand" and he doesnt know how he got metered lol, this shit is classic!
  10. MR_8

    Door way Pull up bar

    Im 5'11.5 and around 163 lbs, ive been skinny my whole life, and eat whatever i want an d NEVER gain a pound, when i finally got fed up, i started working out a lot, but incorrectly for about 2 years, then after lots of research and trial and error im finally putting on mass and muscle.....you sound like me, and heres my solution...hit the weights and excercise hard but never do over 8 reps, for me i work out every other day, and wait 3-4 days before working the same muscle for it to rebuild, for me my metabolism is INSANE, so i try and eat 4500+ calories a day, and after an intense workout i drink a weight gainer and eat within 30 mins, also eat a large low fat meal or weight gainer right before bed and a multivitamin, when i work out i always do big weight low reps, usually around 6-8 reps, then add weight until i can only do 2 or 3, this so far for me has really helped me put on mass, and muscle finally, dont do cardio, and dont eat shitty foods, you will want to take protien or weight gainer 2 to 3 times a day, and eat high calorie meals....if you do it correcty you will see results, i am around 163 right now, but when i was eating around 5500 calories a day and weight gainer for breakfast lunch and dinner, i got up to 173 lbs and pretty buff, since then i got a job working 6 days a week 12 hour days, so my routine has slowed a bit...hope this helped a little, because you remind me of myself
  11. MR_8

    A few Pics of the latest Mazda 6 build.

    Only fire forward it you seal the trunk. Expanding foam, wood, and other things were used to ensure that the trunk is completely sealed. It sounds great and I don't think it would be wise to listen to it with the seats up if thats what you meant. Oh, my buddy use to have 2 12" kenwoods setup like yours but in a sealed box, but he only had like 200 rms total, i really liked how clear it was and not so boomy compared to when in a trunk facing back.....he had his back seats up and had no probs,.....maybe you mean since its got the big vent...to keep them down? what if i were to do an install like this with the vent in the middle and have the vent in-line and matched up with the backseat arm-rest as a blowthrough....IE not blocking the vent at all? would that work?
  12. MR_8

    A few Pics of the latest Mazda 6 build.

    How do the subs sound firing vented into the cab like that? i always wanted a setup like that with the big vent in the middle firing into the back seat,.......is it less "boomy" and more tight/clear sounding , with them firing forward?.....please talk to me
  13. Awesome choice for speakers, hehe, im planning on gettin the Bravox 3 way too and going passive, let me know what you think of them once installed, im so jealous.....i was planning on running my Bravox c603cf with a Sundown 125.2 rated at 125x2 @ 4 ohms
  14. MR_8

    Awesome Sundown vid from Team Russia

    Wow that was awesome!! looked like a pair of 10's or 12's on a 4500D? dayummm, thats some power...i love the install in the rear deck, looked sick, excellent video
  15. MR_8

    cant make up my mind

    Go for xcons, or wait for the zcon, both would play very loud, but sound good as well, IMO a 21" sub would sound horrible, its just for spl or wow, hmmm but u only have 2200w? maybe a single 18" xcon, that would slam some balls around