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Everything posted by skater041930

  1. skater041930

    2 fi x 15's or 1 fi bl 15 input

    Was just looking for some input on if anyone had experiences with the new 750rms fi x 15s. I owned a bl 15 before and was satisfied. Time to upgrade again and was debating between 2 fi x 15s the new 750 rms models or 1 fi bl 15 the 1500rms model and was wondering what would be overall 'better'. Vehicle that they would go in is a 2001 grand cherokee limited, power is a saz 1500d v3. For the two 15's I'd say box would be 3.5 cubes each @ 33hz, for the one I would do 4 @ 32....just my thoughts. Thanks.
  2. skater041930

    Fi bl 15 power

    I used to have the 2010 model fi bl 15 which on the site was rated 1000 rms, fully loaded it loved my saz 1500d. I see the new models are rated 1500 rms, If I only added the cooling option would my saz1500d be enough power? I have always overpowered my woofers a little and am trying to keep my amp. Thanks
  3. skater041930

    Making box from cut sheets on this forum

    I am currently running the saz1500d pretty much at its full safest power to 2 12 inch alpine type r's is a pretty good box. All I have is stock alt, optima yellow top under the hood just for a little extra juice, big 3 in 0 gauge and that's it. My voltage doesn't drop that much unless its a pretty high note or a pretty low note at a complete stop, not on the gas. While driving It moves a very little, not much at all. No failures yet
  4. Has anyone on here made a box for any of the bl woofers on here from the box cut forum? I have never made a box before and found that cut sheet page and if it saves me $300 by not going to a car audio store to have one built I think I would give it a shot. Just looking for input on if they came out nice sound wise and all. Thanks for your time people's
  5. skater041930

    Making box from cut sheets on this forum

    Sorry for leaving some info out, vehicle is a 01 grand cherokee limited, never measured the trunk area but has to be enough room, and the 15 inch bl. Amp is saz1500d v3. I would have got the box made 4 cubes @ 33hz if I went to a shop, but if following the cut sheet for the bl 15 which is above on this forum would make a good box for that woofer, I would try myself to save alot of money and to start gaining knowledge on this stuff. Search wise it seems like that cut sheet page is the best of the best to go with as I would have no idea how to build a box from scratch without that.
  6. skater041930

    Making box from cut sheets on this forum

    And what size wood should be used for making this. Thanks again.
  7. skater041930

    Fi bl 15 box suggestions

    About to get started on getting a box for a fi bl 15. I have the space so was thinking about 4-5 cubes as one fi page suggests 2.8-4 and another 2.8-5? want to hit lows and still have it get a little loud and don't really know 100 percent about tuning but was thinking 33 hz ? Any suggestions I appreciate or input...power is a saz 1500d v3...thanks for your time
  8. skater041930

    Fi bl 15 box suggestions

    I drive a 2001 grand cherokee limited, listen mostly to rap/hip hop as I like the bass of course. Or music like bass nectar, and stuff like that that brings out nice bass lines
  9. skater041930

    Sa 15s

    I have a sundown saz 1500d v3, and was hoping to run all sundown equipment soon, so the question is would a 1500d push two sa 15s nice or would they seem ' under powered'. Would most likely have the box be 3.5 cubes each @ 35 hz
  10. skater041930

    Sa 15s

    I had the fi bl 15 before back in 2010 when they were rated 1000 rms, baught it new fully loaded with the saz 1500dv2. Loved it. But I see now they are rated at 1500 rms. I personally ways give a little more power than they ask for just to make sure they get what they like. I am trying to keep the same amp and electrical and just upgrade the sub and box. I just feel like the new bl that asks for 1500 would like 2k as my last one loved the extra 500 watts
  11. skater041930

    Sa 15s

    Thanks for the replys, I would love to do 8 but I have a grand cherokee now and don't want to loose the back seats. If its possible I would by All means but I had a 18" bl in my old trailblazer and that was at 8 cubes and the whole back was gone. As said I am missing the lows