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Everything posted by denalilvr

  1. denalilvr

    Future Amplifiers

    Nope. They are rated much more conservatively than CEA 2006 calls for, which is how I prefer to do ratings... not a fan of the 14.4 volt standard. what are you ratings at? i cant remember if its 12.6v or not
  2. hey guys if you could get one of these 2 amps for the same price which would you go with? kicker zx 2500.1 2500 watts birth sheet around 2700 watts us amps md.3d 2000 watts again same price
  3. denalilvr

    can ssd's handle 2000 watts

    forgot to mention that you may want to invest in a car alarm if your just wanting to be heard..
  4. denalilvr

    May 3rd...

    lol i dont have anything installed yet but if i did show up it would be for the T's and R's...tits and rumps..lol
  5. from 1 side im glad to hear that because im going to be investing in some kicker amps soon, but on the other side i think im surprised to hear that..i remember back some years ago if you had us amps that was it convo was over in terms of what you got in the trunk..lol
  6. denalilvr

    Future Amplifiers

    lol you know the /thread thing orginated from the car audio forum from hell..lol
  7. denalilvr

    Future Amplifiers

    oh god please dont tell me this gets done here has well..lol
  8. denalilvr

    May 3rd...

    but ive modded them to take 100 watts rms much more then regular funkys...so i got my 2 funkys on a boss 6000 watt amp that puts out 180 real watts..and my trusty BASS KNOB!!!!
  9. denalilvr

    May 3rd...

    you guys are screwed when i show up with my funky pups
  10. denalilvr

    Help me purchase DD 9512g

    i believe the last time someone mentioned dd subs the 9515's where around $600-$700- locally..this was mentioned on another forum..which is why i asked if you where going to compete because they do cost a bit..they may be less at other shops not sure but i wouldnt expect to pay less then $500 for them..
  11. denalilvr


    there going to start getting tons of orders for the pkd1 and will wonder whats going on..lol
  12. ya i just really wanted to make sure i know for some its a no brainer when your getting a extra 5-700 watts but also its not always a quantity thing its a quality thing..but i think the kickers are really good amps too..also if anyone is interested in kicker amps the site i just placed a test order thru has them for ebay type prices without the crazy ebay shipping charges.. http://www.mobilesoundworks.com/ the zx25001 model is only $663 i ordered a kicker pkd1 amp kits for only $85 and i got a email telling me it shipped today so if it arrives ok i will give the thumbs up that my order went well and will do more business..
  13. denalilvr


    i placed the order on saturday and i just got a email saying the item has been shipped..so i will keep everyone posted on condition of item when it arrives..hopefully i can give a thumbs up because they have some stuff priced well..i know im going to pick up another 3-4 pkd1 kits
  14. denalilvr

    can ssd's handle 2000 watts

    you called my son?
  15. denalilvr

    Let us not forget

    of those 3 i think id choose the one on the far left..she seems to have the most booty of the 3..one in the middle looks beat up..or she just got off the boat..lol
  16. denalilvr

    can ssd's handle 2000 watts

    Sundown Audio SAZ-1500D would be nice..or kicker zx 1500.1...or jbl's new amp the gto 14001 model puts 1500 watts into 2 ohm and 1200 watts into 4 ohm
  17. denalilvr

    Let us not forget

    need more pics of the girl on stage in the fish nets..lol
  18. denalilvr

    Let us not forget

    why do hooters girls always have beer pudges..lol
  19. denalilvr

    Help me purchase DD 9512g

    are you going to compete?
  20. denalilvr

    Component Set Recommendations?

    i heard from alot of people boston pro60's are really nice speakers.. so i order 2 sets of those and will give them a try myself..
  21. denalilvr

    Q vs. anything

    i think hes pretty much made his mind up he wants fi subs..which we can understand why they are great..so all we can do is just tell him what to run it with and how instead of keep mentioning other subs..on another note..i think i would rather run 2 subs on that zx 1500.1 instead of 1..you said later you where going to buy another sub and another amp..if you go with 2 subs then later on you will only need 1 amp..save you some money in the long run..
  22. denalilvr

    system for my wrecker

    not sure how much room you have in the cabin, but this would be a perfect 8 inch sub project..especially if ssa comes out with there 8 inch sub..looks crazy..
  23. denalilvr


    just found the review section on this site and i read all the reviews on the bl and to my surprise they all said how good the sq was..so i think im going to take a chance and do the bl's instead....I THINK...LOL
  24. denalilvr

    another sub comparison, but i am a noob, lol

    all depends man whats sizes? and with fi you got different options to add on..best thing to do is check out there sites https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/...ndex.shopscript http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/shop/in...at&catId=14
  25. denalilvr

    can ssd's handle 2000 watts

    with that power why not step up to Q series?