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About twiztid_blunt

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  1. so my power wasn't secured properly to the back of the amp, we'll see how it acts now, the amp never turned off though, it always just stopped powering my subs
  2. thanks, odds of it being the subs?
  3. Utah county. lack of voltage sounds reasonable, I think the fuses blew because it was hot. that thing was incredibly hot. it's a kenwood KAC-91045, I'll probably get a new amp soon but do u know anywhere in Utah that can help fix my stock electrical system.
  4. So my amp keeps cutting off the power to my subs. It mainly occurs when I try to get my subs louder. It didn't do this as often a month ago. I think it was after a day of delivering pizza with it bumpin all day, amp got hot and my fuses blew, I believe ever since then it's been acting like a wimp. I'm wondering a few things I have stock electrical system, would the amp protect itself because its supply is inadequate? my subs run 300rms my amp runs 900rms, did I ruin my subs which is causing my amp to protect itself? (that would be awesome, been tryin to swap them out but gotta hurt em first) whatever it is, it keeps randomly protecting itself and when I turn my HU off and back on it gives subs power again (till I push it again)
  5. twiztid_blunt

    6 x 8 in a 6 x 9

    Is there anywhere to buy a mount for a 6x9 hole, 6x8 speaker? I can't find crap
  6. twiztid_blunt

    6 x 8 in a 6 x 9

    cool, front or rear? I imagine front would be better
  7. twiztid_blunt

    6 x 8 in a 6 x 9

    Hi, I currently got a killer deal on two 6x8 speakers (it was the speakers or wait to get paid back...) I was wondering if any of you guys know a nice simple tutorial, or just an easy way to install 6x8's in 6x9 slots. Also, I have stock speakers (pretty sure its non jbl with 6 speakers [06 camry v6 LE]) If I were to replace only two of my stock speakers for now, what would be the best way to go, back, front, etc?
  8. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    I think I really like a good SPL but whats a good SPL if it sounds like crap right? I also drive my car to the gathering of the juggalos annualy (in Illinois, livin in Utah) so trunk space is rather nice, causing me to highly consider a 15
  9. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    EXACTLY trial and error seems to be ALOT, and that's what I'm doing here. I don't have the money to do this trial and error just to be unhappy lol. I have 2 12's so maybe I'll try 1 15 for now. What do you guys think is a good way to go for a typical 4 door sadan (assuming an 06 camry is a typical sedan, not only am I new to car audio, but I don't know crap about cars lol) oh also, if everything is so install dependant.... where the hell do I get it installed? lol, am I better off doing it myself as a noob (some of these stores, best buy, soundwarehouse, and other local stores, seem like they don't know a damn thing about what they're doing)
  10. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    when it comes to 1 15 vs 2 12's would I get more or less SQ or SPL going one way or the other?
  11. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    Thank you very much phatboi, Exactly the kind of recommendation I'm looking for. Would you say 1 15 is comparable to 2 12's
  12. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    Yea I think when it comes SPL vs SQ I think I'll want to slightly tilt towards the SPL, and from what I've read 35hz is perfect for that. Now I just need to figure out what sub(s) to go with. I'll look into that SA-12, any other suggestions? When it comes to port tuning, I'm rather lost, is that decided based on how it's built?
  13. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    My amp is rated class D, I've yet to decide between ported, sealed, or bandpassed, and I was hoping for some opinions on how to go with my enclosure. My trunk is very big, so not fitting isn't a huge concern of mine but I'll measure it when I get a chance too. What brands should I look at and what brands should I avoid?
  14. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    was hopin for 2 12" subs, but all recommendations are awesome.
  15. twiztid_blunt

    Subwoofer Help

    sorry about that, toyota camry 2006 sedan, don't know any max dimensions, and my budget is 400 give or take.