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Everything posted by jamesjmg30

  1. jamesjmg30

    ZCON 15 enclosure build log

    I laughed so hard at a teddy bear being shoved in the port. Nice.
  2. jamesjmg30

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    Ok so I was wondering how well do Kicker L7's hold up. I'm not looking for great SQ or the Loudest, just a good in between that isn't extremely expensive. 2 12" L7 2ohm or 2 12" L7 4 ohm is what I was thinking. Also are Hifonics amps decent? they seem to be cheap... but is it just another "you get what you pay for" deal? or if you could recommend something else all together, I am use to lower quality/ older style MTX, Sony etc.
  3. jamesjmg30

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    Thanks for all the input guys. I know its been awhile and some things came up and so far all I have done is get a new head unit and put my old sony in the boat. I still like the L7's, I think that is going to be the plan. Is the zx1500.1 the best way to go for an amp, or is there a cheaper option that is just as good? I asked about Hifonics Brutus amps, but I don't want my subs to be underpowered. Thanks again.
  4. jamesjmg30

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    Well the links I posted, had 2 kicker 12" L7's in a kicker box, 2 or 4 ohm, they are priced right under $500 New. This is why I asked about them, also 12" L7's are rated at 750rms each. That makes a combined total of 1500rms watts needed in an amp. As for the big 3 upgrade, I plan on putting more money into my system as time goes on like I said, I am starting a new job monday that is stable and pays well. I think I will go with new, less issues to worry about + having a warranty is always nice
  5. jamesjmg30

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    no, I'm open to any suggestions
  6. jamesjmg30

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    refer to post 5, <$700 for amp+subs, also will be buying headunit, and possibly infinity speakers
  7. jamesjmg30

    Dual 12" L7's ?

    I don't really have a budget for audio yet, I start my new job monday, so I hope to buy all my audio stuff around this time next month. The more I think about it, the less I want to spend lol, but I guess under $700 for amp and subs, I will be getting a new head unit, and probably some infinity speakers also. So it seems that most agree that kicker subs +kicker amp is the way to go...