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Everything posted by braapboogcafish

  1. braapboogcafish

    T/S parameters for 2011 chaos ?

    X2 on this, I know they now use a UFO style motor and have had other changes as well. Love how they look know but I'd still grab the previous version if the difference in sound is better.
  2. braapboogcafish

    FS: CHEAPPPPP 1/0 hyperflex 60 shipped

    Your title is kind of deceiving. But glws
  3. braapboogcafish

    SSA XCON 10" D2

    damn those are nice! ive always been curious as to how ssa subs sound, let me know if you decide to sell the other one.
  4. braapboogcafish

    Pioneer 880prs

    The front pre outs on my 880 went out a while ago, been using it as is since then without an issue. That new 80prs is tempting but i just cant shake wanting a 800prs, that black face and copper body are nice! Pm me, i might be interested in your 880..
  5. braapboogcafish

    Need a box design/specs for single sa-8 ASAP

    Damn sorry for not replying sooner. It sounds great and has great output, i like it a lot, slams in my 2000 xj. I like it so much I'm actually doing a .7 tuned to 31-32ish. just a bit less size than the sa8 box, and lower tune since ill be using a skar vvx-8.
  6. i pieced together a simple system for a friend of mine and installed everything, only thing left to do is make the box and slap it in there! we both a totall newbs at sub enclosures and already failed miserably at making one for this sub (long story short, it turned out to be a fart box. box is sub forward port back which makes it interchangeable in positions 5 ways which we like a lot) so i need you guys to help us out on a box design/specs, i dont wanna be pushy but we need the specs by tomorrow because he really wants to build a box thats right and hear his sub how it should be already. hes a carpenter so the woodworking skills and tools are all here and ready. the max space we have to work with is 20" wide 18" deep and 18" high. Getting a amp that can do 400-500 at 4 ohms and 1000+ at 1 ohm (hifonics brz1200.1). well be at rms power for the sub and more so im thinking .65-.8 tuned to whatever is the most musical, 32-35hz? i was told to not go over 12sq inches of port area? well use any nice box specs that you can come up with as long as it stays within our goals. idk how you guys come up with your specs but if u want just use the re calc (if its accurate), that way you can just list the numbers here and i can type it in myself and get the dimensions for the wood cuts. the truck is a extra cab 2008 f-150. not enough space to fit a enclosure under the seats so pls dont suggest that. the 2 spots in these pics below are the only ones that he wants his sub, he has kids and uses his truck for work. also trying to avoid a "sub up" design, just so it doesnt get damaged as easy. here is the spot where he doesnt mind the sub/box being (seat is not in box ready position) now u can see here that with it open it frees up some box space here is a top pov directly behind the center console was our original idea but we decided against it because of size restrictions, were still open to using this spot if a box in our desired specs can fit there. i appreciate the help and i know he does too. he told me to tell all of you thank you for all of your input and help with this build.
  7. Just wondering how your sa-8s perform in your extra cab midsize to fullsize trucks. Installed a single sa-8 into a x-cab 2008 F-150, .75ft^3 tuned to 33ish with i think either 10 or 13.3 sq inches of port area (im a noob at sub enclosures). The box came out perfect and right on spec. Not satisfied with the results, the tuning sounds good and it sounds good musically but it just doesnt get loud enough, gets 1/4-1/3 as loud as it does in my friends car. Tested it on 2 different amps at 4 ohms, zx400.1 and kx1200.1. so it was getting 200rms first then 400+. small difference in output. Im wondering if his truck needs a bigger or smaller box to achieve more output? How does this sound to you?
  8. braapboogcafish

    Anyone with sa-8s in a extra cab midsize to fullsize truck?

    no, i dont want 37hz tuning. and yes musical is always a must. i just didnt forsee this setup coming up so short in his truck, the airspace of his truck vs the hatchback didnt seem like that huge of a difference to me. hes real happy with how it sounds on everyday music (i am too) but still wishes it could get louder. were gonna do what i said in my most recent msg and if that doesnt work then im recommending him to either get another 8 or just go for 10s or 12s. if it was my truck i would have it full of sound deadener, upgraded alt and electricals and the works..but he just cant spend that much cash so other options need to be used instead for now.
  9. braapboogcafish

    4 8" vs 2 10"

    i vote 4 sa-8s for the wow factor
  10. braapboogcafish

    Anyone with sa-8s in a extra cab midsize to fullsize truck?

    yea i seen that after testing he dropped the rec spec size to .5-.7 for any amount of power. and power efficiency isnt a need in this setup, no lack of power from the brz1200.1. we kind of played around with placement, more like port direction. still have to try actually moving the box around the back seat more. and might try a smaller box just for the heck of it
  11. braapboogcafish

    Anyone with sa-8s in a extra cab midsize to fullsize truck?

    Why does someone need to tell me that? I already know it. Im just trying to see what others have experienced with the same or similar setups, is something wrong with that?
  12. braapboogcafish

    Anyone with sa-8s in a extra cab midsize to fullsize truck?

    no worries man i dont take offense to that. the guy that gave me the box design says it has 13.3 sq inches of port area. i just wrote 10-13.3 because im not sure if i fully know how to read the RE calc right yet. these are the numbers for the re calc 19 9.5 14 14 0.75 1.25 12
  13. braapboogcafish

    A RHINO LINED CAR!!!!!! CRAZY Nissan Maxima&#3

    i think it looks badass, ive always appreciated a quality flat black look. BUT i think this is one of the dumbest things you can do to your car if its a car you care about. first of all IT STAINS, its not a smooth finish so it holds in dirt and other things and is a bitch to clean and over time theres no way you can avoid it staining. and i know youve all seen how bedliner looks when it fades and deteriorates, not nice at all. if it wasnt for these things i would be all over it, because the plus sides are great...heavy duty explains it all
  14. braapboogcafish

    2 10" chaos

    i agree with focusing on the front stage. you dont need more than a front stage in a reg cab truck anyways.
  15. braapboogcafish

    XCON 15 flex'n my Hyundai

    nice man, nice. can you explain that fake factory radio face you have in there?
  16. braapboogcafish

    HELP!!! Problems with sa-8 d2 install

    I pieced together a simple system for my friend, 2008 F-150 Ex-Cab. I installed everything which is.. Pioneer deh-p7200hd, 4 gauge amp kit, Kicker kx400.1 and today we built a box for the brand new sa-8 which is 14 width 13 height 14 depth. port is 12.5 width 1.5 height...after sub and port displacement its supposed to be .821 tuned at 34hz. I have it wired to 1 ohm. Well heres the PROBLEM. It sounds bad and should be 10x louder and lower. A friend of mine has a single sa-8 in a 1.0 cube box tuned to 34hz on 50watts and it SLAMS in his hatchback and its even 10x louder and lower in his piece of shit suzuki samurai so i know there has to be something wrong with the box specs we used. I am a noob at building boxes and my friend is too but hes a carpenter so the woodworking and tool skills were there when building the box, but the box building experience was not. Anyone know what the problem or problems could be? The auto turn on switch is at 12v (has 12v, DC and Audio) and the input button is on low (not pushed in) on the amp. The audio settings on the deck are basically the same as they are on mine (880prs) so i know the settings aren't off. Wiring is how it should be (amp and sub). Its gotta be the box, right?
  17. braapboogcafish

    Need a box design/specs for single sa-8 ASAP

    yea he only posted 6 numbers so i couldnt really do anything with it since its not a complete design for that calc. also i was wondering if sub displacement brings the tuning higher or lower?
  18. braapboogcafish

    Need a box design/specs for single sa-8 ASAP

    ok gotchya thanks again man. i have such a strong drive to get good at building sub enclosures, once im good at it will just add to my love for car audio. next im gonna build a better ported box for my v3 mag, its basically 3ft^3 tuned to 32-34 right now, too big!!! gonna shoot for si spec (2ft^3) or up to 2.5ft^3 tuned to 31-34. Also gonna do a sealed box for the mag too, listened to my friends 12 in a sealed box today and it sounded so clean and crisp! Makes me miss how my mag sounded sealed.
  19. braapboogcafish

    Need a box design/specs for single sa-8 ASAP

    also i was wondering if and how adding 45s in all the corners would affect the box? just asking because we want to do that.
  20. braapboogcafish

    Need a box design/specs for single sa-8 ASAP

    ^exactly why i asked for numbers to put into the re calc, idk if u can get any easier than that. Thanks Alex, hes gonna be relieved and stoked to know we got a solid box to build. funny though you found this thread before you seen that i wrote the same thing on HCA. so with those numbers i got square port area of 10 0.849 ft^3 32.9hz is that right? then with .1 sub displacement it will be .749? ...just checking
  21. braapboogcafish

    Need a box design/specs for single sa-8 ASAP

    i didnt say it was you who said that . some others. but that doesnt matter. normal slot or L port are both fine with me. he just wants a good box. id take those calc numbers gladly
  22. braapboogcafish

    HELP!!! Problems with sa-8 d2 install

    funny u said that because i just got done wiring it to 4 ohms because i made the mistake of thinking the amp was 1 ohm stable. ive been really stressed out this week so i think when i was reading the amp specs i had a brain fart when i seen "400x1" and it made me think 400 at 1 ohm at the time. it got a little louder and u can hear the lows a little bit better, the main thing noticable was it sounds how it should sound musically.. but still its not anywhere near what it should be. im still thinking the box is the culprit but i dont wanna leave it at that so were gonna try my kx1200.1 to it tomorrow and see how it does. also gonna get my buddy to come over with his car so my friend can get the sa-8 demo i been promising him since before we even started his build. gonna try this sub+box combo in my friends car and see how it does in there, then maybe even try his sub+box combo in my friends truck. just gonna try everything till we figure out if its the power, box or vehicle.
  23. braapboogcafish


    Long story short i made a thread on a local forum (hawaiicaraudio.net) and it was about my 12" si mag v3. Someone mentioned a ssa xcon and them being great """SQL""" subs, compareable to my mag in many ways they said. That was enough for me to want to join this forum, ive actually browsed on here before, read up on a few different sundown topics (x-8 which im excited for). From what ive seen, this seems like another great forum So yea...WHAT UP GUYS!