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Everything posted by brian85578

  1. brian85578

    sax 1200d noise need help

    ya i sent him an email just thought i would post it here to make sure i didnt miss something
  2. brian85578


    looks good
  3. so a friend built this box for my 2 sa 12s its 34 inches wide 16 inches tall 22.75 inches deep port is 16.75 deep with no bend and 5.25 wide running off a sundown sax 1200d , just going to use it for daily driver no spl , i like counrty rock and some rap music . re box calculator says its like 36hz and torres box calculator says like 42 hz ,i was hpoping for 35hz could i just legthen the port a little or narrow the port to acheive this
  4. well my wife gives me a hard time for having subwooers in my ride , she thinks im to old for it im 45 and still love loud music i think i will allways have a system in my car , love to hear your responses
  5. brian85578

    Looking violent!

  6. brian85578

    Decaf music

    Bum deal ,anyone got in the air tonight bass version
  7. Run it under the cab of truck and come up through floor wire harness for seat and seat belt wiring had same vehicle u can cut rubber grommet on harness and fit it through
  8. brian85578

    what is my box tuned to ?

    Anyone have more input
  9. brian85578

    what is my box tuned to ?

    What if I take the port wall out and start over any ideas on width and length
  10. brian85578

    what is my box tuned to ?

    Interesting idea always learn something on this forum
  11. brian85578

    what is my box tuned to ?

    Good idea thanks for the help
  12. brian85578

    what is my box tuned to ?

    Doesn't sound bad but wanted some lower lows
  13. brian85578

    Extended cab trucks - TOO much cone area?

    Anyone have more input on this I too have an extended cab truck and was planning on 1 12 on 1200 watts with icon 12 and sax 1200 d amp
  14. brian85578

    Funny Install Pic Thread

    You know that gold paint makes it sound zoo much better
  15. Love the price and the looks of these speakers thanks foe your input
  16. How do you like these speakers what is the mid base like
  17. brian85578

    S10 wont stop accelerating

    Throttle linkage
  18. brian85578

    2 SA10's in a single cab

    How much do you want for the fi bl