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I live in Canada. I guess you completely glazed over that.Here's the answer, since you'll just accuse me of "glazing over" it again: The current administration is doing nothing to help me because I live in Canada. Non-working, non-serving people are apparently on the same level as criminals to you. Seems logical. So if I'm uninsurable and have no money, but the government is willing to pay for my surgeries and subsidize my prescriptions to keep me alive (which allows me to then pay 40% income tax and 12% sales tax and property tax and fuel taxes and etc. etc. etc. etc.), how isn't that helping me and society as a whole? Never once did I mention anything about the current administration and I'm not going to get into it considering I'm not 100% familiar with every policy in the US. Last I checked, neither of your proposed policies, which is what I disputed, had been instituted by either party. I guess you glazed over that as well.
I have a job, but thanks for the condescension. I can't even donate blood or travel, but again, thanks for the condescension. It was less in reference to you and I haven't read all your posts. And when I'm so sick that I can't even walk under my own power because I lost half my body mass and almost all of my muscle mass over a 6-month period, I'm supposed to do what? And what's the attitude around here? That half of America is retarded ... How many comments like that were expressed shortly after Obama was re-elected? No, I didn't read that. I apologize for not reading all 13,000+ of your posts prior to making a comment. I assume you meant opinions and this forum has bred contempt for "my kind" around here for the last decade. Of course, there's nothing wrong with that attitude, but there's something wrong with mine. Sorry for being intolerant of the intolerance. Putting words in one's mouth?
The attitude has been explicitly expressed for the last 10 years, not specific to that post (though the not being allowed to vote certainly goes along with it).
The math is that the state is lazy in not doing their homework which, in the long run, would save them money since they wouldn't have 21,950 potential cases of fraud annually. If they investigated, they'd reduce the number of potentially fraudulent cases (people wouldn't be so willing to make fraudulent claims if they knew they'd be caught and punished) and it would likely create more jobs in the process. But, of course, this is the kind of short-term, half-assed thinking that the government is well-known for. Good to know that if I lived in your America, you basically just told me to fuck off and go die. I'd love to see you guys working with daily internal bleeding, anemia, low white blood cell count, low blood pressure, uncontrollable weight loss, uncontrollable muscle loss, and excruciating pain doing even the most simple tasks such as getting out of bed or going to the bathroom. But, hey, I should have health insurance, right? Nope ... I'm uninsurable even in Canada because it's a chronic illness that I've had since I was a kid. And can people like me serve in the army? Hell no. We can't even donate blood, let alone join the military. Now I remember why I stopped coming to this forum. The attitude around here fucking sucks ...
About time ... Not that I smoke weed, but each individual should have the choice to do what they want in a free country within reason (not harming other people, damaging property, etc.) ...Land of the free, unless free means you want to do something the government doesn't want you to do ... Then we'll throw you in jail for years even though you didn't cause any physical harm to another citizen ...
America's fucked regardless
thanks...so would it be safe to say that an enclosure with 10's you would want tuned higher and one with say an 18 you would want lower? SQ lower? SPL higher? It depends more on the T/S parameters and the goal of the system than the diameter of the drivers.
Yes, it would be 100W per sub. You're better off going with a stereo setup since it would be able to produce more power before audible distortion and be more efficient, so you probably wouldn't have as much of a dimming issue. The amplifier you're using is a Class AB, which is typically around 50-60% efficient under ideal conditions (of which your setup is not). A modern Class D mono amplifier will be upwards of 90% efficient. Sony lists the current drain as 40A at 14.4V to produce 165W x 2 @ 4 ohms stereo, which would make it 330/(14.4*40) = 57.3% efficient and that's a best case scenario. It's tough to speculate exactly what the efficiency is of your current setup, however. If I had to venture a guess, I'd say it's likely under 30%, especially since you said it blew the previous fuse to the point where it melted in the fuse block. If you take a conservative number of 80% efficiency for a Class D amp at 2 ohms producing 650W, that's a current draw of 650W/(14.4*0.8) = 56A. That's probably around the same draw you have from your current setup but with 3 times the power output.
There's no complete answer here. It's going to depend on the sub(s), vehicle, available/desired enclosure space, desired sound goal (SPL? SQ? Daily Driver?), personal preferences, etc. I'm going to generalize here, so keep that in mind. A higher tune will generally produce louder, punchier bass, but will severely compromise low-frequency output capability (due to cancellation and the drivers unloading) whereas a lower-tune will be able to reproduce a broader range of frequencies, but generally won't be as loud in most situations and the bass generally won't be as "punchy." Like I said in the first sentence, however, it's so situational that there's really no right or wrong answer.
It would be parallel. How has your amplifier been able to handle it? It's all about current. You can safely run 400 Wrms continuously on that amplifier at 4 ohms bridged (40V x 10A). Using Ohm's Law (Power = Current^2 x Impedance or 200 = 10^2 x 2), you can see that you can still safely get 200 watts continuously out of the amplifier at 2 ohms bridged. Also keep in mind a few other factors. First, your subwoofers have a 4 ohm nominal impedance, but that number will actually fluctuate depending on a number of factors (frequency being played, enclosure size, voice coil temperature, etc.) and, in most cases, they will have an impedance higher than 4 ohms each. The other thing is that music is dynamic, so you can exceed voltage and current limitations of the amplifier over short periods of time without causing damage, blowing fuses, etc. Of course, this is nowhere near an ideal situation. You should think of upgrading your amplifier to something that can operate optimally at 2 ohms ...
I wish you could kill people who decide to have drunken marital fights at 3:30 AM ... especially those who respond with "Mind your own fucking business" when you tell them to shut the fuck up from your window. I am minding my own fucking business, bitch. My sleep is being interrupted by your drunk ass. I don't need to hear you crying, banging on windows, banging on doors, and screaming at the top of your fucking lungs at 3:30 in the fucking morning. [/rant]
Went to the dentist for the first time in like 8 years. Was fully expecting her to tell me your teeth are fucked, we're going to have to drill every tooth in your mouth. Conversation: Dentist - "Wow, you have great looking teeth." Me (muffled as her fingers were in my mouth) - "Thanks" Dentist takes her fingers and mirror out of my mouth and looks at X-Rays Me - "So what's the verdict?" Dentist - "No cavities, no gum disease. Best looking teeth I've seen all day." Me - "You must have had a pretty shitty day so far." *laugh* Dentist - "Seriously, you have magnificent teeth. You must have done an amazing job of brushing and flossing over the years for them to be in this condition after 7 or 8 years without visiting me." Me - "Thanks, I try to make your job easy." ... Not that I don't appreciate good news or anything, but shit ... I'm calcium deficient, have acid reflux due to an underdeveloped esophageal sphincter, brush my teeth once a day usually, don't floss, and consume admittedly way too much shit that's supposed to be bad for your teeth ... and I get told I have magnificent teeth? WTF? Meanwhile, my GF brushes her teeth 3 times a day, flosses, and does all the shit you're supposed to do ... has 8 cavities ...
I've been haggling with a recycler for over a year on an engine they want $1K for. I've offered them $800 and they still refuse. It's been sitting there for 1.5 years and they won't deal for $200 less. Oh well. I know the feeling. There's a local audio shop that still has shit from the mid 90s that he absolutely refuses to sell anywhere close to a reasonable price for 15-year-old equipment. Alpine Type X components, Phoenix Gold Cyclones, Phoenix Gold Ti amps, Pioneer Premier everything, original Soundstream Rubicon amps, etc. The guy is loaded w/ primo shit that I would love to have. I've been haggling with this guy every so often for like the last 10 years ...
Spring is here in BC. The usual extreme wind with hail/slush fucking sucks. 105 km/h (65 MPH) gusts every 5-15 seconds blowing soft hail/wet snow into your windows makes it extremely fucking difficult to sleep. Probably going to lose power at some point. This blows
If you double the power, you'll gain UP TO 3 dB in theory.
GF and I get in a huge fight yesterday because she wants to spend more time with me, so I make plans to do something with her today. Low and behold, she ditches me and then thinks it's unfair that I'm pissed off because she ruined the plans for my day (I spent the last 3 hours at home waiting for her). What a fucking cunt ...
n00bxqb Mostly play NHL and Gran Turismo on PS3.
My parents' new house is chalk full of man cave. The basement has: - Full wood-working shop - Pool table - Bar - Several leather recliners - HDTV/sound system in adjacent room to pool table plus HDTV in pool room - Tons of sports memorabilia/paraphenalia - Fridge stocked with beer And, on top of that, it has a 3000 square foot garage and it's right on the lake, so fishing is a 2-minute walk away.
It also depends on what type of music you listen to as well. If you're listening to rock, you can easily get away with setting the gain with a -6 dB tone and a -10 dB isn't out of the question because you won't have periods of extended bass and most of the bass generally doesn't come close to 0 dB (plus you're filtering much of it out on a sub amp between the LPF and SSF). If you listen to rap, electronic, or anything else with long, droning bass, you're best off with somewhere between a -3 dB and a -6 dB tone, in my experience. Tuning the gain by ear is fine (recommended) for full-range amplifiers, but it definitely shouldn't be the primary method for subwoofer amplifiers, IMO. I set my gains in the following way (assuming, of course, I don't have access to a spectrum analyzer): - Disconnect all amplifiers - Connect DMM to front RCA outputs and measure DC voltage - Play 0 dB tone on HU - Turn volume up until I hit the advertised pre-amp output voltage. This is what I refer to as the reference volume (RV). Write this number down. - Turn volume all the way down on HU. - Set gain on speaker amplifier(s) to minimum sensitivity, connect speakers, and power up. - Play music I'm familiar with at RV and turn the gain up on the amplifier until I'm comfortable with the sound output. If the amplifier's output at minimum sensitivity is too loud, I reduce the volume on the head unit until it's comfortable and this becomes the new RV. - Power down speaker amplifier and turn volume all the way down on HU - Set gain on the subwoofer amplifier(s) to minimum sensitivity and power up. Do NOT connect subwoofers. - Hook DMM up to relevant outputs - Play <insert suitable tone here> at the RV and turn the gain up until it reaches the desired voltage (using the Voltage = SQRT(Power*Impedance) equation) - Turn volume all the way down - Hook up all amplifiers and speakers/subwoofers - Slowly turn volume up until you reach RV playing music you're familiar with. If you find the volume of the subwoofer(s) to be overpowering the rest of the system, reduce the sensitivity on the gain until it matches well with the rest of the system at RV. From there, it's just a matter of setting the filters. SSF should be done with a DMM based on how the subwoofers model in one of the available enclosure design programs (i.e. WinISD, which is free. I personally use BassBox Pro, which is not free). You'll want to use the DMM method again and set it so that the frequency that would cause the sub to meet Xmax is at -3 dB (71% voltage) relative to the rest of the system. You'll need a 0 dB tone set to that frequency in order to do this. The LPF and HPF should both be set to the same frequency, but this is something you should do by ear from the driver's seat. You want to set the LPF low enough that you can't tell the sub-stage is behind you (it should just envelope you), but at the same time, you don't want your midbass drivers playing too low as they may bottom out or distort as a result. Also, depending on how "rattly" your vehicle is, it may not be possible to get a proper sub-stage, so just worry about the safety/sound of the midbass drivers and go from there.
only 1 output on head unit
Jmac replied to smashedz28's topic in Amplifiers / Head Units / Processors / Electrical
10 years ago, anything with a single RCA output was full range. I haven't been in car audio in over 5 years, so I don't know if things have changed that much, but without knowing what HU his friend is using, we shouldn't be speculating on the output capabilities of the pre-amp. As for the amplifier above, it doesn't seem like it has an RCA pass-through (see manual here - http://www.audiopipe.com/support/manuals/files/AP_Series_Class_D_manual.pdf), just bridging support. You'll need to use an RCA splitter, assuming the other amplifier he has doesn't have an RCA pass-through.