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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Steve, when I get some extra money, you're so selling me that eXcelon, so keep it in good condition Also, if you have extra money, you can still get that Cyclone. I'm not going to be able to afford it unless someone in my family dies in the next month or I get hit by a car or something
  2. Well, I really like my Premier GM-X1020, but I'd have to say my favourite amplifier that I've had the pleasure of using was the Soundstream Rubicon series. They were quite expensive, but they worked great and every single one that I've installed is still in working condition and has never required any work.
  3. Jmac


    Y'all better stop with your SQ sissy bashing before I come over there and whip you with my wet knickers ...
  4. Great head unit, although I fail to see why the DEH-P750MP got 6 volt pre-outs and the DEH-P850MP was stuck with 4 volt pre-outs ...