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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Also noticed part of my ceiling in my storage closet caved in .... FUUUUUCK !!!!!!
  2. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's going to really piss me off if I get evicted because they have to do renovations. Due to rent control, I'm paying about $150/month less than tenants in similar apartments.
  3. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Chances are it was the transformer. Many small transformers such as in lighting ballasts and smoke alarms are encased in a semi-solid oil for cooling (these would be very old), or epoxy for vibration and shielding. When they short out, they melt the liquid or epoxy and it oozes out. It also amplifies the foul odor of burnt wire. That might be it, although it's a brand new smoke alarm. They just put it in about 9 months ago and it has a manufacturing date of March 26, 2009. I came back to check on the place today (mostly because I shut off all the breakers and, once I got to my parents', realized I probably shouldn't have shut off the breaker for the fridge ) and the ceiling is still leaking black shit from that spot and it looks like it's starting to soak through other parts of the ceiling several feet away, so I'm not sure if all the black liquid would be from the smoke alarm.
  4. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So my smoke alarm caught fire in my apartment due to a leak in the roof. Fortunately, I was home at the time so it didn't cause any damage, but it doesn't seem like a good situation. When I disconnected the alarm, the ceiling was dripping with black liquid. I'm not sure what it is, smells like burnt wire, but that might be from the electrical fire and it looks like way past its prime motor oil. Decided to take the wife and cats to my parents for the night rather than risk dying in a fire should something else short out. My little kitten is having a ton of fun at my parents place while my older cat holed herself up in the most difficult to access spot in the house (under the bar, which is solid oak and marble and weighs at least 500 lbs)... 10 seconds after getting out of the cage. Fucking cat ...
  5. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Big win by the Canucks over San Jose this afternoon
  6. More headroom is never a bad thing as it allows better dynamic range and the ability to set the gain lower, which means a lower noise floor. That said, more power will increase the size of the amplifier in most cases (barring a substantial difference in efficiency, of course) and if the goal is to fit it in the dash, he'll probably be looking at double-digits per channel. Another option on those old CRXs would be under the dash-board in the center. Would allow more space, IIRC.
  7. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've retired one. Only been two 49more states and have one province to go What state are you missing? Alaska Province ? Yukon, but I let nunavit or whatever it is off the map... Well, lucky for you that neither of those are provinces; they're territories
  8. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've retired one. Only been two 49more states and have one province to go What state are you missing? Alaska Province ?
  9. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When you were last active, were people crazy about T-line enclosures or quarter wave? Same general principle for the most part. DAWG WIT A T-LINE U GET DOWN SUPA LOW TO LIKE 2 HRTZ NO PROBLAM WITH DA 4TH ORDA BANDPAZZ YOU GET REEEEL LOUD! w0rd
  10. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    When you were last active, were people crazy about T-line enclosures or quarter wave? Same general principle for the most part. No, I was last active in like 2006 ... The trendy enclosure back then was ported to 32 Hz using aeroports ...So, basically, it's the one-size-fits-all, jump-on-the-bandwagon, using-any-other-type-of-[insert trendy brand or equipment type here]-makes-you-a-noob mentality that is always prevalent within the car audio community ? Got it ... Who are the sheep following this time around ?
  11. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Can anyone explain to me the current hard-on for 4th order bandpass enclosures ? Everywhere I look, it's 4th order this, 4th order that ...
  12. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice$1800 on wire, though Does that include shipping ? Not sure, have yet to speak about it.. but It would be on a roll of course.. 53 cm^2 1/0.. Get 100 people to put down 180 dollars, like a group buy.. I asked for a sample and they said they'd send me a foot sample Good luck finding a hundred people, keeping track of everyone, packaging and shipping out a hundred boxes. I'm surprised no one pointed out the math of 100 x 180 = $18,000 not $1,800 ... Unless, of course, he plans on making a $162 profit (minus shipping) off each of those 100 people, of course ...
  13. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ... so bored ... doesn't look like the hard drives came in today for the server I'm building ... ordered 4 x 3 TB @ $90/each
  14. Well, with a 0 dB signal, that 0.188V is going to be 0.594V theoretically, which is still on the low side. Now, mind you I haven't used an Alpine HU in quite some time, but the last one (CDA-7893, IIRC) I used had 5V outputs and it didn't put out 5V until you hit into the 30s on the volume control (and that was with a 0 dB signal). Just because the internal amplifier starts clipping at 23 volume, it doesn't mean the pre-amp does.
  15. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice$1800 on wire, though Does that include shipping ?
  16. Jmac

    4th order design for 2 N2 18s

    The thing is, you say your goal is to murder the low notes (25 Hz) and it seems counter-productive to use a 4th order to do that, especially when you're dedicating that much space. A transmission line, IMO, would be a better design for what you wish to achieve.That's just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.
  17. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Austria got 2 meters of snow, roads closed, railroads closed and I didn't see news on the international web pages. Seattle got 4 inches of snow and it's the Snowpocalypse What's a meter? Approximately 2 and 1/6 cubitsAbout 35/64 of a fathom ... Roughly 10 hands ... Close to 5/1000 of a furlong ... A little less than 2/10 of a rod ... A little more than an em ... Help you out, my American friend ?
  18. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    3 hours of sleep + cold medication + nothing on TV = difficult to stay awake I want to get my sleep routine away from going to bed at 4-5 am and waking up at 12-1 pm
  19. If you hook a DMM up to the amp when it's cold and play a sine wave, does the voltage change as it warms up ? If it doesn't change, it's a fault with the clipping light. Most amplifiers should have a consistent output voltage regardless of temperature (though the output impedance and, therefore, current should change).
  20. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Says the guy who lives in Utah, rofl. Haha, thanks, I was about to say something along those lines ...
  21. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    God I hate drivers around here. We got 10cm (4") of snow last night and the entire town shut down ... Had friends over, we went to order pizza and the pizza place said they weren't delivering because of the snow. I'm 4 blocks (yes, 4 fucking blocks) away down the main road, which is clear, and they refused to deliver. Called some other pizza places and they all said the same thing. So I had to "risk my life" (sarcasm, FYI) to drive a whole 4 blocks on perfectly clear roads to pick up pizza instead of spending that 20 minutes hanging out with my friends. On top of that, my Facebook page was filled with posts of people saying they weren't going to work because it snowed, complaining about having to "dig" themselves out, etc. They closed down the mountain pass to the capital city because a bunch of fucking morons don't know how to drive a fucking mountain road in the fucking winter (put on chains, drive slower than usual). What a bunch of fucking pussies ... I mean, honestly, this is fucking Canada people. If you lived anywhere else in Canada, you'd be surrounded by fucking snow 8 months of the fucking year and you fucking idiots can't deal with 4 fucking inches of fucking snow ?!?!?! FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/rant]
  22. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is what drives me nuts about many Republicans. They are constantly calling for smaller government, the government to stay out of their lives, the government to run the country as the founding fathers intended, etc. and then when something goes against their moral beliefs, they want the government to outlaw it and force everyone to abide by their moral codes (i.e. gays, muslims). It is just outrageously nonsensical and contradictory, which is completely out of line with the founding fathers supposed intentions (forming a country free from religious persecution, fair representation in government, etc.)It seems to me that many Republicans don't want the country to be run as "the founding fathers intended," they want to go to the witch hunt era where anyone different from the accepted norm is burned at the stake.
  23. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My face is so palmed right now ...
  24. Jmac

    My 8" Box Sundown E8v2

    The first one but the port is crooked and the construction quality needs improvement (panels aren't flush with each other, gaps in the wood, etc.)