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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    *Impatiently waiting for Aaron to come online*
  2. BB6P is great, IMO ... Calculating slot displacement is easy ... Of course, I'd love to get my hands on LEAP 5.0 ... Unfortunately, I don't have $1200 laying around nor do I know where to get it for free ...
  3. I understand the thinking behind it ... although, I'm not sure what kind of music those guys listen to or if they actually listen to it full tilt. I know that a lot of music today contains information well in excess of -7 dB and often that information is clipped from the disc, too. I'd be very weary setting my gains with a -10 dB tone and listening to today's music at the volume you used to set your gains. The only reason why I used 0 dB in the gain setting tutorial I put up is so people don't blow their equipment, not necessarily to get the most out of their equipment. I'm making a new gain setting tutorial and providing tones in 0 dB, -3 dB, and possibly -6 dB, but I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending -10 dB, especially to n00bs. I personally use -6 dB for subs and set the speaker gains by ear.
  4. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I slept through/skipped most of calculus and still got a B ... So boring and tedious ... I wish I would've shown up for the first day ... that way I would've known that attendance counted for 20%
  5. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you're still around, I'm on AIM if you still need help w/ Excel, n00b
  6. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Car shopping rocks ... How could test driving several cars a day for several weeks be depressing ?
  7. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If I had $5,000 to spare, I probably wouldn't put it towards audio equipment and especially not towards car audio equipment ...
  8. Jmac

    power cable as speaker cable

    If 4 ohms per coil, 14 gauge is fine. If 2 ohms per coil, I would upgrade to 12 gauge.
  9. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My mom doesn't tolerate people moving her seats ...
  10. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not my mom's CR-V ... Move the seat and you might lose a limb ...
  11. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ugh, the CR-V's back seats suck ... It's like a 90 degree angle and hard as a rock ...
  12. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Jin-Tar Nih-Cook Den-Nis-P Mis-Ter-Ray Kwee-Jo N-G-S-M
  13. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Someone explain this to me ... I have a wireless keyboard and the batteries that came with it (Duracell) lasted over a year and a half. I replaced them with No Name Brand AAs and, obviously, they're complete chit (I got them from my parents). Anyways, I just went to replace the batteries for the 3rd time in 3 months, and I took my multimeter to them. The batteries are wired in series. 1 battery was at 1.38 volts while the other battery was at 0.5 volts. I was confused, so I tested several other batteries (which all tested 1.6 volts) and tested it again and it came up as 0.5 volts every time. I put the old batteries on the table and, when I went to throw out the one that was 0.5 volts almost 2 hours later, I tested them again to make sure I was throwing out the right battery. Anyways, when I tested it, the battery that was 0.5 volts is now up to 1.02 volts ... It hasnt' been charging or anything, just sitting on the table ... How did it charge itself ?
  14. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Give it to me ...
  15. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got cable last month ...
  16. Jmac

    Recommended Test CD's

    I love Nirvana - MTV Unplugged in New York ... I would've loved to have seen them live, but Cobain killed himself when I was 11
  17. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So did I ... But now, when I want to watch them again, I won't have to wait 2 years ...
  18. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I know I got the new episodes of The Simpsons and Family Guy (440 MB) in less than 15 minutes (~7 minutes each)
  19. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just tried Newsleecher tonight ... Holy chit is it fast ... Keep in mind that this is on a 5 Mbps connection (640 KB/s) AND I'm downloading with Azureus at the same time ... If you download with newsgroups, I highly recommend you try it out ...
  20. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL, lemans is getting pWn3d
  21. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It might need a wheel alignment ...
  22. Shaw? Telus has been just TERRIBLE lately thanks to their strike. Yeah, Shaw ...Telus wasn't even that good before the strike ... Did removing those startup programs help any, Steve ?
  23. You pay $44/month for 3 Mbps cable ? Ouch ... You can get 7 Mbps cable for $47/month in BC ...
  24. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I vote we try to make it the most disgusting thread ever ... Yes, even more disgusting than lemans's enclosures ...
  25. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL, badmof0 needs to come out of the closet ...