fudge I hate women ... Let's lay out my day here: GF gets home, I greet her at the door, hug her, we hang out for about half an hour, decide to have a bath/shower together, talk in the bath/shower for about an hour, get out, have sex, I give her a back massage until she falls asleep, I get up and play CS:S on the computer, her friend comes over at 8, I wake her up, she comes to the door to greet her friend, her friend comes in, I go to hug my GF, and she says, "Don't touch me." I say, "Why not ?" She says, "Because" I say, "Because ?" She says, "Your hands are cold." I say, "Okay, I'll put my hands in my sweater while I hug you." I hug her, she doesn't hug back, then I go to kiss her and she turns away. I ask, "What is your problem ?" She responds, "I don't know, I just woke up." I say, "That's not an excuse to be grumpy and treat me like this." She says, "Can we not fight in front of my friend ?" I'm like, "Whatever." So I go back to playing CS:S and minding my own business while my GF is hanging out w/ her friend. She comes and sits down on the couch next to me and starts sighing. I take off my headphones and ask her what's wrong, she says, "nothing" and sighs again. I ask her, "No seriously ?" and she says, "you could pay attention to me." I respond, "Um, I am talking to you now, aren't I ?" ... She says, "Yeah, but you're still on the computer." So I get off the computer and go to snuggle up to her, and she says, "What are you doing ?" I say, "snuggling up to you." She says, "Well don't." I'm like, "Why not ?" She says, "Stop pucking smothering me." So I just get up and go to bed. She follows me in and says, "What the fudge is up your ass ?" I'm like, "What's up my ass ?!? You've been a complete b!tch to me ever since you got up !" She's like, "How do you figure ?" I'm like, "Are you pucking kidding me ?" She says, "I haven't done anything to you." I'm like, "Whatever, just leave me alone then." So she leaves and slams the door behind her. 15 minutes later she comes in and asks me, "James, do you think you could go pick up pizza for us ?" Me - "No, we don't have the money. Why don't you just make something ?" Her - "But I don't want to make anything." Me - "Well, do you want me to make you something ?" Her - "Not really." Me - "Well, you're not spending money ... We have rent tomorrow." Her - "Well, maybe if we didn't spend so much money on your lunches, we'd have money." Me - "Sorry, I guess I just shouldn't eat at work." Her - "Don't talk to me like that." Me - "Well don't blame me for us being broke when you went out and spent like $50 on everyone for Christmas when we agreed to $20 per person." Her - "You can't buy anything good for $20." Me - "I don't want to fight about this again, okay ?" Her - "Fine." Me - "Fine ... Why don't we cook up some chicken and Sidekicks." Her - "Fine." Me - "K, well, why don't you and Randi go get some milk and I'll clean up the kitchen and dethaw the chicken ?" Her - "I don't want to go out." Me - "Well, neither do I ... I'm in bed, I'm tired, and I don't feel well." Her - "Randi doesn't want to go out either and I'm not going to make her go." Me - "Fine, I'll go get milk." Her - "No, don't bother, we'll just eat out." Me - "I told you, you're not eating out." Her - "Fine, go get milk then." Me - "Can you please tell me what I did to you ?" Her - "You've been a complete assho!e ever since Randi got here." Me - "How ?" Her - "You know how." Me - "Whatever" So I get dressed and go to grab the keys and I hear, "You're not taking my car !" I'm like, "Why not ?" She's like, "Because it's my car." I ask, "Can you come over here and talk to me, please ?" So she comes over: Me - "Seriously, what the fudge is your problem ?" Her - "You" Me - "What the fudge did I do ?" Her - "For one, you're trying to steal my car." Me - "I'm getting you milk so you can pucking eat ! Holy pucking chit !" Her - "Don't swear at me !" Me - "Well sorry, you're frustrating the chit out of me." Her - "How ?" Me - "You know how and if you don't ..." Her - "If I don't what ? I'm retarded ? You're such a pucking assho!e." Me - "Whatever, am I allowed to take your car to get get you milk ?" Her - "Fine ... all I wanted was for you to ask." Me - "You ... just wanted ... me ... to ask ? How long have we been going out for, again ? Seriously, why are you acting like this ? Her - "Acting like what ? Me - "Quit playing dumb and answer the pucking question." Her - "Sorry, I can't, I'm too dumb." Me - "Whatever, I'm leaving. Bye." Her - "Bye" So I leave, go get milk, get back upstairs, and she's dressed and ready to go out. Me - "Where are you going ?" Her - "We're going to go eat." Me - "So why the hell did I just go get milk ?" Her - "I don't know." Me - "This is pucking bullchit, you know that, right ? I didn't pucking do anything." Her - "Neither did I yet you've been treating me like chit all night, even ask Randi." Randi - "You haven't been talking to her very nicely." Me - "Are you pucking joking me ? You're seriously defending her ? Have you seen how she's been treating me tonight ?" Randi - "I'm not getting into this." Her - "Yeah, don't drag her into this." Me - "You're driving me insane." Her - "Me too" Me - "Seriously, what did I do ?" Her - "Nothing." Me - *sigh* "Okay ... You're still not going out." Her - "You can't control my life, James." Me - "Fine ... Whatever ... Go out, spend money for no reason, fail to make rent, and ask me for money tomorrow." Her - "Well, you still have that cheque from Jon, don't you ?" Me - "Yeah ... What's your point ?" Her - "So we'll be fine for rent." Me - "You're completely missing the point." Her - "What's the point, James ?" Me - "You wanted each of us to have our own separate funds, pay our own bills and chit and now you're spending your money and relying on me to pay a part of your rent." Her - "I've paid your part a few times when you couldn't make it." Me - "Yeah, that's fine. But the difference is that I wasn't out spending money I didn't have." Her - "So I'm never allowed to go out for dinner ?" Me - "I didn't say that, for one. Secondly, you just got me up to go get you milk because I thought we were making dinner here." Her - "Well, when you said you were leaving, I didn't think you were coming back." Me - "Where the hell did you think I was going ?" Her - "I don't know, to Jon's or something." Me - "Why would I do that ?" Her - "I don't know." Me - "Anyways, why don't we just have dinner here, then ?" Her - "Randi and I don't want to cook or wait for dinner, we want it now." Me - "Whatever, fine ..." Her - "Okay." I go to put the milk in the fridge and when I get back, she's gone already without saying bye or anything. Seriously, I can't take this chit ... I didn't pucking do anything, we were getting along perfectly before she fell asleep and then, when she got up, she was like a completely different person ... I don't understand it ...