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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If I get a 30" TV, then I have to replace my TV stand because it will only fit up to a 27" TV ... And, locally, I can't get a decent 27" TV used for under $200; most people want $250-$300 and I'd rather pay the extra $50 and buy new ...
  2. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Online is also not an option ...
  3. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A projector wouldn't work very well for my application and I'm not willing to spend $1000+ on a projector + screen ...
  4. Well, I uploaded the WinAVI iPod Video converter as it seemed to be the fastest and have the best image quality of the ones I tested ... You can get it at ... http://www.gmail.com User - JmacTones Password - jmacftw
  5. The trial version of WinAVI puts a large red watermark in the center of the screen, just so you know ... I already have the "free" version, but it's an older one (7.0) that doesn't convert to .mov format ... Besides that, I'd recommend going to the higher quality MP4 format using the specialty version of WinAVI for iPod Video, PSP, etc. I've already got quite a few programs (QT Pro, WinAVI iPod, and a few others), but I'm going to try them all out and see which one turns out the best before uploading it ...
  6. I thought iPod Video used MPEG-4 video format ? I'll see if I can come up with a "free" program and upload it to my public Gmail account for you ...
  7. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Buying a new TV tomorrow ... but I need to decide whether or not I'm going to go the cheap route (27" Sony Wega, keep current TV stand) or the expensive route (30" or more widesceen HDTV + new TV stand) ... The 27" Wega will end up being well under $400 after taxes whereas the HDTV route is going to cost me at least $900 and a lot more effort ... Plus, I can do a lot with $500+, so I think I'm going to end up going the 27" route then upgrading to an LCD in a few years because they'll both improve and come down in price considerably in that time frame ... GF wants to go with the 50" Sony Wega LCD Projection TV from Costco for $2300 (which, BTW, is $500 less than Futureshop plus it includes a stand), but I'd rather put that money towards something more important (school or new car) ...
  8. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Crazy wind storm last night ... I'm suprised I didn't lose power ... I'm definitely quitting one of my jobs, this is ridiculous ... "We know you're sick, but you need a doctor's note or else you can't work here anymore." "Why didn't you tell me that before you sent me home yesterday after I collapsed ?" "I don't know." "Well, in order to get a doctor's note, that means I have to go down to the walk-in clinic and wait around for 3 hours to see a doctor, who might not even be the same one, because it'll take over a week to see my GP." "So why can't you do that ?" "Because I did that yesterday." "So ?" "So I'm not going to sit around with a bunch of other sick people for 3 hours again and make myself worse. Not to mention the inconvenience." "Well, if you don't have a doctor's note on Monday, don't bother showing up."
  9. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tell me about it, nice and warm here; I had to drive around with the windows down ... Had to be at least 15 out ...
  10. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    GF comes home from work today with a few of her friends and as soon as they get in the door, they're all like "so what did you get her ?" I say nothing and they all respond with a gasp and a "what ?!?" So I just walk away. They're all standing in the hallway talking chit about me and telling my GF how she should "get a man who treats her right." Long story short: Next time (if there is a next time), she's getting something small for her birthday and something small for Valentine's ... BTW, spending $600+ on your GF on her birthday a week prior to V-Day is no excuse to not get her anything for Valentine's day (even though she didn't get me anything nor has she ever gotten me anything on this "special" occasion). At this point, I really don't give a fvck what happens ... I went completely broke to make her happy and yet I'm expected to do it again the very next week ... And she has the nerve to say I don't appreciate her ? Fvck her ...
  11. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Phat's so hilariously ignorant and stupid ... I could pass a lie detector test and he still wouldn't believe I didn't neg rep him ...
  12. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What I got for Valentine's day: 2005 - Nothing 2004 - Nothing 2003 - Nothing She's not getting anything from me this Valentine's Day, especially after I dropped over $600 on her birthday last week ...
  13. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mr0ning ...
  14. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's like smoking; you know it's bad for you, but once you start, it's hard as hell to stop ...
  15. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Why is it interesting ?
  16. Jmac

    fudge Walmart

    Wal-Mart doesn't have good automotive stuff, either ...
  17. Jmac

    fudge Walmart

    I don't go to Wal-Mart because they always have lines ... I hate lines ... Plus Superstore is cheaper ...
  18. Also know nothing about Quebec ... Today is our 46th consecutive day with rain ... to BC
  19. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got a new job today ... Slight hourly increase ($0.50/hour), but less hours, so I'll be making less ... I should be a lot happier, though, because I'll be selling computers instead of dealing with incompetent fudgetards ...
  20. Jmac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ugh, fudgeed up my back yesterday moving furniture around in the bedroom, couldn't go into work today ... fudge ... Should've took some T3s, went into work, and when it wore off, claim I hurt my back while working so I could claim WCB ... I don't think at 7 am ...
  21. Jmac

    Happy Birthday Dennis !

    It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to Cry if I want to Cry if I want to You would cry too if emo happened to you ! I Dennis
  22. Jmac

    Happy Birthday Dennis !

    Now you can legally cry into your boos like a normal person ...