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Everything posted by Accordman

  1. Accordman

    w6v2 v Fi Q?

    in short you get more out of the sub, while retaining the linearity that w6s are known for
  2. Accordman

    4.5 ft3 @ 32 htz for AA Havoc 15

    looks real nice, patiently waiting on some pics and vid
  3. Accordman

    Sundown vs RF testing

    A guy over at SMD is actively testing the amps and has done some decent stuff pertaining to the testing so i thought it would be a good read for anyone over here whos interested . http://www.*****.com/board/ind...c=14661&hl=
  4. seems the issue is still here
  5. Accordman

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    thanks for the heads up on 18s, will be waiting on news on the cones as i love the inverted look overthe traditional boob cone.
  6. Accordman

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    did you guys ever finalize a look, if so, can i get a teaser pic of the cone, as i am a rep and very interested in running them for my setup, and while were on that topic are the 18s 100 percent going to happen? let me know both of you have my contact information.
  7. Accordman

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    i say go with most simple dustcap possible. I want CF , but i know what they cost and honestly dont find a DC worth an additional 30-40 dollars end user side
  8. Accordman

    where to get aa havocs

    hes located in North Carolina, i sent him here.
  9. Accordman

    3 idq 10s vs 1 icon 15

    since icons arent in stock any time soon why not try a 12 id max, you can get them pretty cheap off the forums lately
  10. Accordman

    Can SSA do an 18" recone?

    lol i already been through this, as i wanted 18" icons, so i decided to get the motors and build them myself
  11. Accordman

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    how long before reps get 1 to mess with and show to dealers
  12. Accordman

    H2 Hummer build

  13. Accordman

    Death Penalty 21" Pics!

    does this sub come with a gasket?
  14. Accordman

    H2 Hummer build

    its still in progress but heres some more recent pics
  15. Accordman

    H2 Hummer build

    ive got some pics i'll post them later on
  16. Accordman

    Please welcome Greg Carolus to SSA

    always good to see more tech support
  17. Accordman

    ax-5600 problem

    i have no problems with you, hence why i was trying to get him into contact with you.
  18. Accordman

    ax-5600 problem

    nice to see things moving over there Greg
  19. Accordman

    AA MAYHEM info ??

    heres a pic from another forum that was posted just use a pic of the old btl for a side view
  20. Accordman

    ax-5600 problem

    US Amps doesnt have anything to do with Ikesounds false advertisment. as with all US Amps stuff your supposed to go through the dealer you bought it fomr not us amps themselfs. try emailing [email protected] and tell him your situation, maybe he can help you, maybe not. I just dont really see how this is thier problem when ikesound are the ones whom sold it. As far as a company like that representing them, they get thier product from outside sources.
  21. Accordman

    merlin help

    im also looking for the older model MD2D as im trying to match a md42 of the 06 models. what are you looking to get out of that md1d?
  22. Accordman

    authorized online dealer

    mechman.com has them
  23. Accordman

    Whats considered a hairtrick?

    Damn ive been using my own hair, rules out the hairtrick. Imagine a hippy wearing a panter shirt bumping hood figga. rofl
  24. Accordman

    ICON Re
