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Everything posted by Accordman

  1. Accordman

    eD 13Av.2 Subwoofer

    i was going to preorder one and got an email back to the extent of "pay now and we'll email you when they are available, but it may be 4 to 5 months" after that i decided i didnt wanna play with one that bad
  2. Accordman

    PS3 and Wii games

    i like heavenly sword, uncharted, will love playing the Final Fantasy's , i just need to go out and get another ps3 since mines broke
  3. Accordman

    Pick my external hard drive

    im running a seagate sata in a sata/usb2.0 case paid about 80 for 750gb external setup
  4. Accordman

    i need some computer help!

    try a windows system restore to a point where it was working properly. also check your device manager to make sure it didnt uninstall your driver or that you dont have any conflicts
  5. its cheaper just to buy a case from radio shack and add your own internal. I did that with my 750gb sata for my notebook
  6. Accordman

    The Mag is coming!

    if you been following , i believe it was posted that there would only be a 12 initially
  7. Accordman

    18 Wheeler w/2 ICON 15's build log

    cant another mod resize them and edit the post?
  8. Accordman


    lookin nice over there
  9. Accordman

    12" Re Audio SE or SR Subwoofer?

    id have picked the SE, and had room for improvement later had he wanted a little more output. i've heard a few SE on 400 each and they sounded great for that little of power.
  10. Accordman

    lvl 4 10"

    will do thanks for the fast response
  11. Accordman

    lvl 4 10"

    Looking for pricing on a single DC Sound Level 4 10" would like to review it next to my XXX, and a few other 10s so i figured i'd see what kinda pricing this sub goes for and whats the best way to go about getting one. I tryed to speak with WCA Rusty at one time about the DC brand but talks were kinda inconclusive so i thoguht i would post a thread in hopes for a response.
  12. Accordman

    DC Audio new project ( lookin for feedback)

    looks nice, i still am a fan of the CF myself
  13. Accordman

    Website down?

    id be pretty pissed if they lose it somehow
  14. Accordman

    Website down?

    will things on us dealers side stay the same, or to early to know
  15. Accordman

    Website down?

    damn that sux
  16. Accordman

    Sundown vs RF testing

    nice another exploder owner, i got a 97
  17. Accordman

    Sundown vs RF testing

    lol thanks i think lol, i'm not really one to stray away form something especially when im pretty much over there all the time and have to hear the biased RF/Fi crap constantly, so when anyone decided to discredit the company that i represent, i wasnt going to sit there and basically let it ride. Also i didnt sling crap, i backed up what i had to say, so that i wouldnt have 50 fanboys trying to discredit each post i made. Thanks to those of you who did see my points in the arguement/debate though.
  18. Accordman

    Sundown vs RF testing

    yea the arguement over there that there wasnt enough power for the RF when it was on the same system as the sundown is rather hilarious
  19. Accordman

    From: Cool New Forum.

    hahaha i feel the same way man. dude cannot handle critism whatsoever, plus i enjoy all the forums that are ACTIVE
  20. Accordman

    Sundown vs RF testing

    the peopel over there whom are against my side pretty much have the same point as visitor does, My thoughts over there were, that everyone over there brags about thier birthsheets of thier RF's doing 1500ish RMS , then a test like this is done and they are the first ones to yell out that its a 1k rms amp. the first test not linked showed that same T1k consuming more power then a single sundown 1500d, so my thoughts are w/e i dont want a 1k RMS (rated) amp that consumes the same power as somethign thats clearly more powerful.
  21. Accordman

    Best way to clean our subs

    you dont got tinted windows?
  22. Accordman

    Best way to clean our subs

    i honestly couldnt see it hurting it to spray a clean coat over it, but then again a little fade woulndt bother me
  23. Accordman

    8 inch woofer?

    i wouldnt mind demoing some of those here for some people locally try to get some word of mouth going over here.
  24. Accordman

    Something for you SQ Guys!

    lol yea im pretty anxious to see a finished product
  25. Accordman

    Fatmat is a hoax......

    pretty interesting thread, I myself have never liked the fatmat product. So would be nice to see improvements