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Everything posted by kappa546

  1. kappa546

    15" not dipping low enough

    hahah i want to port it at some point so i can go joyfully deaf, but priority is on my front stage and alot of other things right now. plus, thats a huge box and i just dont know haha... im gonna try the polyfill deal and see if im satisfied.
  2. kappa546

    Magnum power!!!!!!

    man that a1200.2 will sick! on the magnum. i cant even imagine
  3. kappa546

    Interest in pre-ordering 8's?

    hmm i have no idea where i'd stick them but i'd definitely get a pair. i might end up using them in my moms car or something.... go ahead and make them nick... you've got my blessing. btw... can i be an SI rep? haha or can i at least have a sticker?
  4. kappa546

    Anybody in Houston

    i live in houston ... ill be heading back tomorrow probably. problem is the mag is only gettin about 200w+ off my tru until i get the us amps in... but it certainly doesnt sound like 200w
  5. kappa546


    IM FREAKIN OUT !!!! ITS SO BEAUTIFUL! pics will be comin within hours.
  6. kappa546

    Pics of new Mag 12's

    that really blows... i have my 15 already but i cant help feelin bad for all u other guys
  7. kappa546

    Pics of a REAL sub for you al lil look at......

    kinda sad the claw is gone... woulda been a crazy 15"
  8. kappa546

    Mag 15 owners...

    haha sorry.... i never have a shirt on.... or much else. so why am i the only one that posted a pic! cmon FREAKS!
  9. kappa546

    Mag 15 owners...

    tryin to get a pic of my mohawk... ah well...