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Everything posted by LDW3RD

  1. LDW3RD

    Talk about 5k amp List Here

    You can't beat the price for the power.
  2. LDW3RD

    Picture for Dave and Ryan

    You mean you dont remove your pants before you sit at your PC
  3. LDW3RD

    Good Installer Near Philly ?

    I have a guy. What do you want to get installed and in what kind of vehicle?
  4. Beautiful. Good job Meade NickelBack you remind me. (loud)
  5. LDW3RD

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    We're all audio friends... btw I'm in no way trying to compare the company's. I dig ya both...
  6. LDW3RD

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    Cause this is in the DC Sounds lab section. hahahaha
  7. LDW3RD

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    Dont be like that....touch it..... Its has to be a reasonable explanation.
  8. LDW3RD

    Replacing 2 BTL 12's with 2 lvl 5 15's

    I wonder why his question didn't answered? FI tech is usually all over a question about their subs.....
  9. check on termpro.com DoctorBass is the guy who made this amp his personal project iircc. Search Doctorbass he's the man.
  10. LDW3RD

    From: 5000-watt Amp Thread

    You need show your sig in action! I love MT's but lets see you rock them NightShades!! Put that sh!t on em. You need a team just to build and manage your own truck!
  11. Meade I gotta ask. How do you get that panel with all that weight to hold to door? Clips alone aint gonna get it so what gives?
  12. hahahaha, "I may sound like I'm swangin from the McNuggits" Can't be swangin if the staement is true, Meades work is truly impresive.(imho) Keep up the good work Bro.
  13. LDW3RD

    My Van...daily driving/comp. vehicle :D

    I like it. Good luck with the score.
  14. LDW3RD

    First Pair of Sundown Audio Nightshade 15's (PICS)

    And is that 4 SAZ? yup JMS!! What I want to know is can I do it everyday or is this sub gear twdrd SPL only
  15. LDW3RD

    got the new Beast

    Nice amp. is that the new heat sink 3k? XXX 18 would rock with that bish.
  16. LDW3RD

    First Pair of Sundown Audio Nightshade 15's (PICS)

    And is that 4 SAZ?
  17. LDW3RD

    First Pair of Sundown Audio Nightshade 15's (PICS)

    Sexy moofers 15" Test results? ASAP!
  18. I see no ugly. Knowing how lazy I am I'd be ok with the door like that for awhile.
  19. Good gracious. You are doing a wonderful job Meade.
  20. LDW3RD

    Thinking Q + 1500D

    Boooooorrrrrrrring..... J/K. Actually a great piece of advice. I would've saved a bunch of money over the years had I listened to that.
  21. LDW3RD

    Problem with my 3000Ds?

    You could post some pics of the set up so we can also feel how you feel.