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Everything posted by Megalomaniac

  1. Megalomaniac

    A little more info on the new Mags

    Im with you boss. I would rather have better accuracy and a smaller enclosure than obnoxious loud no sq and giant boxes.(not comparing to old mag) i am enjoying my current gen mag off 800watts(i dont even think i am giving that much power its a guestamate) sounds fine blends well up front. new xbl^2 mag should sound tasty
  2. Megalomaniac

    A little more info on the new Mags

    so its almost done?
  3. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

  4. Megalomaniac

    12" Mag cone diameter for dustcap.

    Nick, do you have any blank poly dish dustcaps?
  5. I would like to know the mag(current gen) diameter needed so i can get the correct size dustcap to cover whole cone with an inverted dustcap. like this, except i will be using an Aluminum dustcap, if anyone has any alloy caps btw please let me know! here is why id like to replace. i get it out but there is a crease now, so i am replacing whole thing. thank you in advanced ~mir ali~
  6. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you can pick up a second projector I'd be willing to buy one and compensate you some. chit man me too. i waited in line at frys from 12am and didnt find a projector for a good deal
  7. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nevermind i accidently switched display mode
  8. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i hate how it shows the first post in this thread on every page
  9. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    chevys are ghey
  10. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    cousins sleeping line started moving at 4:30am....not really to go inside but everybody packed up their tents, so line shifted about 50feet forward. I just bought todays paper at 3:30am yay more waiting except in checkout the tvs sold quick, look at checkout
  11. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I waited at frys from 12am big line I bought a 500GB external, 2gb duo, and a few 1gb thumbdrives. i got more pictures but im sleepy now
  12. Megalomaniac

    The sound deadener Poll

    lol i avoided raamat because its too wrinkly from being rolled up, OCD type thing. i went with second skin damp baseline great stuff.
  13. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LMAO 2 days later now(from when i bought it), i returned that drill and got my money back. i found a better set from Wallyworld for $20 more dollars I get a complete tool set all in one container too *drill not pictured because i placed it on charge the drill is the same voltage its just nothing fancy, with that grip gel and the laser level, also it has the older battery version. not a big deal for $70 for all that
  15. Megalomaniac

    Dish Cone

    You can get one but i don't see the point...it wont be a 'mag' anylonger...it'l be a sub with a blank dust cover... Honestly it'd probably hurt the re-sale value.. soo.. What will it take to get a blank dustcap?
  16. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. Megalomaniac

    So we finally bought an Eco friendly car

    whats a SYNergy?
  18. Megalomaniac

    Dish Cone

    im not a fan of rfs caps it wouldhave to blank for me to want to use it
  19. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you're fired
  20. Megalomaniac

    Technoe music

  21. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :ehh: :ehh: x73 LOLCakes You would do the same
  22. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    whats bach-party without a hooker?
  23. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    :ehh: :ehh: ?
  24. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My cousin is getting married in december. We are planning a bachelor party. we are going to do a private show and have the stripper come to a hotel my other cousin works at, the hotel is closed so he can get any room he wants for free I am also looking for a hoe from my college cause the stripper will be for the bachelor getting married, and we want a side show for us too. CFF & bukkake her!!!
  25. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I went with Black & Decker for 2 reasons. - they are a reliable reputable company, and devault was too expensive - It Matches my toolbox and jigsaw