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Everything posted by Megalomaniac

  1. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ReAudio/Us Amps are having a group buy through ray. http://www.*****.com/board/ind...c=13372&hl= would it violate TOS to post a thread about it?
  2. Megalomaniac

    I need a Voltage Meter...

    radioshack has a very user friendly meter that costs about $30. its a 22 range http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.js...rentPage=family
  3. Megalomaniac

    RE Audio Coaxials

    re audio makes coaxils?
  4. Megalomaniac

    Happy Birthday Acidburn

    its over, you're too late. /thread
  5. Megalomaniac

    Happy Birthday Acidburn

    reach around for everones
  6. Megalomaniac

    Happy Birthday Acidburn

  7. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    are anyone one of you familiar with zFtp server? cause i set up a personal server and on the user end of it they can download but are unable to upload without an FTP client. there is only one person that was able to upload with no problems using just a regular browser like IE or safari. i have set permissions correctly too... anyideas?
  8. Megalomaniac

    A little more info on the new Mags

    baah i dont listen to my mag more than 800 watts anyways if that even.
  9. Megalomaniac

    A little more info on the new Mags

    is the new basket acting as one big heat sink?
  10. Megalomaniac

    Technoe music

    thank you
  11. Megalomaniac

    Technoe music

    So I am getting back into the techo music game again. I started listening to DJ Eion and Tiesto tracks i had on my computer. I forgot how much i enjoy techno. Anyone have any recommendations? I like techno music thats a bit mellow and liquid, something very euro. I just came across Glenn Morrison - Contact (you tube it, you'll see, i like music along those lines) better yet here http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=76791419
  12. Megalomaniac

    epicenter by audio control

    I have one, I have the old series 2 version that I use. I only switch it on for "rock" brings out the double bass good since my mids arent as stout as others
  13. Megalomaniac

    How to Properly Coil Cables (Tutorial I made)

    works with any cable. But with christmas lights it might be a gamble because chrismas lights have hanging wires on them. so if one wire goes through a single loop then you will have that tangle in every loop when you throw it. but given it stays the way it should no problems should happen
  14. Megalomaniac

    A little more info on the new Mags

    ohsnap a shortening ring
  15. Megalomaniac

    How to Properly Coil Cables (Tutorial I made)

    I have never been in the boy scouts. my brother taught me one day when I was coiling cables wrong couple years ago. He bitch slapped me too do it right.
  16. Megalomaniac

    PC Control of Satellite or Cable

    I have the coolsat 5k. im using 2 dishes, one stationary for 61.5 and the other on a motor to get 119, 110, an 91. as long as you are computer savy its easy to setup. but keep in mind its illegal and if you get caught enjoy the consequences
  17. Megalomaniac

    8 inch woofer?

    can u make a 6.5" sub with a neo Jacob?
  18. Megalomaniac

    How to Properly Coil Cables (Tutorial I made)

    i should have made that clear. this tutorial is not just for audio cables its for all cables or things with length that need to be wrapped
  19. Megalomaniac

    How to Properly Coil Cables (Tutorial I made)

    There you have it guys. coiling cables properly saves lives!!
  20. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    how bored were you? lol nobody bored here. actually in SPCH 1301 we were suppose to come up with an demonstration speech/demo. So I thought about something easy yet informative. I present this Wednesday in class. I hope to get an A
  21. Megalomaniac

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Some of you n00bs dont know how to coil a cable http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...mp;#entry314735
  22. Megalomaniac

    How to Properly Coil Cables (Tutorial I made)

    Step 4 Make an Over loop, grab cable about 2 feet from right hand with your left hand and loop it over your hand like normal, no twisting ( same as step 2). Step 5 repeat step 3 and 4 until cable is completely coiled Step 6 Tie cables tie to it and hang the cable up or store it safe. Cable ties are cheap, buy them. Step 7 when you are ready to use simply untie the cable tie and hold one end and throw the rest of the cable, your cable should stay straight and tangle free. Comparison cable throw demo Coiling a cable properly is easy to do and can be somewhat time consuming at first. But once you get the hang of it you will make it a habit to coil it like so. Your cables will last longer (saves money), stay in shape, tangle free, and it is easy to dispense when you need it for the next time.
  23. Megalomaniac

    how to ? sticky ?

    its not a hard task. how many batteries are you doing? im assuming you are trying to get 16v? maybe we can help you directly
  24. Megalomaniac

    A little more info on the new Mags

    Playing above 60hz should never be done by a subwoofer anyways, hell I don't like mine to play above 40 if I can help it. yup. anything above 60....would be midbass...