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Everything posted by Megalomaniac

  1. Megalomaniac

    10" mag

  2. Megalomaniac

    DP grooms table FTMFW!!

    now thats a knee slapper
  3. Solved the problem by selling the MX & buying a mag again I bought another mag, turns out it was my exact same mag i had owned before mx. It got damaged(cosmetic) in shipping. packaging could have been better. but i'll live. No more mechanical noise at least woot. here is the difference
  4. Megalomaniac

    Ia 40.1

    i see when doug and justin helped you your scores went nowhere but up
  5. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    correct. but the point is mine was inverted
  6. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    ouch, why would they do that? thats insane
  7. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    any way to rechrome plate it?
  8. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    lol, a story to tell
  9. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    mx had a little more impact, but the SI was more "musical"
  10. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    i was afraid of that. oh well new install soon guess what else came today...
  11. Megalomaniac

    Love story Mag reunited with me :)

    question, Am I able to polish the scratches out? they look pretty deep to me...
  12. Megalomaniac

    New cone design?

    you do know those are still dust caps... dust caps dont have to be boob-like
  13. Megalomaniac

    New Mag proto pics

    how much does the new mag displace(cu ft)?
  14. Megalomaniac

    My someonewhat of a rant.

    I'll try to keep this short as possible. The other day I was browsing through the classsifieds over at ca.com. I stumbled upon an MX 12. So I said to myself that id like to try an MX, I heard great things about them, also they look sexy for my inverted install. So I offered to trade my 12" mag(current gen) for it. He said cool. i traded. I have had the mx now for about 3 weeks. I must say Im dissappointed The sound was kinda up there with the mag but it didnt have that certain "crisp" edge of sq that I liked in the mag. I could deal with that fine. But the absolute sh!ttiest part is. The DAM Mechanical Noise the MX puts out. Its ridiculous to hear that much noise coming from 1 sub. its dam loud especially since i have an inverted install, its to the point where it drowns the bass out if look right at the sub. luckily i have a trunk car and the seats filter that noise out. Also whats the deal with those terminals on the MX, on the mag it was the push terminals and I could use my bananna plugs with ease. So thats my rant just complaining how naive I was for trading gods gift to man for an gods give to women sub...a noisy one. So Keep your Mags! or trade my MX for it ~Megalo~
  15. Megalomaniac

    New Mag proto pics

    yay for me!!!
  16. Megalomaniac

    Frankenwoofer - TCON style

    Am I seeing correct, you were using gorilla glue to recone?
  17. Megalomaniac

    Free Mag 15

    you havent responded to my email, i had a request for the logo images [email protected]
  18. Megalomaniac

    another hello Chad request

    So does this mean no more arbiter mtms...comin from aa?
  19. Megalomaniac

    BM10 proto pic

  20. Megalomaniac

    another hello Chad request

    if you still have the flanges from your old one, you can use mine for the time being doug...they 4ohm though i believe
  21. Megalomaniac

    another hello Chad request

    lol at the captain obvious remark. I take it still no tracking number?
  22. Megalomaniac

    another hello Chad request

    i strongly believe it shouldn't take 3 months to get some darn tweeters. You should have just got them from Madisound and call it a day.
  23. Megalomaniac

    New Mag proto pics

    i love how the mags are idiot-proof
  24. Megalomaniac

    Free Mag 15

    oh i am going to do this too. Is it possible to get the vector image of the SI logo?
  25. Megalomaniac

    another hello Chad request

    ouch, i hope you get them soon