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Everything posted by 02BlackOnBlackSS

  1. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Metering an amp

    Benching an amp takes some tools. You can't just do math and find out. It is not underrated to the point of putting out 1800 watts. It may put out 675 or so watts.
  2. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    what really pisses me off

    That rule was made to stop scammers who go from board to board posting things with a post count of one and screwing a lot of people. I think it is pretty necessary. Just hang around and post outside of the for sale forum, it isn't that bad. Just chill man.
  3. 02BlackOnBlackSS


    How does it compare to other subs you have heard? (list the subs, power and box)
  4. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    i have a few new toys coming in today

    Come up for the LSU game saturday.
  5. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    i have a few new toys coming in today

    Why didn't you call me?
  6. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    SoundDomain had an enclosure building contest.

    Wow, that really blows. Sorry to hear that. All that work for nothing. Seems like 320 pounds would make your car slow huh? Let us know if you are gonna do it again.
  7. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Who has one of these subs?

    What tools do you have?
  8. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    power acoustik a2400db

    How does it sound on the uberwoofer?
  9. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Displacement of a RE XXX 12"

    The XXX moves way more than the MT. That would make for the XXX having much more displacement than the MT. I wouldn't say as much as .40 cubic feet, but I would say around .25-.30 at least.
  10. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Momentum Car Audio Magazine Released

    I checked it out. It is pretty cool. I even learned a few things (from Dan Wiggins), and a few new brands of auto care products. I also found the song I have been looking for in the review of the "Future Leaders of the World" cd. Overall, a very nice mag.
  11. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Sup peoples

    Welcome, I've always wanted to go to australia.
  12. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    OOoohhh its on in 2005!

    Nice... Get it metered yet?
  13. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    amp problems

    Do the magic 3.
  14. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    This game is hard

    http://www.big-boys.com/articles/dotmove.html I got to level 4, see what you can do.
  15. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Anyone get planet audio for cheap?

    I can't find an amp to match my TT2250D, so I am looking for a VX2200 to match my VX3002. Anybody got the hook up? Oh yeah, if you want my TT2250D I am selling it for $325 shipped.
  16. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Power Bass XS15Dv2 Review

    The box makes the impedence rise.
  17. 02BlackOnBlackSS


    I wanted to get the knukonceptz Kompressed Kable. It looked really nice, except the price tag... I opted for the audiopipe 0 gauge kit.
  18. 02BlackOnBlackSS


    86 in a 55 would have sent me to jail for 30 over... if I wasn't 16 at the time.
  19. 02BlackOnBlackSS


    I was lucky to live in a small town when I got my ticket for 86 in a 55. I had connections, and it was taken off of my record.
  20. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    The new 2006 Z06

    500+ hp? I love those wheels too. I can't wait for it to come out.
  21. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    The new 2006 Z06

    With the unimpressive 1/4 mile numbers and the skinny tires. Save youself about 10 grand and pick up a 2002 Trans am WS6. Those will be worth some real money someday.
  22. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Some new stuff

    Yep, I got an awesome deal on them too. 712 shipped brand new. They normally sell for about 850-900 + shipping. It's from a real company too, not a scammer, lol.
  23. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Some new stuff

    Here's some things that I have in my closet. Planet Audio VX3002 and Hooker Longtubes Jet-Hot coated.
  24. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Transmission Line Enclosure

    My friend built a t-line box for a 6.5. He said basically, all you have to do is make the box 6.5x6.5 (or whatever the sub is) and make it 1/4 the length of whatever wave you want. He used the FS of the 6.5 which was 38 and it was 7 ft 11 inches long. He wrapped it in the middle and went back around. Sounded like a really nice 8. He probably could have metered around 133-134 on the new TL. We will probably get it metered sometime in the future, but for now hes building another t-line for his other 6.5.
  25. 02BlackOnBlackSS

    Fake Cybersex

    That was my fav too. HARRRR!!!