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About Scheibler

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  1. The rubber outside the cone it torn and the cone is also torn from the rubber and has paper pieces missing. Any idea how much a recone is? Probly isn't worth it with shipping
  2. So i got a new clutch/flywheel put in my car. My mechanic put my old parts in my trunk which i forgot about. My sub doesn't have a grill and that box full of parts broke the 10" ssa dcon rubber surround and even the cone. I tried using silicone, but the sub sounds like crap! Can i get a new cone and rubber or should i start looking for a new 10"?
  3. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    did the ipod trick. Sub and amp work. It must be the LOC.
  4. well figured it out. Amp is powering on just fine now. Problem is i can't get the LOC to send RCA signals like it should. I got the sub working using the ipod connected to an rca output. Dunno what I'm going to do about this loc....maybe its broke! I've hooked it up every which way
  5. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    lol yea. only reason i bought the amplifier is b/c its worth nearly double what I paid for it
  6. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    guess I'll need to buy a 3.5mm jack to rca cables though to see if its the LOC.
  7. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    No what I did was buy another amp! Same problem
  8. haha yea. Was going just leave it in one, but didn't know this forum doesn't have near as much traffic as some others. Wish you could edit the title
  9. Lol well I got the amp to power on. But now I can't get the sub to do anything. Even went out and bought another amp(a JL Audio 500/1) b/c i got it for $100 off some guy who bought a car with it and didn't want it. Same thing as the alpine....nothings happening with the amp. Think I'm going to have to order a 4-pin speaker level harness for the alpine amp cause I can't figure out this LOC. Probly will just sell the JL Audio 500/1 for a profit since it doesn't have speaker level inputs. Boy does that amp feel like quality though! Weighs a ton and feels high quality Any ideas whats going on here? LOC has 5 wires going into it. 4(1 for each speaker's + , -) and 1 for an optional ground Then on the other side of the LOC it has 2 RCA's with a ground wire inbetween. A blue wire for remote, yellow for 12v, and black/blue for chassis ground. I couldn't get the LOC to power the amp on so I just used a seperate speaker wire and ran it to my bose amp 12v remote. Now I've just got the blue wire and yellow wire hanging there and all the grounds grounded
  10. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    Got a killer deal on a JL Audio 500/1 for $100. It's doing the same thing as the alpine mrp-m350. Will power on, but the sub doesn't do anything. Wonder if my LOC is wired wrong or the sub is blown?
  11. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    I've seen the amp working before this setup...was pushing two twelves
  12. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    The amp light is on. I've grounded the LOC. It actually has three grounds on it which is pretty confusing, a 12v constant yellow wire, and blue remote wire. I couldn't get the lock to work by connecting the yellow wire to my bose 12v source or the blue wire to work as a remote. I got the amp to turn on by running speaker wire directly to the power wire on my stock bose amp Wish I could just find one of those 4-pin speaker level harnesses to see if it's the LOC connection being messed up or if it's broke in general
  13. Scheibler

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    I checked the ohms on the subs. Both terminals rrad just over 2 which is correct. Maybe the line out converter is somehow hooked up wrong? Hate those stupid things. Shoulda juat bought a line level harness for direct tap
  14. I've got a used SSA DCON 10" and alpine mrp-m350 amp. The amp is hooked up to a line out conerter tapped into my rear speakers with the amp recieving power. The sub is wired in parallel and is a dvc 4ohm sub so the amp's output is going to be 2ohms. I've got both sub terminals, negative to negative and positive to positive. The wire connecting the box is connected to ONE terminal...that is correct right? I've checked all the wires again and again yet can't get the sub to do anything. I changed grounds to no avail. I bought a used sub off a member on caraudio.com (lil98cabrio) and am starting to think it's blown, but don't have another sub to test. Is there a way to test the sub or amp with a dmm?
  15. it was an accident and thats what I'm asking. Dunno if that could of fried the amp or if it is just a user error wiring up the pac