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Everything posted by Dictator

  1. Dictator

    good budget build

    now we are talking. OBSIDIAN audio 18 )) or a pair and get insane!!! they like 6cubes ported...spare a good 14cubes or so you should be loud and laughing at the same time. wont be over 500..under budget with a quality product!
  2. Dictator

    Going Out of Business Sale! Epik Subwoofers

    Those "15" empire subwoofer drivers" look like a nice deal. Wonder what sealed box size they require for diy??? Anybody have an idea
  3. Dictator

    The right sub enclosure for home studio use?

    If you go DIY route definitely look at Stereo integrity!!!
  4. Dictator

    new to here

    Welcome to the club!!!
  5. Try exessive amperage really nice qulity!!
  6. One word "mechman" not saying anymore.
  7. Dictator

    FS: Fi Q 15" Dual 2

    If you had a pair I would jump on it looking for a pair of 15's that work well sealed. "SQL"/SQ
  8. Dictator


    I cant find any info on the enclosure's they need......... Kind of pisses me off.
  9. Dictator

    This will sound silly...

    Thats going to defeat the whole purpose of a prius...just turning the heat on it drops your mpg in the city.
  10. Dictator

    This will sound silly...

    Lots of space in the hatch area of a prius though. You have that going for you.
  11. Dictator

    SSA XCON 15 - $200

  12. Dictator

    Two 15" SSA GCON Infinite Baffle D2 Woofers

    What size box do they need for inifinite baffle?
  13. Dictator

    four 12" or two 15"

    Two 15''s save the dough
  14. Dictator

    Home theater sub amp What do I get? Suggestions

    That fan noise lie is so much bullshit. I switched mine out and its super quite... How much i dont hear it just hear my htpc instead which is barely any noise!!
  15. Dictator

    Home theater sub amp What do I get? Suggestions

    Look at behringer europower 2500 and 4000. Or the new inuke lines!! Great amps. Pro audio amp with a art clean box best option for power and price!! Under 300$ for 1600clean rms!!
  16. Dictator

    Updates on my life. :)

    That truck is dope!!
  17. Dictator

    Sony 720 rms home sound system!

    I like the furniture in the room though!!!
  18. Dictator

    Sony 720 rms home sound system!

    lol this made me laugh because this was the first song I played on my home theater...except my ceiling was flexing.
  19. its re..sounds like overpriced equipment.
  20. Dictator

    bc3500d current draw/electrical needs

    You can but sometimes you can dump all that money on wire and still not change a thing. More batteries add one at a time.
  21. Dictator

    **COMPUTER** Two GTX 680 2gb Cards from EVGA

    I want one for the theater comp stupid 400watt power supply
  22. Dictator

    Sony 720 rms home sound system!

    I see nothing
  23. Dictator

    WTB 1-1.5k rms amp at 2ohms.

    Lol if he's selling stuff on craigslist goodluck grtting cash.... Everybody wants trades for junk in return.
  24. Dictator

    (SOLD)(2) SSA Xcon 10's Dual 1 ohm

    only have a zcon 18