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Everything posted by Dictator

  1. Dictator

    broken fi bl i need HELP!

    next time makeshure your gains are set up properly on the amp. Ditch the kicker and get a amp with subsonic on it. End of story learn from your mistake.
  2. Dictator

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    nice pictures
  3. Dictator

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    nice pictures
  4. Dictator

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

  5. Dictator

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    Always enjoy your builds swagger i can relate with the whole wagon crazy thing. people dont understand the love for wagons like we do. The yota looks pimpin though keep rollin loud and G in it lmfao.
  6. Dictator


    Alton is good guy sold my aq2200 to him with no problems even talked to the guy on the phone. Straight up real guy with tones of knowledge.
  7. Dictator

    FI 15 BTL N2s

    14k????? amp? im confused
  8. Dictator

    I thought I should share this video about diet

    After i heard "I love doing tie shitty" i lost interest.
  9. Dictator

    My Amp Came In!!!

    Nice amp.
  10. Dictator

    bld9220's first real build

    A+ quality on the box good job
  11. Dictator

    FI 15 BTL N2s

    Nice subs you got their 800shipped thats my offer?
  12. Dictator

    Big Secret?

    Looks cool
  13. Dictator

    Gary's bonneville (still under construction)

    That's a awesome score at that frequency! Stroker's?
  14. Dictator

    Check out my mixtape!

    ;What you been smoking that was horrible. I rather go bang my head against a wall then listen to that again....Gj for putting yourself out on the spot like that two thumbs up
  15. Dictator

    Skar 12s+ Cresendo 2k at .5= Flex

    Crescendo=THE shit best amp for the money SHITS on AQ because it is the same amp of aq just Hella cheaper!
  16. Dictator

    2 12" xcons box

    Did you check out ssa's blue print's of xcon box's?
  17. Dictator

    FS: 2 18" Fi BTLs, D3100 battery

    If only they where d1's
  18. Dictator

    FS- Clarion DRZ-9255

    Im a sucker for clarion hu and this thing looks like a beauty!
  19. Dictator

    Sleeping on the Couch

    Ohio alt sweet 169amps WEAK should of went with the mack daddy lol 275! Look good bro.
  20. Dictator

    New member from SC

    Welcome, Florence
  21. Dictator

    fi price change?

    Does the same thing for me thats really whack if they increased the price of it...
  22. Dictator

    FS: 2 18" Fi BTLs, D3100 battery

    Link doesnt work.
  23. Dictator


    Mayhem ?
  24. Dictator

    Free and Fast!!!!

    Nice wish i went with mechman to begin with, Good choice.
  25. Dictator

    Fi frankenstein???

    3k...maybe if the run was only 6ft.