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Everything posted by Dictator

  1. Yeah thats very true about the power. Im just a big crescendo nut hugger. Was wondering if any other product could catch my eye!
  2. Dictator

    Amps for sale Sonido Mask ZX-1500's

    I cant see price.
  3. yeah I hear you M5 I been trolling other car forums for used amps. Just cant find a good amp for the power range I want everything is the big boy amps.
  4. Dictator

    never again will i order from here

    Pointless thread delete this uneducated individual. LAY DOWN THE BAN HAMMER!
  5. Dictator

    Fi X 10s

    some classic x's
  6. Dictator

    Re-Post: Dual 12'' Fi SSD's with cooling - Price Lowered.

    If you ever drop the price to a actually rock bottom deal message me. Meanwhile can it get any cheaper?
  7. Dictator

    Re-Post: Dual 12'' Fi SSD's with cooling - Price Lowered.

    Any cheaper?
  8. Welding wire is fine. Any agm would be fine all great batteries. Optima is just pricey. You could buy a agm extreme from oreillys with a good warranty and less cost!!
  9. Dictator

    want a better system

    better...no idea what we are comparing this too?
  10. Dictator

    Galaxy Note 3 Test w/ box question ~~ AA mayhem

    what's the box specs right now?
  11. Dictator

    3k, 2-12s ICONs or XCONs?

    vote for the xcon..more thermal limit
  12. Dictator

    XCON First Impressions

    xcon is my favorite sounding woofer of all time!!! next woofer in my c4 next.
  13. Dictator

    Do You Trap?

    Trapping animals lol that's what I was thinking.
  14. Dictator

    New ride

    never can go wrong with a wagon put some led lights underneath make that swag wag light up!
  15. Dictator

    Incriminator, PPI, Cadence

    Need separate prices also. Majority of people don't want a package deal!
  16. Dictator

    zcon box rebuild

    Umm zcon size 12,15,18?
  17. Dictator

    zcon vs xcon 18's

    Other then that i say price and instal is the other dependent.
  18. Dictator

    zcon vs xcon 18's

    I say xcon. Zcons like 8cubes net minimum
  19. Dictator

    Getting back into this, need suggestions

    Zcon yum!'makes my ears tickle!
  20. Dictator

    premade speaker pods

    What about using sound deadning to make the pods more dense?
  21. Dictator

    are they worth the price

    I think 400 is more of a better price used and re glued condition. Half of the cost new. Box has no value since its different instal.
  22. Dictator

    are they worth the price

    I think 400 is more of a better price used and re glued condition. Half of the cost new. Box has no value since its different instal.
  23. Dictator

    are they worth the price

    Not so bad!! Its a ok deal!!