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Everything posted by JMigs

  1. JMigs

    inverting the Mag....

    hey I actually talked to him about that very thing today. It would really be just about arranging for you guys to get together for you to have the car. He's a little nervous about driving it a long way due to the whole oil leak and all the crap that it needs. I told him sometimes you work in the area, so maybe someone could bring you and you just take the thing for as long as it takes to rip it all out. Plus, you could listen to it some.
  2. JMigs

    inverting the Mag....

    Sorry...it's really my only attempted claim to fame. Although, I did demo the newer basketed drivers w/the old motor inverted as well. I guess that doesn't count for much. btw, looks pretty nice.
  3. JMigs

    inverting the Mag....

    I beg to differ with the I did it first comment. <--------inverted claw basket on the SI page in 0.7 cubes in the Camaro. But hey, you are rockin' 2 and I wasn't. Oh, btw...Nick, if you read this, I'm gonna call you tomorrow. Please excuse the 3 hour time difference. I still haven't gotten used to Arizona life.
  4. JMigs

    SQL for 12" D2

    Yes, yes.....I'd have to agree that it does. Too bad it wasn't an easy install.
  5. JMigs

    SQL for 12" D2

    Yeah, I'll even go as far as saying to try 1200w in 0.7 cu. ft. I'll vouch for SQ with the ability to get plenty loud.
  6. JMigs

    Since you all love them so much!

    I agree Jordan.... <------Running his claw Mag inverted since its inauguration. PS--it does look nice inverted. good pics
  7. JMigs


    I wouldn't listen much to Nick on fiberglass-related posts.....I don't think he's used it much. Definitely go mat and not cloth. Or, go cloth and resin, and then find out that mat was the way to go. It's whatever order you'd like to go in really.
  8. JMigs

    Happy B-day Nick

    I called ya last night to tell ya happy b-day man, but as usual phone tag sucks my arse. Hope it was a good one.
  9. JMigs

    Dual 12" Mag D2 in my camaro

    you shouldn't have a problem in that hatch....trust me, anything's possible in there. You can go big, or you can put a single d2 in about 1 cu. ft. and it will still blow your mind. I wouldn't know about that 1 cu. ft. thing, though. josh
  10. JMigs

    I feel bad for my Mag...

    Yeah, I would say that the red Explorer was decently loud. I can still smell the resin now, hollis.
  11. pretty nice install man....
  12. JMigs

    T-shirts are here!!!

    Watch "Boogie Nights" and you'll understand. ...you don't even have to watch the whole movie...just the begining where "Buck" is trying to sell a stereo. "...the in-house modification will give you an extra quad per channel...and belive me, you need the bass" is paraphrasedl, but really really funny.
  13. JMigs

    Are the comps available yet?

    As of now the components are gone. Comp's are only made as they are needed / desired for personal friends. I need to update the web page, but since I don't have a computer of my own, things have been a bit slow. *Edit* This is Nick (Electrodynamic) on Josh's computer.
  14. JMigs

    Vitamin D2!!

    ahhh yes the f-body hatch......man o' man do I love trying to get creative with those things. Lookin' good man.
  15. JMigs

    My kicks

    sure thing buuuuudddy. Just bring 'em on and we'll give 'em the full treatment. I've still got a lot of sandpaper left I believe.
  16. JMigs

    My kicks

    hmmm....didn't know you called me at all. My cell phone perhaps? I was having some trouble with it at one point. I have no idea when ya called....otherwise, I would've called ya back. They do look real nice though.
  17. JMigs

    My kicks

    looks pretty good man.....beginning to bring back some memories
  18. JMigs

    302's (edit: 307's)

    I'd almost bet the 45 extra that it costs that the 307's will outshine the Hex's....but then again I've never heard the Hex's....pure speculation here.
  19. JMigs

    302's (edit: 307's)

    I, for one would never ever ever ever ever put 307's in my car....I wouldn't build kicks for them...I wouldn't sand on the kicks for a week straight in a dorm laundry room until I couldn't breathe....and I surely wouldn't wet-sand primer until I could see my reflection before even paining them. You're much better off with some type R's yo. But yeah, seriously though....307's are great. I have 'em mated with a D2 12 and they are just the best of buds.
  20. JMigs

    Poll for equipment in my car

    thank you Clarkie. There is no question. There's also no question that 2 8's and a 15 probably won't fit in there. switchable is most cool for demo-ing the thing. I mean c'mon...what other choice do ya have here, Nick......NONE!
  21. JMigs

    Poll for equipment in my car

    If you've got the power...definitely go with the switching. It's a no-brainer to me. Then again, isn't everything?
  22. JMigs

    What I've been busy with

    ooh...ooh...ooh....I know! I know! err....I think I know that is.
  23. JMigs

    SI 8" pictures

    holy cow my monitor is dark....can't hardly see it. Man it blows.
  24. JMigs

    For those so eager....

    I know the feeling bud....but lemme tell ya one thing. It took me nearly two years at school with Nick to decide what to get, purchase it all, and install it. At first it was leaning toward a GZ nuke or some GZ product. Nick kept saying...just wait until the Mag comes out and then try it. All the while, I'm printing out things on the net everyday and showing Nick, whether it was components, amps, subs, etc. just because I was that impatient. That being said, it pays off in the end getting what you truly want in the first place. Especially if you're like me and don't have money coming out every pore of your body. Stick with your guns and do it right the first time. Then tweak and make it perfect. It will be the hardest thing to do, but it will surely be the most rewarding. It was for me. josh
  25. JMigs

    Is this too much?

    I've got 1200 going to 1 12" and it shines.....of courese I don't crank it constantly with that. It's just there if I need it. Just be a lil kind to your D2 and you'll be good with that amp. josh