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Everything posted by JMigs

  1. JMigs

    YEAH BABY!!!

    looks awesome...still actually haven't even seen one yet, so I'm jealous. Makes me want one! Josh
  2. JMigs

    Every 15 was shipped

    No no Clarke...strength in numbers buddy. You'll have to just come here. I'm proud of ya Nick...keep up the good work, and I'll give you a call this weekend and maybe we can hang a bit before we come back up here. I'd love to hear that 15 some time. Josh
  3. Yes, they will handle more than their recommended power rating quite nicely. You should be fine....if you get a little scared, just bump that gain down a tad. Josh (1000+ watts to a D2)
  4. JMigs

    low end comparison

    this would again be dealing with mainly resonance, along with increasing what the sub thinks is the box volume. josh
  5. JMigs

    low end comparison

    if you think that Infinity is low....your definition of the word will be changed after hearing a D2....I can promise you that! After my install, we were amazed at just how low it would get in the car. Nick actually said that it was the lowest he's ever heard the D2 get....try some Telarc Jurrasic Lunch and wait for those stomps....you won't hear 'em, but you'll damn sure feel 'em. Now that's low folks. Josh
  6. JMigs

    Lets Represent

    trust me, it does very well with ~1000 watts. You won't even need that much....or at least I don't anyways. But, it's always nice to have it to spare. Cleanest sub I've ever heard hands down. And talk about loud.....goood laaaawwwd. Josh (~1200 watts sealed)
  7. JMigs

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    bigger george: Yeah, I have a '03 v6 w/sport package that's white. And definitely get the Mag...you won't be disappointed...plus it's always nice when someone asks you, "what the hell is that? and it's one 12 !?! that kills my blah blah blah!" Josh
  8. JMigs

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    ahhh....just checking. I just got one in October....got excited when I saw it on your sig. And no, Clarke, it's not getting a 15 in it. Josh
  9. JMigs

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    Bigger George, you have a Mazda 6??
  10. JMigs

    Lets Represent

    Shirt and stickers here....I'll hafta take pics of the semi "ghost" sticker on the maro... Nick, you've never seen it in all its glory either. Josh
  11. JMigs

    1 Mag 12 does a 150.8 dB!

    wow.....very very impressive. but of course you all do know that the thing won't get low at all. hmmm:) Josh ps: mine get's plenty loud for 1 12...doesn't it Nick?
  12. JMigs

    12 or 15's?

    Yeah....you think you've heard tight, low bass.....then you hear a Magnum. And your definition just changed. Josh
  13. JMigs


    That 97 Camaro, I believe, is mine. The Peerless mids do an amazing job, and they are the Autosound 6.5's, model # 850518. The midrange in the 307's will blow you away....flat flat flat they are. They will get pretty dog gone low. Josh
  14. JMigs


    What's up all....nice to see this forum. I have the 307's and I must say they are killer...ask Nick, Jacob, Hoss for the input on 'em...couldn't be more happier. And yes, they are wonderful in kicks. Josh Check 'em out