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Everything posted by ExclusiveRA

  1. ExclusiveRA

    BIG 3

  2. I just installed a hifonics Zeus zrx3000.1d. I was wondering if a 4 gauge big 3 upgrade would help with the light dimming and give the amp more consistent power? Any ideas? If so, I saw on knukon
  3. I just installed a hifonics Zeus zrx3000.1d. I was wondering if a 4 gauge big 3 upgrade would help with the light dimming and give the amp more consistent power? Any ideas? If so, I saw on knukonCeptz.com that they had 4 gauge wire for 95 cents per foot.
  4. ExclusiveRA

    BIG 3

    ok.. i will try to get the welding cable but is it flexible? Also, how many feet do you suggest?
  5. ExclusiveRA


    Im looking to do a whole electrical upgrade to prep for a fi sp415 strapped to a 3000 watt amp (Thinking maybe crescendo or hifonics). My question is what size alternator do you think would efficient. Im struggling finding any good info on high output alternators. I plan to big 3 and maybe get a second battery depending on if i need one. Oh ya the car is a 2002 accord. 2.3l
  6. ExclusiveRA


    I actually emailed an inquire earlier. He did indeed respond quickly. He said that the alternator they make for my car is 200a. 409$ shipped
  7. ExclusiveRA


    You can just ask for a bigger pulley and it will have enough RPM if that actually is a problem. For 3000W i would suggest a 250amp alternator at least, because it seems normal to me that you'll have a other 2 or 4channel amp for your mids and highs. Here are a few questions for you to answer -Do you want to be able to run it for hours or only for a short demo? -Do you want to upgrade later? -How much are you willing to spend? -How many batteries do you have or will you have? (i see 2, but which ones?) I want to be able to run it for hours. Yes I will eventually just keep adding to the system Money- Im not to sure on a budget yet. Just simply looking to price everything and go from there Batteries- thinking maybe going xs power
  8. ExclusiveRA

    New Set Up

    Im looking to do a set up for a 2002 honda accord 4 door. Im willing to take in all advice to how i should go about it. Im interested in getting the Fi Audio SP4 but open to suggestions. Thinking about powering it with a crescendo amp possibly. I also want the set up to sound as clean and clear as possible. It will be a daily driver set up with the possibility of some local spl contests. Let me know what you think or what you have done.
  9. ExclusiveRA

    Subwoofer Chirp

    My subs chirp when my car is started but not when it is off but the head unit is on and i cannot figure out what it is. I checked the ground and that is good. Also, my power is good. Any ideas what it might be?
  10. ExclusiveRA

    Subwoofer Chirp

    Thanks. I think I'm going to try the ground loop isolator and see if that fixes the problem.
  11. ExclusiveRA

    Subwoofer Chirp

    Also when i looked at the amp one of the terminals and the wire had burned a little bit.. What could cause that?
  12. ExclusiveRA

    Subwoofer Chirp

    The amp is a planet audio which I'm looking to upgrade and the rca's are cheap ones that came with a kit and the main speakers are not making the noise. Its just the subs that do it when the car is running. I tried messing around with it today i checked the ground for the head unit which was good and i reground the amp. Im almost convinced that it is the rca's because once the rca's are unplugged the noise stops. Any input will definitely help!
  13. Has anyone used this amp before? Im looking for a new amp to run my 2 12 inch pioneer ts-w3002d4 subs at 1 ohm. Subs are 1000 rms each.
  14. ExclusiveRA

    Subwoofer Chirp

    So i disconnected the rca's and the chirping stops, so its not the amp. Im running the traditional set up. Power line connected to battery under the hood. Ground connected to metal in the trunk. 2 12s on a 2600 watt amp. The problem is though is that the subs play a kind of popping noise when the volume is low or at zero which is what i am noticing. But it only does it when the engine is running.
  15. ExclusiveRA

    Box Build

    I want to build a box for 2 12 inch pioneer ts 3002d4 subs. Any ideas to where i can find either a blueprint or measurements for a box?
  16. ExclusiveRA

    Sub box

    I want to build a box for my 2 12's. I want it to be ported but I'm having a really hard time finding a diagram or blue print. The recommended enclosure according to the website is .5 to 1 cu ft. Kinda confused as to what that means.
  17. ExclusiveRA

    Sub box

    2 pioneer ts 3002d4
  18. ExclusiveRA

    Box Build

    Recommended Enclosure 0.5 to 1.0 cu. ft. i took that off the website and to be honest i don't know what it means
  19. ExclusiveRA

    Box Build

    must be ported
  20. ExclusiveRA

    agm battery

    Do you have to charge the agm batteries or does it run off the alternator?
  21. ExclusiveRA


    my hpf is turned all the way down which i guess would be 45
  22. ExclusiveRA


    At low volume my subs really hit hard but it seems as if the higher the volume the less of that deep bass i can hear/feel. My head unit goes to volume 62. At 40 i can really hear the deep notes. Should i tune subs for the lower volume and just not turn it up passed that?
  23. ExclusiveRA


    heres another pic
  24. ExclusiveRA


    def not lol my box looks like this